Sparks fly, it's like electricity
I might die when I forget how to breathe
You get closer and there's nowhere in this world
I'd rather be
Time stops like everything around me
It's frozen and nothing matters
But these few moments when you open my mind
To things I've never seen
'Cause when I'm kissing you my senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece I've been trying to find
Falls right into place, you're all that it takes
My doubts fade away when I'm kissing you
When I'm kissing you it all starts making sense
And all the questions I've been asking in my head
Like are you the one? Should I really trust?
Crystal clear it becomes when I'm kissing you
~Kissin' U, Miranda Cosgrove


"What?" Draco whispered.

I nodded slowly. I wanted to know what it was like. I wanted to know what it was like to have someone who loves me, kiss me. My mum always used to kiss me goodnight. "Kiss me."

He slowly walked back to me. His eyes burned with want and need and passion. "You sure?" His voice was low and so sexy. It sent shivers down my spine. I nodded and he leaned in slowly. My eyes fluttered shut and I felt his breath on my lips. "You positive?"

"Yes." I breathed. His lips gently brushed mine and then he applied more pressure. I saw sparks. I kissed him back. Fireworks. I hoped he felt them-WOAH! Where did that thought come from?

He's Draco Malfoy!

But he cares about me!

He's been my enemy for ever!

But he loves me! He admitted it!

Yes, but do you?

Oh-well-but-go away conscious!

Draco, somewhat reluctantly, pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. I opened my eyes and stared into his grey ones. He smiled and I smiled shyly back.

"I gotta go." He said softly. I nodded sadly and he kissed my forehead and left. Madam Pomfrey came out of her office then, smirking.

"So, how was that kiss?"

I blushed. "Wonderful."

Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes. "Just drink this and you'll fall into a deep, dreamless sleep." I nodded and took the vilal from her. I drank the whole thing. The last thing I saw before I fell asleep was a steeming mad Ginny, holding Harry's hand, and a frazzled Ron.

I woke up to the sound of gentle breathing. Mine and someone elses. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Ginny. "Hey," she whispered.

"Hola." I grinned.

"Why you so chipper?"

"No reason," I said, shrugging, but still grining like an idiot.

"There has to be a reason! Tell me!"

"Okay, but you promise not to tell anyone?"

"I promise!"

"Okay...Draco kissed me."


"Shhh! I'm not done. I asked him to."


I sighed. "Shut up! And I enjoyed it..."

"WHAT? Are you crazy?"

I thought for a moment. "Little bit."

"Not. Funny."

I giggled. Ginny sighed. "It's not funny." The look on her face made me laugh even harder. Then Ginny cracked a smile and then burst out laughing. We hugged and laughed until we were crying.

"WHY?" I heard someone yell. I let go of Ginny and saw someone running toward us. A redhead. AKA Ronald Weasley.

"Why what Ron?" Ginny asked.

"WHY would you kiss that-that-that FERRET?" His face was red from anger. Never a good sign.

I kept quiet. Why did I? I thought.

"Well?" He snarled.

"Ron, let her think." Harry spoke quietly. I didn't realize he was even in the room.

"Well?" Ron asked again.

"He loves me." I whispered. Ginny's eyes got wide. Harry gasped, but Ron, Ron stood there, mouth gaping like an idiot.

-A/N: I lost my flashdrive and I have family issues. But...I found my flashdrive that I lost. xP It was in my purse. Dont ask. Then fanfiction was being lame. xP

1. Sorry for the lateness but did you guys like it?

2. What should Ron's reaction be?

3. How am I doing so far? Good? Bad? Okay?