Every girl wants a hero.

Disclaimer: I own nothing recognizable, I make no money from this so be kind and review. This chapter is in response to my lovely reviewer Midnightawakeonyou who wanted to know what everybody else was up to while Severus and Hermione were behaving like rampant bunnies, I hope you all enjoy it and have yourselves a Magical Christmas.

Harry and Draco.

After everyone had left Malfoy manor Draco stepped behind Harry wrapped his arms around him and whispered in his ear "Tired yet my love?".

Harry lent back into his lovers embrace "A little but I'm not quite ready for bed yet, why what did you have in mind?"

Draco smiled and nuzzled the soft flesh at the nape of Harry's neck "I thought we might take a walk around the maze as it's such a lovely starlit night besides there's a great view of my constellation from the center of it."

"Sure let me just get changed out of these leather pants into something more comfy" he said turning around so he could face Draco.

Draco ran his hands down Harry's back, gripped his leather bum and squeezed it firmly "I don't think so Mr Potter, you've been teasing me all night with this deliciously clad leather derriere and the only way they're coming off is with my teeth".

Harry groaned in pleasure bucking his hips towards Draco who chuckled, "But first you have to catch me Blondie" Harry replied stealing a kiss and then disaparating towards the maze only to be closely followed by Draco

Narcissa and Lucius.

Narcissa sat at her dressing table brushing her long blonde hair and pointedly ignoring her husband who had just entered the room .

"Surely you're not still mad at me for my silly comments from earlier with Severus are you Cissy?, because I didn't mean them" Lucius said on viewing Narcissa's stiff posture whist she continued to brush her hair.

"No Lucius I'm not upset about your stupid behavior in front of Severus" she replied putting her brush down and standing up to walk over to the large bay window which overlooked the gardens and the maze.

Lucius could feel the hostility rolling off his wife in waves, but for the life of him he couldn't think why she'd be upset if it wasn't to do with earlier, he watched her staring intently out over the garden and decided to bite the bullet and ask her what was wrong "Cissy you seem tense what's the matter?".

Her pale blue eyes met his steely grey ones in the windows reflection "Draco came to talk to me tonight, it seems that he is fed up with you constantly going head to head with Harry and quite frankly so am I, whether you like it or not Harry is Draco's partner and as such he is a member of this family".

"But Cissy"

Narcissa turned round to face him and poked him in his chest "No buts Lucius, as long as Harry makes Draco happy then I'm happy and will do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way" she glanced up and saw that his normally grey eyes had turned to molten silver with lust.

"Sweet Merlin Narcissa, I love it when you're passionate about something" he growled and pulled her to him in a fierce embrace and devoured her lips with knowledge and ease that only comes from years of knowing each others bodies.

"Oh Lucius" she murmured breathlessly "I'm still mad at you and this isn't over by a long shot" she said as she melted in his arms.

"I know my dear but allow me to at least start to make it up to you, by showing you how much I still worship and adore my beautiful, wonderful and forgiving wife " he replied softly as he removed her nightgown and carried her over to their large king size bed to make love to her through out the night.

Fred, Luna And George.

Fred and George were looking for Luna at the end of the night when they bumped into Ginny and Neville "Hey Ginster have you seen Luna anywhere as we've lost her?"

Neville grinned "It's a bit careless of you losing Luna like that, I thought you three were joined at the hips?"

"It's more like joined at the lips Neville" Ginny piped up.

"Ha bloody ha! everyone's a comedian these days" grumbled George.

"Have you seen her recently or not?" demanded Fred.

"Sorry we've not seen her for ages, but you could ask Sirius and Remus over there if whether they've seen her" Neville answered.

The twins bounded over to the older men and asked if they'd seen Luna recently.

"Funny you ask that" said Sirius "We bumped into her about ten minutes ago and she asked us to give you this note if we saw you." he handed over the note to the eager twins.

On first reading the note they realized that it was a riddle and that solving the riddle would lead them to Luna.

Many rings I have, but bejeweled I am not.

Compared to some I am old and to others I am young.

My body may be twisted and my arms may be bent.

But still I love swinging under the moonlight best.

"Any ideas Gred?"asked George.

"Sorry Forge not a clue, lets ask Remus maybe he knows" replied Fred

"Great idea Gred"

"Ask me what?" said a wary Remus.

"Luna left us a riddle but we can't think of the answer, so we thought you might know" they spoke in unison as they handed over the note.

Remus read the note, smiled and gave it to Sirius who rolled his eyes at it's easy answer.

"We really should let you figure it out yourselves but as we're such caring wizards and would hate to stand in the path of true love, we'll take pity and tell you that Luna is at the old oak tree situated at the bottom of the garden at my house" said Sirius "Well what are you waiting for? The wards will let you in, go and find your witch boys before she gives up and goes on a creature hunt" he added.

"Thanks, you two are life savers" the twins quickly said their goodbyes and apparated to the back garden of Grimauld Place. They quickly located Luna swinging in the homemade swing, her pale hair shimmering in the moonlight as she went to and fro.

"Ah boys you made it, is it not beautiful out here under the soft glow of our mother moon and her children the stars?" she asked softly as she lent back in the swing to stare up at the sky.

The twins couldn't speak as they were transfixed by the sight of Luna before them, since she'd left the party she had changed out of her outfit into a thin white summer dress that trailed on the ground as she swung.

"So beautiful"

"Looks like a Goddess"

"She is our Goddess to be worshiped"

Luna smiled at them and stopped swinging before holding out her arms for them to join her on the swing. They arranged themselves so they were all sitting sideways on the swing with Luna in the middle, Fred facing her and George behind her nuzzling her neck and his hands wrapped around her middle.

"Have we told you that we think you're the most beautiful and enchanting creature on the entire planet?" asked George

"That's nonsense" giggled Luna as Fred traced an invisible pattern on her thigh.

"But it's true and we are your humble slaves"

Fred was interrupted from saying anything else as wand light flooded the backyard as Sirius yelled from the back door for them to get a room and to stop participating in sexual shenanigans outdoors unless they wanted an audience and some pointers on how to make it better.

The trio laughed at Sirius's warning and ran inside to Luna's room that was on the floor above Hermione's.

Sirius and Remus.

"When you've quite finished tormenting the youngsters I do believe that you promised to whisper dirty French words in my ear as you fucked me wearing nothing but that long brown trench coat and those red contacts" demanded Remus leaning against the kitchen sink.

In the blink of an eye Sirius had pinned Remus up against the sink and was capturing his mouth in a firm kiss "So I did Blueboy, so why don't you go and get very naked and wait for me in our bed, and I'll be along in a minute."

Remus didn't wait to be told twice, he was upstairs, naked and in the middle of the bed with a raging hard on in less than two minutes. He was followed shortly by Sirius who true to his word was wearing nothing but the trench coat and the red contact lenses.

"J'espère que vous êtes prêts mon amour, parce que d'abord je vais sucer votre beau long coq dur avant que vous cum et ensuite j'aille vous baiser durement et vite pendant toute la nuit avant que nous soyons complètement passés et épuisés" Sirius said as he crawled up Remus's lean body.

Quivering with excitement and anticipation Remus demanded that Sirius stop talking and to just fuck him already, and never one to disobey an order from his lover Sirius happily complied with Remus's demands.

A/N: I'm sorry it's a bit short and up to my usual smut fest but I really wanted to post a chapter before Christmas, and the only time I had free was the wee small hours of this morning once I'd got home from work at midnight and after I'd finished wrapping presents. It is now five am and I am now rambling so I'm going to grab a couple of hours sleep before I get up again at seven to get ready for work at ten

So please make mine and my plot bunnies Christmas by sending me lovely reviews and who knows I may be inspired enough to get another chapter out by New Years Day (If I haven't gone mad from exhaustion by then :D )

So Much Love and many Christmas wishes to all of my lovely readers, here's hoping you find the character of your dreams in your stocking Christmas morning.

Her Royal Goddess Xx

P.S. Here's the translation of Sirius declaration: I hope you are ready my love, because first I am going to suck your beautiful long hard cock till you cum, and then I am going to fuck you hard and fast all night long till we are completely spent and exhausted.

Much love

Her Royal Goddess Xx