
I in no way own RESIDENT EVIL, though it'd be kool if I did ^^

well, enjoy the story!

Wesker plushies for all!

Chapter 5

Wesker pulled up in front of the Zoo, not bothering to park properly as he stopped, jumping out of the car and quickly heading inside. His eyes were met with the sight of a man dressed in a hunter's uniform, covered in blood, clutching his arm. The corpse of a German Shepard lying a few feet away. it's neck at an odd angle, suggesting it had been broken.

He recognized this man. He was with the girls when they'd called him. Hank, they'd said his name was.

A quick visual sweep told him the girls were nowhere in sight. He was next to the man in two strides, kneeling beside him, his heart pounding dangerously close to panic. The man looked up at him.

"Where are Charlotte and Susan?" Wesker demanded in perfectly calm voice.

Hank winced, shifting position, keeping a tight grip on his arm, "Buster got into a tangle with some zombie dogs. Got infected...killed Morgan. I sent Ani and the girls to St. Michaels Clock tower while I held off the dog. With all the blood, I figured we'd have company showing up soon enough and they'd be in danger when they did."

"You're a very astute man. But I assure you, YOU'RE in more danger by staying."

"What do you mean?"

"If dogs are affected like that, what do you suppose happens to OTHER animals?" he proposed, letting the manthink about it.

Hanks eyes widened ever so slightly," Oh fuck..." He turned his head as something very large slithered past the broken glass door out back.

"What the hell was that?" he asked, growing more and more alert by the second.

"Something I would like to avoid," Wesker replied, glancing at his arm, "Were you bitten?"


"Your arm, was it bitten?" He clarified.

"Oh, no," Hank said shaking his head, revealing his bruised, but unmarred arm, "I twisted it the wrong way when I had the dog in a choke hold. My elbow's dislocated..."

Wesker grabbed and tugged Hanks arm sharply.

"AH! SON OF A BITCH!" Hank swore loudly as pain ripped through the joint. A loud popping noise was heard followed by a soothing numbness.

"Not anymore" Wesker said, releasing his wrist. He turned his head, spotting something lying on the floor a few feet away. He reached over and picked it up, instantly recognizing it as Susan's beloved Teddy bear. He stood, running a thumb over its soft, but slightly bloodstained fur. Hank climbed to his feet, wobbling slightly

"She dropped it on the way out," he filled in. Wesker said nothing as he simply held the stuffed animal. Susan was probably a mess without her bear.

He didn't think 'Teddy' was silly, as most adults might. He understood Susans need to hold it, to have it with her. It reminded her of her parents. Of her mother and father. It was precious because it contained their memories and their love.

Very much the same way THEY reminded him of their mother, his baby sister. Of happy times long ago, back when he was mortal.

Wesker was not to be misunderstood. He relished what he was now. The invincibility, the speedy healing, the strength. He delighted that he was now BETTER than the others he shared the world with.

But all the same, It was...nice to be reminded of his humanity. In many ways, he NEEDED that reminder just as Susan needed hers.


Wesker tucked the bear softly away in his Jacket, turning to Hank

"I have a car. Can you travel?"

Hank nodded after checking himself for injuries. A few scratches, but no bites. At least he wasn't infected.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's-"


The sound of shoes stepping on broken glass came from behind. Both men turned towards the sound. Hanks eyes widened.

The mauled, partially eaten corpse of Morgan was trudging towards them, his neck and stomach slashed open, covered in eyes were white, glazed over and very much dead.

Hank took a step back, his face turning an unpleasant shade of green. "Morgan...Oh god, I'm going to hurl..." he said, covering his mouth as the thing that was once Morgan continued coming towards them.


Wesker walked over to it, almost casually, and snapped its neck. Shoving a large shard of glass through its head for good measure. It let out a wet, squeaking grunt-like noise as it abruptly fell limp to the ground, sending blood and brains splattering on the floor.

This time Hank DID vomit, coughing and spitting as he wiped his mouth. He turned to the blond man. He didn't appear even remotely phased by his actions.

"Oh dear, now my gloves are dirty..." Wesker said in a bored manner. He stripped them off, reaching into one of his pockets and pulling out a clean pair, slipping them on. Hank shuddered at the man indifference to the carnage.

"Damn, you're brutal..." he said.

"I'm eager to find my nieces. Anything that gets in my way will be dealt with accordingly."

Hank decided Albert Wesker was NOT a man to fuck with when he wanted something, and followed him out the door, hoping very much that the 'dealing with' proclamation applied only to something's and not someone's .

Ani continued to rant about the sheer stupidity of Hank's 'playing hero'.

Susan and Charlotte, both largely silent, hoped he was okay, and that he would tell Uncle Albert where they were going so that he could save them.

Susan didn't know what to do with her hands, tugging on her clothes or wringing her fingers. She was so use to holding her bear, squeezing him, hugging him. She felt very exposed without him. To compensate, she clung to her sister, holding her hand in an iron grip.

"Do you think Mr. Hank is okay, Char?"

"I hope so...If he's not, Uncle Albert will never find us...And Mr. Hank was so nice to us, I don't want him to be hurt..." Charlotte said, trying not to let Susan hear her voice crack. She had to brave for Susan. Uncle Albert was counting on her. He'd told her to take care of her sister.

Oh, how she wished she'd just stayed home instead of sneaking out!

Then again, if they'd stayed home, Hank and Morgan and Ani would've gone to the hospital and got eaten by Zombies. Granted, she wouldn't have known them if they'd stayed home, but still, it was a small comfort to know her foolishness did have at least ONE positive.


Ani mowed over zombies that got in the way, mostly to vent her frustration as they made their way to the clock tower. And there were plenty of them out and about. Living people were hiding as best they could or trying to find some way out. The city had been closed off under quarantine and no one could leave now. With the majority of the living residents gone or in hiding, the streets seemed populated with the flesh eating abhorations.


Ani's eyes widened, recognizing the sound, "No no no, please god no..." She begged as the car began to slow.

Charlotte and Susan noticed immediately, "Why is the car slowing down?" Susan asked worriedly.

Ani swore as the car rolled to a complete stop. She was a mechanic, so she knew the thuds and thunks a car made and knew precisely what each was.

The engine had just given out.

She slammed her fist against the steering wheel. She looked out the window. The St. Michael Clock tower couldn't be but a block or two away. The zombies weren't very fast, maybe if they ran...

She turned to the girls, "Susan, Charlotte, we're going to have to make a run for it."


"Listen, the car died, so we HAVE to go on foot. I want you two to run as fast as you can, do you hear me? I'll be right behind you. On the count of three, we're gonna get out of the car and-"


Susan screamed as someone pounded against the glass. A black man, somewhere in his forties, his clothing, something you'd see in an office building or a bank, dirty and his eyes wild. He wore a pair of thick framed glasses that were, like his clothes, flecked with dirt and blood.

"Let me in! Please!" He begged, his voice desperate.

Ani opened the car door, pulling the girls out "It's dead! It won't do you any good, follow us!"

The man didn't need to be asked twice as Ani took off running, the girls close behind her. Zombies stumbled around them and behind them, occasionally lunging. One creature, which had fallen in mid-lunge, grabbed Charlotte's ankle, causing her to trip.


"Char!" Susan yelled, halting as she heard her scream. Unthinkingly, she ran back and kicked the zombie in the face viciously.


The undead creature released its grip as it raised a hand to push the other girl away. The Man who had followed them scooped both girls up and took off after Ani, who was fending off a zombie with a mini crowbar from her tool belt. She brained it as he reached her. They ran up the path, heading into the Chapel that sat just off to the side of the Clock Tower. Ani kicked the door open, slamming it shut as soon as they were inside. She locked the door, panting, turning to the newest member of their group.

"Thank you, Mr...?"

"Dawls. Edgar Dawls," He said as he tried to catch his breath, setting the girls down "Owner of Dawls's Books downtown."

"I'm Ani. They're Susan and Charlotte."

"They yours?" he asked as he finally caught his breath.

"Do they look Japanese?"

Dawls gave an exhausted half laugh, sitting in one of the pews, "Good point..."


Charlotte turned to Susan, who was once again clinging to her arm, shaking like a leaf.

"You Okay, Su-su?"

"I-I'm fine..." Susan said, clinging to her arm, "I was so scared when the Zombie grabbed you...I just..."

Charlotte pulled her into an embrace, holding her tightly.

"Thank you, Susan..."

Susan returned the gesture, her shakes finally subsiding as shock worked its spell of instilling calm into her little frame. "So what do we do now?"

"I guess we wait it out here until Mr. Hank and Uncle Albert come" Charlotte said, pulling Susan into the pews, taking a seat beside the book salesman. "Thank you for helping us, Mr. Dawls."

He smiled at the girls, "It was nothing... You two remind me of my daughters."

"You have kids?" Ani asked, joining the three, brushing her bangs behind her ears. Dawls nodded, opening his wallet and pulling out a picture of two girls with mocha colored skin sitting next to a white woman with light brown hair and green eyes, clearly their mother. "They're in college in Harvard. They want to be lawyers." he chuckled, "just like their mother..."

"Where is she?"

Dawlsreplaced the picture and closed his wallet, sighing, " Sheila had a car accident a few months ago that put her in a wheelchair. When those things attacked... we got separated and..." He buried his face in his hands, sighing shakily.

Ani placed a hand gently on his shoulder, her expression sympathetic. "I'm so sorry..."

He shook his head, wiping at his eyes as tears tried to rise. Susan and Charlotte, who knew the pain of losing a family member because of car accidents all too well, could relate. Susan took his hand, squeezing it.

"We lost our mommy and daddy in a car accident. Mommy's friend Mrs. Maggie said that even though it hurts, we shouldn't be sad because they're in heaven and that they're still with us in here" she said placing his hand over her heart "Because when you love somebody, they never really go away..."

Dawls gave a sad smile, gently patting her head, "She sounds like a very nice lady. I'll try to remember that."

The Licker stalked around the clock tower, its three member pack scattered around. They'd made the Clock tower their den, and could hear the movements inside the small building beside the tower. They couldn't see it, but they'd felt it and they'd heard the humans, their prey, inside making noises.

There were no windows, and the door had been locked. Sure, they could break the door down, but then the prey might scatter and fight back. They wanted ALL the prey, so that was NOT an option.

No...They would wait...

Eventually, they would come out, or more would come...

Either way, all they needed to do was wait and let their prey come to them...

Wesker drove as Hank rested in the passenger side of the car. They hadn't spoken much during the drive. The road had been blocked by a collapsed building, and now they were trying to find a detour.

"So, you're the infamous Uncle Albert..." Hank said, trying to break the silence, "The way the girls talked about you, I was expecting Superman."

"I left my cape at home" Wesker said.

Hank gave a weak smirk, " I see...Say, you wouldn't happen to be related to Albert Wesker from the S.T.A.R.S. team that disappeared a few months ago would you?"

"Never heard of him" Wesker lied.

"Heh. So, what's the story?"

"I went to check on a friend of mine who hadn't returned my calls, and when I called home, the girls had run off. I suppose it's my fault for leaving them alone with some moron who couldn't watch them properly..."

He reached into his jacket, pulling out the bear and looking at it.

"I will NOT repeat that mistake again."

Hank, who had had a long speech prepared on proper child rearing, instead reached out and patted his shoulder. "Hey, everyone makes mistakes. I remember when I had to babysit my Cousin Jeremy's kid and accidently lost him in a store. Then I found him in the pet aisle watching the goldfish. I was so mad at myself after that. I was so scared that he'd been kidnapped or something."

"I appreciate the sentiment," Wesker said, making a right and running over a zombie that was stumbling across the road, "However, I believe this scenario is worse."

Hank had to concede to that. He pointed to a sign, " Hey, if we take a left here we can be at the Clock Tower in like twenty minutes!"

Wesker saw the sign and hit the accelerator, making a harsh turn and flatting several more zombies.

"Let's make it ten."

Hey guys!

hope you enjoyed the chapter^^