It's indigo.

Left to right, I rolled my head on my arm. I pursed my lips and stared intently at the hand-size cube that just stayed still on its place - it seems as if it's challenging me, that little hole was staring back. Since Hayato had left the room, I refused to do anything else but try to bore another hole on the box. The ring looked simple and its colours were compatible with the box beside it. This must mean that it's a matching accessory and it's fashionable in this time? Wow.

Touching it was fine but bringing it into my hand was out of the question. My own flesh seems to tremble when I try to embrace it with my fingers. I was unsure of my feelings as the box seems to exude something mystical, something very new to me. And that's not something easy to be used to.

It's a pretty indigo.

"Time is running, Elena. Just poke around with the damn thing! It's a toy!" I quietly scolded myself.

I obeyed myself and snatched both items off the table, I felt grateful to myself when succeeding. Before I started examining the box, I inserted the ring into a fitting finger and nothing strange happened. The box was interestingly plain. But I couldn't open the box even when there was a hole to help me to do it. A groaned slipped out after the tenth attempt. This thing will soon break if I do anymore.

If these two were a matching accessory then what matches them together?

My head tilted up at the thought. Rolling my eyes from the ring and to the box, I've noticed something that fits. I slotted in the gem of the ring into the hole then it was followed by light erupting into view. The brilliant intensity blinded my sight and it made me push myself away but, forgetting that I was seated down, I roughly tumbled backwards. When the light slowly subsided, my eyes blurred and adjusted from the tremor, making them water and sting.

After violent rubbing, I found an animal on its four legs, staring at me with dusky eyes and panting hastily with its tongue gangling loosely like a rope. Whether my eyes were fooling me or not, it seems to be smugly grinning at me as if I looked very funny to it. How insulting.

"What are you looking at, punk?" I spat threateningly. "Do I look funny to you?"

It laughed hoarsely. I tasted a tang of offence from it.

"Why are you laughing? Just because I'm only wearing a dress shirt, doesn't mean it's worth laughing at. Get a better sense of humour!"

It replied with the similar action as before.

"Tough guy."

During an intense, one-sided, staring contest, Hayato re-entered the room. I didn't dare look away as this little competition between me and this dog meant our pride and dignity - one of us has to lose them, it's like a situation of life and… tomfoolery.

"What's happening?" Hayato asked.

Our little competition ended and both of us swatted our heads towards the incomer.

"What is this thing?" I screamed.

The older man sighed, breathing out his exasperation. "A hyena, Elena. A hyena."

"Why is there a hyena living inside a box? Is this a…" - realisation had struck - "Realistic hologram!"

I've seen holograms before, but they were all motionless that they could be grouped with statues. This animal, however, moves like life. Its behaviour was convincingly animalistic, except that it seems tamed and trained. The details were fantastic, they actually appear genuine, and I could detect no blurs no matter how many times I blink. The future is amazing.

Hayato's reaction seems to oppose to my assumption. He found the box on the floor and held it out to the hyena. Indigo light consumed the animal before it was sucked into the box. Then, he started to explain.

I could only open my mouth.

"Oh," I said. "It's a bit complicated but I get it."

That hyena was a 'box animal', according to Hayato. A weapon created by different geniuses that uses our Dying Will Flames as a source. When activated, a unique type of weapon is released to be used - and lately, weapons designs are mostly inspired by animals (which gives them the name Box Animals).

The technology to create things like this was complicated, but Hayato managed to explain even though I couldn't understand. I could only grasp the simpler sentences and just hang onto it until the next comprehensible line comes. I felt inferior but I reminded myself that our age difference was a big leap - he's a mature adult and I'm a hormonal adolescent.

I asked the Smokin' Bomb if this 'pet' of mine owned a name. He disappointed me with the answer of 'no'. What have I become in the future? I'm so lazy that I couldn't even name my own pet.

During that conversation, I predicted that Hayato would leave again afterwards. He seem to have no business with me, his face refuse to even show a slight interest, and it's setting me on edge. But his eyes stayed on me, expectant of something. Was it for me to 'poof' back to the past? Staring back was the only thing I could do to respond.

And, speaking of the past, I've been here for quite a while now.

My mouth eventually spat at him, "What are you looking at?" Things were getting too awkward to bear.

He sighed, standing from his seat. "Aren't you going to write about this? In your book or have you not got it?"

"I got it. But it's back home in the past, at Namimori. When you were a punk and talked more than now, the future-Hayadera." Just then, a sense of thrill rocketed into my mood, exploded and showered at me like rain. "Do you know where my book is now?"

He cracked a smirk.

"Every month, you change the location of your book. It could be in the Vongola and Cavallone territory, our houses - even Lambo's - here or wherever. I don't really understand why it's so important that it has to be moved a lot."

I felt through the inked pages, turning every page with utmost care. It was nerve-wreaking how ripping a page could affect my past. I'm not sure how it was going to happen, but the instinct of an educated modern human was at work.

With every sheet of paper appearing in great state, I could imagine myself as an organised female Mafioso, and with every sheet of paper all having organised notes, I could see myself having so much spare time to waste. My straight lips curved. My future life - is it that great? What route have I taken to get such a wonderful lifestyle?

"I'm so… neat and organised here," I murmured, amazed. "Why?"

Hayato looked over my head and reluctantly replied, "You grew up."

I frowned. "What are you trying to say? The pages that are mostly up-to-date are the neat ones."

He mimicked my face. "You grew up late."

Today. It must be today. More than two days had been given - and no changes. The taste of blues was making me nauseous to an extent that I dread to see the next sunrise, and even Hayato's face. It must be quite early to be off-colour but this grey box they call hideout is making me rather claustrophobic. But the place was of a mansion's size.

"Live and stay on low profile until you're sent back eventually," said the man, brushing back his hair. Then he scratched his scalp.

Without the need of his voice, I knew that he was aware of how troubling the situation must be. My sudden appearance was rather normal, seeing as I was a mafia (and I was in a near presence of Lambo being in Namimori), but the long-term stay was rather worrying because there was a risk that this was going affecting both past and future.

It makes me even more depressed that I'm one of the major causes of this trouble. "You say the same thing," I groaned, shivering as I laid my eyes on his never-changing face.

Hayato reached under his suit, between his fingers appeared a familiar trademark of his that made me shudder. A lighter appeared on his other hand. He flicked his thumb until a spark burned into a smooth flame. He lifted the stick over the flame and a terrible stench of stress blew into the air.

I wanned, "You still smoke in the future?"

His head whipped towards me as his occupied hands lowered away from his face. "I don't smoke."

That was his answer.

Should I say once again that I should cherish my last hours? But maybe I'll end up back on this bed again when the moon materialises, finishing the day with a longing feeling with a bitter taste of homesickness.

"I don't smoke."

"'I don't smoke'," I mimicked mockingly.

I'm in a desperately constant need of proper rest, company and a bit of love because this place happens to be a void of nothing. Despite the comfortable beds that were available, I was restless and, frankly, bored rigid. My muscles ached for real physical activity other than walking, running and failed parkour moves - they lacked adrenaline and fun. I'm a teenager, for goodness sake!

"Hypocrite!" I screamed.

I had nothing better to do but criticise Hayato in any way I could find.


My aged brain failed to react actively. These idle eyes of mine could only roll to the side and wait for the misty smoke to subside. My interest was then irked when the smoke started to decline and a recognisable figure popped into view, so I narrowed my eyes.

Hope began to well up inside me like my surging tears.

I am not alone now.

This is the one I wished for the most.

Author's Note:

Quotes: Indigo is the colour of infinity; Used for healing, sleeping, inner harmony and rest; Indigo symbolises the crown chakra, Zodiac sign Capricorn, wounded pride, and the last twilight…'

'Indigo can be narrow-minded, intolerant and prejudice.'