As promised earlier in the story, I've reposted the first version of ch3. It probably wouldn't have mattered which one I went with, but I thought that some of you may enjoy reading this alternative chapter anyway ^_^
I was scared at that moment... not of the kiss that he had placed upon my lips that still lingered til this moment, but of the words that he was about to say to me... I don't deserve those words from him... but how can I fall for him at the revelation that he was Corn... why do the locks have to fall off now when I know someone will be hurt in the'll probably be me again.
"Setsu," Cain spoke to her as he kneeled in front of the chair she was on snapping her attention back to reality from her deep thought. She scanned the surrounding and saw the cast and crews of Tragic Maker were dispersing for their lunch break as they picked up their bento's. "Come on let's go for lunch," he spoke again as he caressed strands of hair behind her ear and lingered on her skin before pulling away; a slight blush erupting on Setsu's cheek.
A few days had passed since he had proved to Kyoko that he was Corn, but she was still conflicted by the words he had spoken to her and his agenda. Her heart was hesitantly opening up to him and the atmosphere between the two was slowly becoming natural again.
"How are you doing Cain?" The director spoke snapping the two from their little private moment as he approached the pair who stood up for him, "your bento's," he handed Setsuka a plastic bag with two bentos in it as the pair had been going to their dressing room to eat. "The scenes aren't to taxing on you are they?" the spoke with a hint of concern to the tall man who shook his head.
"No they're fine I only experience a dull pain when I'm required to do the spins but that's it, I should be able to do the rest of the stunt in a few weeks," Cain replied but Kyoko stiffened in panic at his words.
Cain was doing a few light action and fight scenes today which the director had scheduled while taking into consideration his injuries; BJ's role was almost entirely actions scenes but Lory and Ren had agreed to the light scenes to prevent any suspicion arising from why Cain Heel had not been working. Beneficially based on Cain's portrayal, any injury or pain that Ren slipped and showed made the cast think that he had just been in a real fight recently, assisting in masking the truth.
Kyoko really didn't like the idea of him doing any stunts or the fact that the doctor said he could do the harder stuff in a few weeks. Ren had a check up the other day and was given an okay for light stunts as long as he has stunt free days to rest, but also received an okay to increase his work load which meant filming for Dark Moon filming which he would do on his stunt-free rest day. Of course Kyoko was against this but when arguing with Ren she ended up promising to cook and sleep over at his place on his day off.
Geez why did the president think that Cain Heel was a good compromise with Ren, surely doing Katsuki would be less strenuous than doing BJ, but I suppose that the media issue would be greater problem for Ren... wonder if I should scare them off though there has been less of them lately.
Kyoko who had been going to the Dark Moon filming between the missions recalled the paparazzi sneaking about the place such that Ogata had to arrange security at each stage entrance to ensure that they did not interrupt filming, which helped in the matter in addition to the fact that they had not had any vision of Ren. Regarding the car scene which Ren had crashed in, Director Ogata had hired a stunt double to complete it although he used snippets from Ren's attempt as well. There was also a mention from Ogata saying that he'll need Ren back as Katsuki soon to complete filming before the scheduled Dark Moon completion party, although he also showed concern for his well-being.
"Setsu are you going to eat?" Cain spoke and Setsu once again blinked to attention; scanning the room she found herself in their dressing room and sitting down for their lunch. Eh? When did we get here? The directors gone... ugh I must have zoned out again and gone on auto pilot, Kyoko sighed before feeling eyes staring at her.
"You sure you're not sick?" Cain asked as he pulled off his gloves and reached for her forehead which she was unable to flinch from. She watched his calculative expression before chuckling at him.
"Nii-san I don't think you know how to tell like that, you usually use a thermometer," she smiled as he retracted his hand, "I'm not sick I was just thinking about something."
"About what I said the other day," he gave her a knowing glance which she blushed under as her thought was overcome with his earlier words and she gave a shy nod. I nearly forgot... he held off those words because he knew I was scared and because he was confident.
[After seeing her scared expression Ren had asked what happened to her during the time they were separated, why she was in the Love Me Section and why she was both scared and hostile to love. She confessed everything to him from running away and being ditched by Sho, to how she entered Show Biz and how her goal had changed and been shaped by Ren. She felt the slightest bit of anger emanated from Ren but she was relieved that the demon lord had not surfaced. She then confessed that she had become scared of Love and the pain that was associated to it and that was when Ren expression softened and he had pulled her into a warm protective embrace.
"It's not always like that... it can magical like how you imagined when you were little," he had whispered to her, "I could be your shining prince who will protect you... you know I lo..." he had stopped his words when she shook her head against him and he sighed at the once oh so loving girl.
"You like someone else," she shot out and Ren's eyes widened and he questioned himself whether he heard right; Boss said that she was my sort of girlfriend and I really do feel something for her... did he get it wrong? But I can't remember anyone else.
"I like someone else?" Ren repeated her words, feeling her pull tightly on his shirt.]
"Setsu you going to eat... the bento's going to get cold," Cain's voice snapped her back from her daydream.
"Hyes ah," she couldn't help covering her mouth at the odd reply but Cain just smiled at her thinking it was cute.
"You don't have to over think it there's no rush, now Itadakimasu," Cain clapped his hand as Setsu smiled and followed suit.
"Nii-san," Setsu spoke out as she stared at her bento that did not look like it should; "did you uh," Setsu flinched as she looked up at Cain and Setsu's soul left Kyoko briefly as she stared at the puppy across from her. The puppy ears showed up and the large innocent eyes stared at her as he held a piece of chicken with chopsticks in his mouth; ah the puppy expression is back, aww I wanna pet him (Kyoko).
Momentarily awed by the puppy she shook her head to fend off it impact as she stared at his bento and sighed at him.
"You should eat more... especially when you haven't fully recovered," Setsu spoke as she pulled his bento to her and switched the bento boxes so that Cain now had the over filled one; he had piled extra rice and chicken into her bento while she was daydreaming. Cain looked deathly at the bento now before him and whimpered as he turned his puppy eyes back at the girl who just shook her head, "it's your own fault," she said before taking a bite of her bento with a small smile coming to her lips; the puppy face came back, that means he's remembering right?
She peeked up at Cain who though upset smiled back at her and her heart sped up as she remembered that morning again.
["So she would be 17 now right?" Ren asked as Kyoko nodded against him; she still doesn't get it does she, Ren thought internally as he comprehended the obvious from what she had told him (she left out that she was Bo though) "Kyoko... don't you fit in that category, high schooler and 17?" Ren asked the silly girl buried in his chest.
"Eh?" Kyoko pushed away from him with startled eyes, his words actually making sense. "Can't be... I'm going to be 18 this year and um... you always teased me and stuff and you said 17."
"If you were born a week later then you would have been 17 this year and don't people say that you hurt the ones you love," Kyoko flinched at his last words, "I mean tease the ones you love," Ren tried to correct himself but now wanted to punch himself. Kyoko nodded accepting his cover up but he could still see the sadness in her eyes.
"Don't give up on love... you know I really care for you," he petted her head and she leaned her head against him.
"But it felt like my heart and world shattered," she mumbled out as he continued to pet her, "I cried myself dry that time."
"But it was nice before that right?" Ren asked as he pulled her up against him despite how much he hated saying that, but it was true, she used to smile when she mentioned Sho. "Over time a heart can heal and you can create a new wonderful world," he smiled as he looked into her eyes, "only if you give it the chance." She nodded to him and he placed a light peck on her head which she smiled at, "you can create a new world with me."]
Back at the Hotel
I still can't believe I was so blind... all this time, that girl was me, Kyoko thought as she stared out into the city on the balcony while Ren was taking a bath. Over the last few days since the whole revelation, things have been going well between Kyoko and Ren, they were falling back into habits and the fact that Ren loved Kyoko didn't scare her as much, but Ren had been cautious of his words and action, toning down his playboy self; they even started sleeping in separate beds again but the distance seem to make Kyoko miss him which made her think of him some more.
She missed his warmth at night, his protective arms encircling her and intoxicating scent; she missed touching his hair at night when he slept and even his lips on hers. She couldn't help blushing at the thought that all those things attracted her and though he still kissed her but not on the lip, she missed the intensity of his kiss which he once showed her.
"Kyoko," Ren called out to her and slowly in her dreamy state she turned to him and was caught by his green eyes. The other thing that attracted her was his green eyes that she met every morning before he placed his contacts on; it was special to her since she was privileged to meet his true eyes, the eyes of her fairy prince.
"You should come back in, it's cold," Ren called out to her noticing her still in a dream state.
"Ah yes sorry," she replied snapping out of her thought before noticing his shirtless-ness and dashing pass him back inside with a blush as she shouted that he should put his shirt back on, which only made Ren chuckle at. Another thing that attracted Kyoko was Ren's sculpted chest which amazed her and was burned into her memory for the purpose of her dolls, but what embarrassed her was the fact that she couldn't help wanting to stare and touch his strong chest but she refused to let him know or catch her staring, she was scared what he would say and do to her he had caught her.
"Kyoko," Ren spoke as he stared at the lump on the bed, hiding beneath the sheets; he heard a muffle 'yes' come from the sheet, "can you help me," Kyoko shyly peeked out of the sheets and saw him holding a roll of bandages in his hand, "I accidentally got my old ones wet."
"Oh," Kyoko sighed in relief as she shed the sheets and took the bandages from him and began treatment hoping it'll distract her from staring at his chest. Ren sat silently as she carefully bandaged his arm.
"Tomorrow you have Box-R right?" Ren asked breaking the silence.
"Ah yes so make sure you look after yourself tomorrow since Setsu won't be there," she replied, "it was lucky that the director didn't need Natsu much the last couple weeks, it helped me juggle between Dark Moon, Tragic Maker and looking after you, there all done not too tight right," Kyoko smiled as she finished bandaging his arm.
"I'd like to see you as Natsu," Ren confessed as he moved to get his shirt and Kyoko tilted her head at him. Oh he doesn't remember that... that he saw my Natsu just be-before the accident; Kyoko touched her neck, that time Princess Rosa fell.
"You looked amazing on tv for Dark Moon as Mio and do you know how amazed I was when I saw you as Setsu, I would like to see what other amazing character you can become," Ren complimented as he finished buttoning his top then turned to her; he was surprised by the sad smile on her lips. "Kyoko what's wrong?" Ren glided back next to her as she let out a shaky breath.
"Y-you saw me as Natsu that day... just before you crashed," Kyoko teared. "I should have made you a charm even if you said you wouldn't face any danger, I should have thought that Princess Rosa falling off was an ill omen and called you then maybe that child wouldn't have crossed the road just as you came;" Kyoko's emotions was spiralling as memories of that day came back to her and somehow she felt guilty for what happened to Ren and at fault and couldn't help the words and tears escaping her. "I'm sorry Ren, you might not have crashed if I did more for you, you wouldn't have been injured, you wouldn't have lost your memory, I wouldn't have screwed up your schedule for the year, you wouldn't have damaged your amazing body, you wouldn't have shown any interest in me as your Kohai, if none of this happened you wouldn't have wanted a plain and boring girl like me stuck with MFFF," Kyoko was cut off by Ren's lips; he couldn't take any more of her negative words that was hurting her.
Kyoko initially gasped at the intrusive kiss and protested against Ren, feeling that she was undeserving of his affection, but he didn't back away and put his heart into the deep kiss until she melted in his arms. Her eyes fluttered at the contact and her body hummed against his until they pulled apart breathlessly, just enough for each other to breathe.
"I told you... you're not any of those things," Ren huffed against her as his green eyes stole her soul, "you... you are really beautiful my Kyoko," he whispered as Kyoko cried at the truth of his words.
["I'm 17 now like you said... but you should have someone who's not plain and not boring."
"No, you're not any of those... your actually very interesting and expressive. beautiful," Ren said with sinful eyes as he moved his face closer to hers, "I said you were gorgeous last night didn't I... if I didn't have feeling for you would I had tried to bed you," his hot breath caressed her face as she panted quietly in his trap. Her eyes shot close as he approached her but he stopped an inch from her and placed her senses into a frenzy.
She didn't move in but she didn't move away either so to Ren it meant that she was open to the idea of them being together but it was too soon right now, but he was still happy.
"Kyoko... I won't ever say those 3 words that scare you," Kyoko heart tighten at his words and she wanted to cry despite how much those words scared her at the moment, she wanted to protest that she wanted to hear those words from him one day but not now but Ren continued. "I'll only say those words to you once I hear them from your lips, when your heart delivers those life changing words to me first," he smiled down at her as he caressed her flaming cheeks, "I know you will someday and when you do I'll return those words and my feeling back to you."]
Ren... Corn, he's such a wonderful patient person, Kyoko thought from the memory as her tears slowly dried and she stared back into Ren's green eyes. She knew she must have cried against him for a while, but he had stayed with her, she could tell that he would stay until she understood he meant everything he said and more. Mmm he wants me to say those words first, but it's so embarrassing... I-I don't think I've ever said it, but I feel it's too much still. She looked up at Ren again and he smiled as he comfortingly rubbed her back and she felt warm and her heart beat faster.
[If something warm rises from your heart, that's the warning sign; Kyoko recalled the words she gave Ren when she was Bo ironically.]
"Um... I- I really like you...Corn," Kyoko almost whispered to Ren, as she gathered up her courage to say something of affection to Ren even calling him Corn to make it easier. She wanted to let him know that she wanted something special with him and hopefully her words could tell him how far her heart had healed.
"Thank you, I really like you too Kyoko," Ren replied to her and she smiled at him feeling so lucky to have found her patient and mature fairy prince; "you think I have an amazing body?" Ren teased inflaming Kyoko's body; patient, mature and play boyish fairy prince.