A/N Changed the flow of the story a bit, hope everyone still enjoys it, decided just to make it a cute wee story. Okay so I'm kinda clueless when it comes to school years in America but if I have it wrong please let me know.

Disclaimer - I only own Charlie everything else is Rick's

Title - Baby Blues

Summery - Percy and Annabeth thought they had raised their daughter Charlie right, teaching her about the gods and camp. But when Charlie gets pregnant they feel like bad parents and also slightly betrayed, one thing to remember is that the gods are always watching.

Chapter 1

"Oh crap" I cursed looking down at the stupid little pink plus sign. I was sitting on the floor of our bathroom. Being pregnant was the last thing on my mind right now, I was only sixteen and was preparing to sit my exams and choose my college options, not changing dipars and five o'clock feeds. I had been dreading this moment for two weeks. I had just found the courage to go to the chemist and buy a pregnancy test, and now I had to tell my parents.

I slipped the test into the pocket of my jeans and tiptoed out of the bathroom, I ran across the hall to my bedroom. I closed the door and flopped onto the bed, I lay on my back as I stared up at the ceiling. I still felt like a little kid; my room walls were the palest ever pink with a border of dark pink squares, running along the top of the room. Around the white twinkely ceiling light were little glow in the dark dolphins - which I got on a trip to Sea World once.

My guilt and stupidity wouldn't stop revolving around in my skull. It was the first time I had had sex, and Matt and I decided we didn't want to rush into it and make things complicated. We'd been seeing each other for three years, but my crush on him had first developed when we were only kids. And when we went into middle school he asked me out. We booked a hotel room for the night; I went by the room during the day and set up lots of candles and bought sexy yet sophisticated underwear. It was black and lacy with little white flowers stitched into the soft material. The room looked to pretty, I didn't want it to feel like a fling; it had to feel special - cause you only get one shot and doing it right first time. We were both virgins to that's what made it better, less scary and less intimidating. The night went by so fast. It felt strange and unfamiliar but at the same time it felt right - even though I was underage - I felt older; more mature.

I got up and looked at myself in mirror; I couldn't imagine what a baby bump would look like on my waist. I wasn't ready to be a mother - sure I would still love it all the same - I was only sixteen.

I ran my hands through my jet black hair and watched as it flapped crazily around my back. I was so mad at myself, how could I have been so stupid to let something like this happen. I then realised the temper my father had and felt scared to tell him, but he would understand. I was closer to him that my mother.

I was still looking at myself in the mirror when my mom, stuck her head round the door and said, "Hey Charlie dinner's ready, eh what are you doing?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing" I said, smiling. I followed her out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

The table was all set for the three of us, I sat down infront of a plate of pasta, still feeling shaky from the revelations just recently. I picked up my fork and was about to put a mouthful in my mouth when my dad spoke to me, "Charlie you okay your looking a bit pale?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I said smiling slightly, I put a mouthful of pasta into my mouth, and as soon as it hit my taste buds I could feel a wave of nausea pass over me. I dropped my fork on the table, excused myself and ran into the bathroom.

I made it just in time. I pulled my head up from the toilet bowl and sat on the floor, pulling my knees up to my chest. I felt ill and sweaty. I grabbed my toothbrush from the holder and gave my mouth, teeth and tongue a good clean. When I unlocked the bathroom door I found my mom standing at the other side of it, "Charlie are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I shrugged, making it seem like no big deal. Mom raised an eyebrow not buying it, "Really I mean it, maybe I'm just nervous about going back to school tomorrow" I said, feeling my lies squirm around in the pit of my stomach.

"Okay" she said, the worry and concern not leaving her eyes, "You would tell me if you had a problem right?"

"Of course" I said giving her a small smile making the worry leave her face, "I think I might just go to my room", I walked up the stairs and went into my bedroom, not feeling like eating at all.

I bounced down on the bed and jumped back up because something was jagging into my side; I groped around in my pocket and pulled out the pregnancy test. I sighed at looked at it once more, feeling tears build in my eyes. I knew fine well that I had done something awful, that would make my parents really hate me, and I had to have a serious think about what I was going to do with it.

I got changed into my pyjamas -feeling too sad to do anything- and tied my hair up into a ponytail, I looked at myself in the mirror again, but this time I lifted my pyjama top up to just under my breasts, and touched my right hand to my belly.

I dropped my hands when I heard a soft knock on my door. I stretched over and opened it to see my dad standing there, "Hey dad" I said, cheerfully forgetting I still had the test in my hand. I held my left behind my back, "What'cha want?"

"Nothing just coming up to see how you are" he shrugged. I could tell my dad was feeling awkward, he was never good at talking to girls - well according to my mother -, I remembered when my 'time of the month' first hit. When I told him, he got all awkward and told me to phone my mom, so if he was like that on a simple matter of periods what he be like if I went into labour, "So how you feeling?" he asked again.

"Better. I'm a bit tired so I might just stay in my room tonight" I said, wishing my dad good night and then closing the door.

I walked over to my chest of drawers and pulled open the first drawer; I pulled out handfuls of clothes and then stuffed the pregnancy test at the bottom of the drawer then covered it up with the clothes. Hoping everything would go back to normal and that I would be carefree and pregnancy free.

I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my head to suffocate the sounds of my sobs.

I woke up the following day with a thumping headache, I rolled onto my left side and crunched my eyes together hoping it would go away so I could go back to sleep. I ended up getting woken up by my mom knocking my door and calling in, "Charlie get up, you've got school"

I sighed and slowly got out of bed, I pulled out a pair of jeans and grabbed a clean tee-shirt off of my clothes pile and quickly got changed. I was down stairs just as my parents were both leaving, "Charlie you want a lift? I'm early today" dad asked, opening the front door.

"Yeah sure give me five minutes" I ran back up stairs; I quickly ran a brush through my hair and tied it into a plait, went into the bathroom and gave my teeth a brush, and headed into the kitchen got an apple from the fruit bowl. Just as we were about to go out the door I got my bag out from under the table in the hall and left the house.

I got to school with five minutes to spare, "Bye dad" I said, closing the car door and running up the steps of my school. I quickly walked along the corridor to my locker and took out books I needed.

I closed the locker door and found Ashley standing at the other side, "Hey Charlie" she said. Ashley was wearing a cute white skirt, and a white vest top with red polka dots. Her curly blonde hair was loose around her shoulders.

"Hi" I said, shouldering my bag and hugging my books to my chest. "How was your holidays?"

"Great. You missed Ryan Blare's party on Saturday" she said, sounding a little down.

"Yeah, how was it?" I asked.

"It was okay, a bit crowded. I didn't stay long" she shrugged.

"When does your sister start college?" I asked.

Ashley rolled her eyes and pulled a face, "Next week". Ashley came from a large family of five siblings, Ashley being the middle sister she had middle-child-syndrom. Her oldest sister got married young to a rich slightly older man, which won the favour of their parents. And then the praise baton was passed on to the second oldest sister which was a straight A student and managed to get into Yale - which she was starting shortly. James being the only son in the family got his parents attention because he was a 'mommy's boy' and was active and athletic, the youngest sister was only four and the baby so she got cooed over and snuggled. As for Ashley she felt like an outsider watching in on her perfect little family, so the only way for her parents to give her any attention was to stay out late, run over her minutes on her phone and shop 'till the amount on her cards became unbearable. "How was your holidays?" she asked.

"Good, I visited relatives of my parents" I said, pushing open our homeroom class door.

"Ugh that sounds great, your life is so much more better than mine" Ashley whined.

"You wish" I uttered.

That night when I was sitting in my room doing homework when my phone buzzed. I put my pen down and pick up my blackberry, 1 New Message, it said across the screen. I clicked the Read button and it said. Hey Charlie it's Matt, sorry I didn't txt u bck yesterday, I can't meet up on Saturday my cousins is visiting.

I sighed not even bothering to text back, Matt was always doing this, like when I really needed to talk to him he was always busy - like then - and when I was busy he complained that I never see him. Sometimes he was a right pain in the ass.

When I finished my homework I went downstairs and was sat in the living room and turned on the T.V, I started to flicker through channels and found a programme about teenagers who got pregnant really early in life. I decided to keep it on and see how my life would turn out. To be honest you didn't need to be a psychic to know that my life would turn out really hard and stressful.

When the second break in between the programme was finished my dad walked in from work, he stuck his head round the living room door, "Hey Charlie what you watching?" he asked, sitting next to me.

"A programme about pregnant teens" I said, he just nodded and started to watch it with me, "Dad what would you do if I got pregnant?" I asked.

"How young we talking?" he asked ,looking at me.

"Eh sixteen/seventeen" I said, looking away from him and focusing on an advert for cat litter.

"I don't think I would be happy, but whatever you decided to do was up to you" he sighed, "I better go get dinner started your mom will be in soon" he said standing up and ruffling my hair.

"Thanks" I said, smoothing my hair back down. That short conversation didn't help at all.

Dinner that night was okay I wasn't sick but my mom kept giving me glances as if watching to see if I was going to throw up. I tried to ignore them as possible, but easier said than done. After dinner the three of us were in the living room watching mindless television, we did watch a movie but it got boring so mom changed it to some programme about houses, so I said goodnight and went to my room.

The following day I was too ill to go to school, my parents just let me have the day off as I was rarely off. They told me to stay in bed and try to get some sleep and feel better. I closed my eyes dreaming of having a fault proof life.

The end of the month was coming up soon and I would have to go for my first scan, but how would I go without telling someone. I decided I should tell Ashley cause she mind taking me. If made it a lot easier not to tell my parents, then it was something I was willing to do.

I picked up my blackberry and dialled Ash's phone she picked, "Hey Charlie" she said cheerfully.

"I need to talk to you can we meet up somewhere?" I gushed.

"Yeah sure I'll meet you at the park" she said.

"Okay" I said hanging up. I grabbed my hoodie from my chair and headed down stairs, I shouted a goodbye, said I wouldn't be late and left.

A/N It's not the best but it's something I guess :/ please review.