Resonance of the Soul: Thousand Year Redemption.

Welcome to Resonance of the Soul: Thousand Year Redemption. Personally, I like to think of this as a rewrite of Reizod's fic, Shinigami Chronicles. But it's probably more accurate to say that this fic was inspired by Shinigami Chronicles. I warn you that this work has some dark themes, and is not for the faint of heart. But there will be a happy ending, after great trails and tribulation. If you still want to read it after this, then you've taken your first step on a journey that will twist the very fabric of nature, just kidding about that part. But I do hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it. And now the disclaimer that must be part of all fanfiction, lest we incur the ire of the original authors.

Legal Stuff: I do not own Soul Eater or Bleach. They are the respective works of Tite Kubo and Atsushi Okubo. It is with great pride and humility that I combine your great works into this story, and hope that you like it if ever you read it.


Ichigo left the realm of sleep very reluctantly, his trademark scowl in place as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Damn sun. sometimes I wonder if it wants to make my mornings miserable," he muttered as he headed to the door, planning for a warm shower to fully wake him; but as it seemed the universe loved nothing more than using him as its whipping boy, he got the last thing he wanted as the thing that fully woke him, a foot to the face.

"GOOD MORNING, ICHIGO!" Came the extremely loud voice of none other than Isshin Kurosaki as he removed his heel from his son's face, only to receive a fist to every man's most prized jewels.

"WHAT THE HELL, OLD MAN? WHAT KIND OF FATHER KICKS HIS SON IN THE FACE IN THE MORNING?" The incensed teen yelled at his father, who was now on the floor nursing his nuts and pride.

"OH MASAKI! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SUCH A SON?" Isshin yelled out to the poster of his late wife as Ichigo stormed past him to the bathroom.

"Damn it! Why do I have to put up with this?" Ichigo asked the wall as he showered, letting the warm water slide over his body, relaxing his tense muscles.

After finishing his shower, Ichigo dressed and went downstairs for breakfast, blocking a kick from his father and punching him in the face before sitting down.

"Good morning, Ichigo," Yuzu said in her usual cheerful voice as she set his breakfast in front of him.

"Morning, Yuzu," Ichigo said, eating silently.

"Why so quiet, Ichigo?" Karin asked, wearing a scowl similar to her brother's.

"I just don't feel like talking," Ichigo said. "What's there to talk about?"

"Your new girlfriend, maybe?" Rukia suggested from her seat across from Ichigo.

"Ichigo got a girlfriend?" Isshin asked in shock. "MY SON IS BECOMING A MAN AT LAST! WHO IS SHE ICHIGO? WHO WILL BECOME MY FOURTH DAUGHTER?" he asked before getting kicked in the nuts by Ichigo. "Why is my son so cruel to me?" he asked as he fell over, gingerly holding his nuts.

"What do you mean fourth daughter, old man?" Ichigo asked.

"I consider Rukia to be my third daughter," Isshin said.

"Come on, Ichigo. Who's your new girlfriend?" Karin asked, wearing a devious grin.

"It's Tatsuki," Ichigo said simply, quickly finishing his breakfast and grabbing his bag. "Let's go Rukia."

Rukia grabbed her bag and followed Ichigo out the door.

"So, Tatsuki huh?" Rukia asked, a sly grin on her face.

"Jealous?" Ichigo asked, giving her a grin as he glanced at her.

"No, of course not!" Rukia said, blushing.

"Oh, right. You're in love with Renji," Ichigo said, making Rukia blush even more. "Come on, admit it."

"I'm not in love with him!" Rukia said, her blush covering her entire face.

"Have you told him yet?" Ichigo asked, liking how flustered Rukia was getting, and did not like the blow to his head from the shorter woman's fist.

"I am not in love with him!" Rukia insisted, shaking her fist in a way that made Ichigo wonder if the red in her face was now from anger or embarrassment.

"Alright alright!" Ichigo said, rubbing the spot she hit.

After that little bit of banter, they met up with Tatsuki and Orihime.

"Hey Ichigo, Rukia," Tatsuki said before leaning up and kissing her new boyfriend, who returned the kiss with just as much love and affection.

"Hey Tatsuki, Orihime," Ichigo said after he and Tatsuki pulled apart, smiling at the woman he'd come to love.

As they walked to school, Ichigo noticed a raven on the roof of a building. 'That's weird. What's a raven doing in Karakura Town?' he thought, not noticing Tatsuki snapping her fingers in his face.

"Ichigo!" Tatsuki said, managing to get his attention.

"Oh, sorry, spaced out," Ichigo said, looking again and finding the raven gone. 'Must have been seeing things,' he concluded to himself as they reached Karakura High.

"Hey, Ichigo! Congrats on getting with Tatsuki," Keigo said as the group was waiting for class to start.

"Thanks, Keigo," Ichigo said. He couldn't help but smile, closing his eyes for a moment, and in that moment, everything changed. The chatting of his classmates stopped, and the air was instead rent by a hollow's roar, making Ichigo open his eyes, and wish he hadn't.

The room was coated in blood; the blood of his classmates and friends. All of them except for Uryu, Chad, Orihime, Tatsuki, and Rukia, were dead in pools of their own blood. Alarmed, Ichigo pulled his badge from his pocket and ditched his body, heading outside in soul reaper form, finding a huge battle going on in the middle of Karakura Town. Innocents lay dead in the streets, buildings in ruins.

"Ironic, don't you think?" a familiar voice asked from behind Ichigo.

Ichigo turned and found himself face to face with none other than Sosuke Aizen. "Aizen!" he snarled, drawing Zangetsu and summoning his bankai and hollow mask. "You can't be here!" he snarled, his voice distorted by the hollowfication. "I killed you myself!"

"That is very true. I did indeed perish by your hand," Aizen said, remaining calm. "It's ironic. You killed me, expecting peace to come of it, but instead, the very power you gained in order to strike me down, gave rise to chaos far greater than what I caused."

"That's not true! You're full of it!" Ichigo yelled.

"Face it, we're not so different, you and I," Aizen said.

"We're nothing alike!" Ichigo snarled.

"Oh but we are," Aizen said. "We both caused great conflict with our power and decisions," he said with his characteristic calm.

"You're wrong!" Ichigo yelled. "You used your power for yourself! I used my power to protect the people I care about!"

"To protect?" Aizen asked, slightly amused. "Your power drove one of your friends to die trying to prove that he was superior to you. Your best friend became a vasto lorde and you were forced to kill him yourself. And the one you fought hardest to protect took her own life, which made your lover turn her back on you," Aizen said.

Ichigo faltered, Aizen's words cutting far deeper than Kyoka Suigetsu's blade.

"Do you understand now?" Aizen asked. "One way, or another, your power has destroyed all that you love."

With that, Ichigo truly awoke from his slumber, sitting up with a cold sweat and panting, looking at the door as it opened, revealing the one man he had been able to turn to for help.

"It's time," Urahara said, none of his usual jovial personality present.

"Right," Ichigo said just as somberly as he stood and followed Urahara to the underground training room.

"I recalibrated my Senkaimon to take us to the sealing area," Urahara said as Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu made the final preparations.

"It's ready, Mr. Urahara," Ururu said in her usual soft tone.

"Alright, let's get going," Urahara said as he opened the Senkaimon.

"Farewell, Ichigo. This is probably the last time our paths will ever cross," Tessai said.

"Goodbye, Ichigo. We'll never forget you," Ururu said, on the verge of tears as Jinta put a hand on her shoulder.

"Get going already. Never was a fan of long goodbyes," Jinta said, his words harsh, but his tone betraying his sorrow at seeing the substitute soul reaper leave for good.

"Yeah, neither am I," Ichigo said, following Urahara into the Senkaimon, saying only one word before it closed behind them. "Goodbye."

A few minutes later, Ichigo and Urahara were walking down the steps that would take them to the sealing chamber Urahara had built deep underground.

"You sure you want to do this, Ichigo?" Urahara asked. "You can still back out."

"I know, but my mind's made up. I want to be sealed," Ichigo said. "All my friends are dead and the girl I loved hates me.


Ichigo and his friends raced through the sands of Hueco Mundo's endless desert to reach Uryu, but found nothing but his shattered glasses, his Quincy cross, and a letter.

"We're too late," Rukia muttered as Ichigo opened the letter and read it aloud.

"My friends, if you're reading this, then I've been killed by hollows. I wanted to prove that I was superior to Ichigo. Speaking of whom, if he's there with you, then know that I hate you with every fiber of my being, Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo, needless to say, was deeply hurt by the revelation that Uryu, who he had considered a close friend, had hated him so much.

(end flashback)

"And to make things worse, Ryuken blamed you for Uryu's death," Urahara said.

"And things only went downhill from there," Ichigo said.


Ichigo stood over the fallen vasto lorde, tears on the edges of his eyes because of who the hollow had once been.

"Damn it, Chad! This wasn't supposed to happen! We were supposed to fight for each other! Risk our lives for whatever the other would risk his life to protect!" He yelled, the tears finally falling, and his belief in power to protect beginning to crumble, little by little.

(end flashback)

"I still carry his coin," Ichigo said, touching a fingertip to the coin on the necklace he now wore.

"Then we lost Renji and Rukia," Urahara said.


Ichigo raced toward Sogyoku Hill, cutting down any foe in his path, only to be greeted by the sight of Renji and Rukia, his best friends since Chad and Uryu died, dead in a mixed pool of their blood, in each others' arms. Leaving the young substitute distraught, grief stricken at his own powerlessness. And as his cry of sorrow rent the air, his belief in power to protect began crumbling faster.

(end flashback)

"But none of it compared to that day," Ichigo said.


Ichigo ran as fast as his flash steps could carry him, only to arrive in time to see Orihime reject her own existence, the Shun Shun Rikka falling to the ground, left behind. But even that could do nothing but magnify the final blow.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Ichigo would have brushed off the yell, had it not come from Tatsuki. The woman he loved was glaring at him, tears in her eyes. "Orihime took her own life because of you! If you didn't have all that power! If you'd never met her! Then she'd still be alive! None of this would have happened!" she screamed at him, holding the hairpins that held the Shun Shun Rikka.

"Tatsuki..." Ichigo felt his heart cracking.

"Shut up!" Tatsuki yelled. "I hate you! I HATE YOU, ICHIGO KUROSAKI!" she screamed before running away from him.

"Tatsuki..." Ichigo dropped to his knees, his heart broken, along with his belief in power to protect.

(end flashback)

At that moment, Ichigo and Urahara reached the chamber.

"Sit on the altar with your sword across your lap. I'll do the rest," Urahara said.

Ichigo nodded and sat crossleged on the altar, his blade across his lap. "Do it."

Urahara nodded and began the chant that would seal Ichigo.

Ichigo felt the seal start taking effect as his spiritual pressure began to wane as various chains and sutras emerged from the altar and bound him, his power waning even further, and his eyelids getting heavy as the seal pushed him toward a dreamless slumber.

Urahara felt the last of Ichigo's power be contained by the seal as he finished the chant, and just before Ichigo fell into his slumber, uttered one final word to his former pupil. "Farewell.


And there's the prologue, hope it ensnared you enough to continue reading. Until next chapter, I bid you all a most respectful farewell.