City of the Angel Children

Clary awoke with a jolt to the lightening. The flash of light pealed through the room for a split second cascading the whole room at the Instituted in white light. Sweat poured off her chest and neck drenching her and the sheets. Her strong shadowhunter arms kept her up and the familiar presence of the steady breathing calmed her. A warm hand laid flat on her stomach, setting all the skin that it was touching and the skin around it on fire.

A slight moan escaped from her boyfriend's mouth and she sighed content until she remembered what had awakened her so scared and frightened and whimpered. Clary shook in terror; the dreams she'd been having had been going on for a few weeks and she had kept them under wraps form Jace- After much trouble- but Clary knew she wouldn't be able to for much longer.

Soft lips pressed against her shoulder and a hand wrapped around her opposite arm.

"What's wrong baby?" Jace asked, his lips brushing up against her skin as he trailed up to her neck, teasing and nipping.

"Umm...?" Clary asked; dazed and all her past thoughts washed away.

"Something's wrong..." He asked brushing her hair away from the back of her neck and kissing it, and then whispering in her ear. "I can tell."

"How?" Clary sighed.

"You're my fiancé." Jace sang lightly.

Clary shuddered at the thought. No one knew about this except Simon, Izzy, Alec and Magnus. Neither Jace nor Clary's parents knew and at the moment that was how they liked it.

"I like the sound of that. Say it again." She whispered into his golden hair whilst her hands stroked over his muscles, they tensed as her fingers brushed them.

"What? You're my fiancé." He whispered against Clary's spine dragging down her top in his savage haze.

"You know what my mum and Luke would do to you if they found out, don't you?"

He chuckled against her skin as he turned her round to face him; sucking her bottom lip between his two. "Yes." Jace mumbled against Clary's skin. "And you're very good at dodging."

"There's nothing wrong to tell you about." Clary half sighed going to kiss Jace again but he backed away.

"Don't lie to me, Clary." Jace warned. "You never have before don't start now. You've been off with me for a week." He looked into her eyes and Clary's heart warmed.

Clary blew out a breath. "It's only dreams." She said.

A rumble of thunder shook the room and Clary jumped into Jace's open arms. He rocked her and laid back down onto the pillow with Clary's head on his chest and his arms creating friction up and down her goose bumped arms.

"They might be only dreams but you've been like this before."

Jace was right. A year back Clary kept dreaming about the runes that had been a great influence to the Shadowhunting world. They had started off with nightmares and then turned into runes that she didn't know what to do with.

Thankfully they had the bright idea of giving them to the Clave and they sorted it out. It turned out that the first one was to glamour shadowhunters from demons and downworlders- Which Jace had a lot of fun with Simon. The last one was to summon any angel blade that was marked with your shadowhunter name. They had both been an improvement on the group's street search and battles with the troublesome demons.

"I know but there's nothing to tell. I don't remember any of it. I just know it scares me." This wasn't a lie for once.

Jace's arms wrapped tighter around Clary and he kissed the top of her fiery red hair. "I won't let anything hurt you. I'd die before I'd that happen to you."

Clary twisted so that her chin leant on his chest. A stern look crossed her face. "Don't say things like that."

"What? I would." He protested; stroking her warm cheek automatically.

"I know and you've done it before." Clary remembered; shuddering at the thought. "You don't need to do it again. I can look after myself now."

"I still worry. I will always worry about you." Jace told her.

Clary tried to hold back a yawn as her eye lids drooped.

Jace chuckled and kissed her on the lips. "You're so sexy when you're tired."

"No I'm not you weirdo." Clary said snuggling into Jace's chest and he wrapped his arms tighter around her automatically.

"I love you, Clary." He whispered.

"I love you too, Jace." Clary said as her eyelids drooped and closed, leaving her with the scent of Jace as she drifted off into an all too dreamless sleep.

A/N: I didn't have a message to you guys on her before and I thought it was a bit strange of me but I've been in a rush. I just checked over this chapter and I'm embarrassed by the stupid minor grammatical errors. I know they annoy me when I read so I don't want you guys to feel the same. I hope you enjoy and keep reading and reviewing because it's going to be a long, fun, bumpy ride
