Change Me

DoctorXMaster Slash

This story begins after season three ended – but! Lucy Saxon didn't shoot her husband and the Doctor is left in charge of the Master. Martha has already decided to stay on Earth with her family.

Rating T


"So, you're really just gonna keep me?" the Master asked, his hands still handcuffed behind his back, but now he stood within the Tardis.

"Yeah…" Jack sounded concerned. "Are you really just going to keep him, Doctor?"

"What other choice do I have? I have to," the Doctor stated, a certain sadness coating his words.

"I can think of another choice," Jack said.

And the Doctor knew what the man was thinking, but he knew killing the Master was not an option. Should never be an option. Not only because causing violence should be avoided whenever possible but because… because it was the Master.

And as he told Jack earlier, he's not here to kill the other Time Lord. He's here to save him. That fact still hadn't changed.

"You don't have to keep me," the Master argued, speaking only to the Doctor. "Like I'm your responsibility… or your charge." He seemed rather disgusted by the insinuation that he needed to be looked after.

"That's exactly what you are, sweet heart," Jack said, resuming his usual charm. "It's not like we can let you just gallivant around the universe and we certainly cannot allow you to remain on Earth!"

"What? Too afraid I'll play with your favorite little creatures… those humans," the Master asked, speaking again only to the Doctor.

"You know I have to do this," the Doctor said in almost a whisper. The pains of the decision clear on his face.

The Master just rolled his eyes, giving not an ounce of sympathy back, but that's how it usually was.

"So, what do you want me to do with him?" Jack asked, grabbing onto the handcuffs that bound the Master's arms behind his back.

The Master glanced at Jack with a look that clearly conveyed he did not wished to be spoken about like he wasn't standing in the room as well. "Yes, what shall we do with him?"

The Doctor took a deep breath and walked over to the main console of the Tardis. He, as well as other Time Lords, knew that their time machines were more than just pure technology. There was a soul within this entity and it could feel just like any human or Time Lord could.

"Can you feel him?" the Doctor whispered to the machine, placing his palms flat against the mainframe.

"Oh yes, Doctor," the Master said, dipping his head back and smiling. "She can feel me… Inside her…" His voice was breathy.

"Stop it!" the Doctor said, not even sparing a glance at the Master. The other Time Lord was correct, none the less. The Tardis could feel his presence.

Jack shifted his weight from one foot to the other, still holding onto the Master's arm. He knew that the other two had gotten into territory a mere human could not begin to comprehend so he waited patiently for the Doctor to give him orders.

"Come on, Girl," the Doctor spoke to the Tardis. "Feel him. Give me what I need."

It was true that a Time Lord's time machine could sense what its owner's will was, and in return respond. Give the owner what they desired. The Tardis was like a functioning body, changing and shifting when need be to survive. Altering itself to make itself stronger, better equipped for a situation.

And the situation had certainly changed. There were now two Time Lords occupying its space and The Tardis could sense the Doctor's discomfort at having the other present and able to merely walk around such a powerful vessel as itself.

The Tardis could also sense an essential difference between the Doctor and this new being. The Doctor was filled with sadness and compassion, while the other seemed tortured and damaged. Filled with hatred. Compassionless.

The Tardis responded to this as a threat of sorts. Like a parasite staying within it, and threatening to destroy it in order to live. A symbiotic relationship.

So, the time machine responded, changing its structure, adapting to the new conditions.

The Doctor smiled softly, feeling the iron grate beneath his feet shake as the structure shifted.

The Master stared up at the Tardis' ceiling, watching it change for him. He smiled, with his mouth parted slightly as his tongue played with the tips of his teeth.

"What just happened?" Jack asked.

"Survival tactic," the Doctor explained, but didn't really explain. "The Tardis is changing herself in order to make sure the Master won't be able to control her. But the best part," the Doctor smiled wide. "Is this." He ran across the Tardis and shot down a flight of grated steps.

Jack pulled the Master along and followed the eccentric man into lower levels of the Tardis.

"Wow, it really is a lot bigger on the inside," Jack stated, seeing the lower levels for the first time.

They all reached the first level down and just like the top level it was a fairly wide expanse. There was a large closet full of clothes to the direct left and the center was empty. Directly across from them was a large room. It took up a good portion of the space. It was sparse but it did resemble a bedroom of sorts.

"You've got to joking," the Master said. "You…" he turned to the Doctor. "You are not planning on keeping me locked up in there?"

Jack began laughing. "I think I like where the Tardis is going with this one."

The room was normal, yes, except for one tiny detail. It had no walls, just bars. Like jail bars.

"You honestly can't expect me to trust you enough to let you have free range inside here," the Doctor said. "This is a simple precaution."

"Alright, come on, big boy," Jack said, as he guided the Master into his new dwellings. "You'll get to see what it's like to become the slave."

The Master smiled, cocking his head to the side. "I will kill you."

"Sure," Jack said, nodding his head. He left his charge inside the room and slammed the door closed.

For a moment, the two free men watched the captive one. The Master was still in his business suit from posing as Harold Saxon. His tie was loose and his shirt had un-tucked itself. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone. He looked disheveled to say the least. The Doctor swallowed hard as he studied the figure, feeling those emotions from the past building within him again.

"Thank you, Jack," the Doctor said, once they were back on the top level.

From the Master's new room they could hear him banging something against the floor. It was in successions of four.

"Will you be able to handle him?" Jack asked.

The Doctor shrugged. "I don't know." In truth, he has never been able to control that man downstairs.

"Well, if you ever need assistance… you know where to find me." Jack grinned, which made the Doctor mirror the expression.

They hugged and Jack left.

And the Doctor was alone now, with the Master. The banging didn't stop once Jack left, it didn't stop after the Doctor ignored the Time Lord for over three hours, and it didn't stop once the Doctor finally went down to the second level and stood in front of the Master's room.

"Annoying?" the Master asked, laughing. "I figured since I was getting a taste of what it's like to be you… a submissive, pitiful figure… then you should get a taste of what its like to be me." He started slamming his foot harder against the floor.

The Doctor watched for a silent moment. "You're just harming yourself."

At this the Master simply laughed.

The Doctor shook his head and began walking away.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" the Master called out.

The Doctor turned back around.

The Master turned his torso and revealed that his hands were still handcuffed together. "Keys?"

The Doctor patted his pockets, finally slipping his hand into one and producing a small ring of keys. He approached the cell door. He debated just throwing them inside of the cell and letting that be that, but it was simple enough for him to unlock the cuffs for the Master.

"Turn around," the Doctor said, planning on simply reaching through the bars to unlock the binds.

At the Doctor's words the Master grinned. "Turn around… just like old time, huh?" His voice became silk, seductive. Similar to his tone when the Doctor had called him when he found out the Master was Harold Saxon. Just like then, the Master was trying to insinuate the actions of their past.

"Do you want the handcuffs off or not?" the Doctor asked.

With a heavy and, no doubt intentional, sigh the Master slowly turned and raised his hands as best he could. The doctor reached in and unlocked the cuffs, letting them fall to the floor.

"So, it's just going to be like this?" the Master asked, turning back around and facing the Doctor, who remained very close to the bars.


"…Forever?" the Master asked, seeming serious for a short period.

"I don't know how long."

"What'll you do with me? Your own personal… pet? What depraved things do you want to do with me?"

"I don't think like you, Master," the Doctor said.

At this, the Master closed his eyes, shuddering a bit. "You know it gets me when you use my name."

And honestly, it got the Doctor when the Master did things like shudder or talk to him in that breathy, sensual voice, but the Doctor wouldn't allow the Master to know this. The Master already had so much power over him.

"Do you want a change of clothes?" the Doctor asked, already moving toward the closet.

"Why not," the Master said, leaning against the bars, watching the Doctor.

"What do you want? Something comfortable? Something… less formal." The Doctor started to mumble to himself more so than to the Master. "How about something like…" and that's when he saw the garment out of the corner of his eyes. He glanced at the Master, who had thrown his jacket into the center of the room.

The captured Time Lord was working on his tie next, loosening it and pulling it over his head.

The Doctor grabbed some appropriate pajamas and one other outfit. He chose black jeans and a dark gray shirt. Simple.

Next the Doctor heard the Master's shoes come off and fling across the room.

The Doctor emerged from the closet.

"Oh," the Master said, working at his belt now. He unfastened it and began pulling it off. "Help me to get dressed?" He threw the belt outside of the cell.

This continued despite the Doctor's unwillingness to help until the Master stood is just his boxers. The Master put his thumbs into his boxers as if he were about to pull them down as well.

"Master," the Doctor warned.

"What?" the Master said, playing with the top of his boxers now. "We've seen each other before. So why does it matter now?"

"It was different then," the Doctor said. "And you know it." He approached the room and left the two pairs of clothes stacked on the floor.

All the while, the Master taped his finger against one of the bars. Tap tap tap tap. Tap tap tap tap.

The Doctor went to leave.

"Where are you going?" the Master asked. Tap tap tap tap.

"I never know where I'm going," the Doctor answered. "I just go."