Title: All Around Me

Authour: Bloodredribbon

Disclaimer: No own

AN: This has been bugging me for a llooooonnnnnggggg time and I finally decided to do something about it!


Hey! Eerie Iri here. ^_^ Just to let you guys know, I've adopted this story, so from chapter four and on, the chapters will be written by me. Chapters 1-3 are have been written by Bloodredribbon. ^_^

When the Ark arrived carrying more Autobot's Sam didn't think much of the new mechs being touchy feely with him. He was used to being coddled by the First Arrivals and let it be. After a while though, the teen started to notice little things that happened when any 'Bot was in his presence. The way their optics would focus intensely on him when he entered a room. Whenever he would want to leave the Ark, they would ask a million questions. Always making sure he was comfortable and not in want of anything. The list could go on and on.

As much as Sam enjoyed it, he was still curious as to why the mechs were acting the way they were around him. The few times he asked the question was either ignored (Ironhide), diverted to a new topic (Jazz), or just stammered out an excuse and ran (Bluestreak). The teen dropped it after a week of asking and forgot all about it for a while.

Sam realized too late that mechs gossip like teenage girls and was cornered one day in the Rec-Room a few weeks later.

It started like a usual day with him getting up from his own room on the Ark, getting breakfast, taking care of his hygiene and being driven to high school by Jazz this time. The Autobot's each liked taking turns taking him to and from school. School was the same, apart from it being his senior year, Miles blissfully unaware of the existence of giant alien robots, and Mikaela draped all over Trent.

Yes Mikaela, the woman of his dreams. What the teen came to acknowledge was that the relationship with Mikaela was basically nonexistent from the start, of course there was that spark in the beginning, but Sam knew it was the adrenaline and fear mixing while running for your lives. After the battle at Mission City and they both went back to school, Mikaela went right back to Trent.

It disgusted the teen that he was blinded by his 'love' for her for all of these years and did not see the truth. Hopefully the Autobot's would not find out what exactly happened between him and Mikaela, Sam wasn't quite sure what they would do to her or Trent the bully for that matter.

With a shake of his head to dispel the depressing thoughts, Sam opened the passenger door to Wheeljack and plopped into the heated seat. The amber-eyes boy smiled in thanks at the Engineer's holo-form, it was December after all. The re-head smiled back and took off to the Ark hidden underground in the Nevada desert.

"How was school and you have two weeks off for this 'Winter Vacation' right?" The teen gave a shrug at the question. "Hell ya! It took long enough to get here. School was boring as usual. The stuff I hear you or any other of the science 'Bots take about totally blows away anything they could teach me." Wheeljack gave Sam a curious look and the teen started to talk about what they teach him in school compared to what the 'Bots know. The whole conversation lasted them the hour it took to get to the Ark.

They entered through the security gates surrounding the abandoned base and parked on the runway. Wheeljack sent out a coded signal and they started to descend underground. Sam got out of the green and white Bugatti Veyron and the mech transformed.

"Well I'm glad that the topics the other scientist and I talk about do not bore you Sam." The teen looked up and gave the Engineer a blinding smile. "You guys can never bore me." Wheeljack's fins glowed a faint pink in embarrassment and Sam laughed. The lift finally stopped and the 17 year old darted out and started to run down the length of the tunnel leading to the Ark's entrance.

The entrance opened before Sam neared it and when the adolescent ran through he waved at the camera situated on the outside. "Thanks Red!" In the surveillance room, the Security Chief had a small smile on his face. Wheeljack just laughed at the teen's enthusiasm and passed through the massive doors, after he was though, Red Alert closed and locked them.

Sam was already at the Rec-Room playing a video game with Ironhide and Bluestreak's holo's by the time Wheeljack made it there. Ironhide's was the perfect image of Military, while Bluestreak's was the total opposite. Jazz, Hound, and Trailbreaker where at a table off-shift drinking Energon and the masked mech joined them.

"I'm still kind of sad I wasn't able to pick up Sam today." Jazz gave the scouts shoulder a pat. "Well you have no roof and it is getting colder, wouldn't want our sweet spark to get sick." Trailbreaker slapped a hand over the Saboteur's mouth and looked suspiciously over at the human. Luckily Sam was too engrossed in his game to hear Jazz's slip-up. The Pontiac Solstice swatted the servo away. Hound frowned.

"You know he doesn't know Jazz." Jazz's visor flickered in annoyance.

"Well he needs to know. Some of us will give in sooner or later." Right after that sentence, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe strode in and headed straight for Sam, Ironhide, and Bluestreak. The four mechs at the table gave each other worried looks and Jazz commed Ironhide.

:Hey, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe heading your way.:

:Great, just what we need…:

The Weapons Specialist's towering holo-form situated itself a little closer to Sam and waited for the Twins. Sunstreaker noticed the movement first and nudged his brother who looked and started to snicker.

:Does that old rust bucket really think that he could stop both of us?:

:I would pay to see his facial expression if you said that to his face.:

Two holo-forms fizzled to life as the mech form's of the Lamborghini's sat themselves off on a table of their own. Ironhide's holo-form glared suspiciously as the two sat themselves close to the human.

"Sam! How are you on this fine and glorious day?" Sam just stared at Sideswipe's rarely used holo-form. Red hair stuck in each direction and dark blue eyes were locked onto his own amber ones.

"Fine I guess?" Sunstreaker snorted and slung a muscled arm around the human's shoulder. Sam tensed up and glanced uneasily first at the blonde Sunstreaker, than the other mechs in the room. The four that were still at the table glanced at each other. Jazz decided to comm Prowl, Optimus, and Ratchet incase things got ugly. And ugly it did get.

When asked of it Ratchet later in the Med-Bay, Sam could not for the life of him understand what motivated the Twin's to do what they did. All the teen knew was that Bluestreak left in a nervous rush, Ironhide tensed next to him, and chaos erupted.

"Sam, I think I'm going to tell you something that should have been told to you when he first met you. Hopefully this will explain why those fraggin' twins decided to molest you." Sam kept silent and the CMO took this as his queue to continue.

"I believe when your ancestor Archibald Witwicky touched Megatron that fateful day, not only did the coordinates of the Allspark engrave into his glasses, but a type of essence detached from the tyrant and decided to reside in him dormant for the time being. This essence was passed on from generation to generation till you came along. When I scanned you the night that we first met, I did not only find that your pheromone levels were high, but that essence was active. Somehow this triggers a certain program in all Cybertronian's to act a certain way around you." A pale face stared at Ratchet's own and the Medic could day uncertainty and a little bit of fear in the gaze.

"So you are telling me that I have some type of alien energy in me that basically makes any mech I come across to MOLEST ME?" Ratchet winced at the last few shrieked words.

"In a 'nut-shell' as you humans like to say." The human whipped his head around to stare at the newly arrived mech in stunned belief.

"You knew too? What the hell man! Don't you guys think it would have been the right thing to do to inform me about something like this? Do you think that I enjoyed basically being man-handled by the TWIN'S? I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Optimus Prime looked down at the human in sympathy and stepped next to the berth.

"I am very sorry about this Sam - "

"Damn right you better be sorry! I'm going straight to my room and staying there till you guys can figure this out." The CO and CMO shared a look. "Sam, both Optimus and I believe that you are the salvation we have been looking for since the Allspark was destroyed. The essence in you gives off a similar feel to that of the Allspark, because of that every mech you come across is immediately smitten with you."

The distressed teen gave the two mech's a confused look. Prime blew air through his vents, similar to a human sighing. "Sam. We are practically spark bound to you."

AN: Yea...Feed back please?

Love me please!