This is a poem about Allen Walker, his past, present and his prayers for the future. If the words 'The 14th' mean nothing to you, then don't read. I hate giving away spoilers. This is something that had been inside my head for a while. The next one is a Kanda poem.

I don't own -man, otherwise, I would have stopped from shortening the name to -man.

Thrown away as an infant, I was sure,
That soon I would be knocking on heaven's door,
But as I rose myself from the floor,
I knew that I was meant for more.

I fought and I survived,
I was just barely alive,
I hoped help would arrive,
Then came a Pierrot, an angel in disguise.

Alas, our time was short,
He was the one Death had caught,
"Keep walking forward" he said, his breath expensively bought,
But I could not, never was I so distraught.

At that point, I joined hands with darkness,
Only thinking about my happiness,
It soon became a horrific mess,
Which I could not put down to rest.

The demon crept forward, and cursed my eye,
The darkness smiled, and ordered me to die,
I watched the soul writhe and cry,
I closed my eyes, my silent goodbye.

The power inside led me to today,
It killed the demon, and sent him away,
I understand now, that I need to repay,
That terrible debt I owed him that day.

That was my quest from then on,
To undo my terrible wrong,
I gained friends, who kept me strong,
I found a place where I belonged.

But now my comrades pass me,
Wondering if I am ally or enemy,
The evil inside, it stays under lock and key,
Until a day, when it will be set free.

I pray to God, to keep me pure,
To bring me salvation, to give a cure,
Because I don't know how much I can endure,
Before I am tempted into the Noah's lure.

"Please God, keep me pure."

I hope you liked it, because it doesn't take long to press that Review button down there. You know you want to push it...