Limbo, a endless drowning sea of overpowering white.

This indeterminate state was not the best aspect of mind to be, mused a certain blonde haired Ninja.

His azure blue eyes squinted around the endless desert, wondering if there was going to be anything more in this forced existence.

"We would not be here brat, if you had decided to use my infinite power to defeat your so called best friend..."

Ah yes and how could he ever forget Kyuubi, the demonic soul that over the countless passing of time had become his one and only acquaintance in the endless gloom. A bored and restless sigh filled the empty space, echoing along the invisible walls as he talked to his inner demon.

"You know what my Nindo used to be Kyuubi. It was to never give up no matter what and I made a promise to bring him back unharmed. "

"You do have a point."

The strange pair pondered and mused on their conversation as they floated across the endless white universe, filled with only their consciousness. The Boy shrugged his shoulders, as if agreeing silently with himself, before standing up and contemplating on his life.

How long had he spent here? When was he ever going to get out?

These were the most common thoughts he had as they always seemed to resonate inside his mind, just like his footsteps echoed in limbo with every step he took.

He sighed once more as he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to wander into his memories.

(line break)



The two simultaneous shouts turned into a deafening blast as a dark blue and a bright orange blur raced towards each other in the valley of the end.

Once brothers and comrades, Sasuke had betrayed the very village he grew up in for the allure of more power from the twisted Snake-Sannin Orochimaru. Now empowered by Orochimaru's own cursed seal, Sasuke was on par with Naruto's Kyuubified state of power.

As the two sped towards each other wielding their signature move. There was no hesitation between the two as one aimed to save and one aimed to kill.



A tidal wave of pure energy exploded from the epicentre of the attacks as they collided. Sparks and whirlwinds of chakra sent spinning into the air as the infamous Justus clashed. As the oppressive energy died down, the only person standing victoriously over the orange clad ninja was the mutated Sasuke. The explosion seemed to have backfired on Naruto, the pure chakra energy being redirected into a blast that tore great gaping gashes into his body, blood painting the rock walls a brilliant crimson.

"You were special Naruto. But I now surpass every power that you might have possessed."

He lifted the mutilated body up with one hand before casting it aside into the river, watching as it floated away with a look of barely masked contempt.

(line break)

"You know you were lucky that he did not aim for your head, or else we really would have died."

The great demon mused as he looked over the memories with the young blonde. Said blonde simply shrugged off the comment and replied.

"True death would have been better. I'm technically still dead. After all only my mind lives on in here I'm only living half a life, wasting away in limbo."

Both noticed the resentful tone in his voice.

"At any rate, I think almost anything is better than this colourless oblivion that I am confined to."

The blonde now closed his eyes as he drifted across the endless expanse of white, once again contemplating if he was ever going to escape.

Suddenly a giant tearing sound disrupted his stupor in a instant.

There were no sounds in limbo apart from himself. Ever.

His eyes snapped open and was suddenly greeted with the sight of a giant black void that was seemed to suck everything in the space in. Including himself. The odd feeling of cold wind suddenly touched his body for the first time in ages and his senses reawakened with the fact that there was still a real world out there.

He twisted and turned in the sudden pull he was caught in and tried to fight his way out of it, tensing long forgotten muscles and clashing against the unknown force. Abruptly his strength seemed to dissolve in to the emptiness and he fell, screaming though the white expanse. As he neared the giant black vacuum he saw though the darkness and shadow a giant pine tree with a radiant golden fleece hanging on the lowest bough.

'Maybe, just maybe this isn't a bad thing…" He thought softly before he tumbled into the void.

(line break)

Annabeth Chase was mind numbingly Bored.

It was almost a month after the quest for the golden fleece occurred, after all the excitement of getting Thalia back and after all the mysteries and astonishment, she was still mind numbingly bored.

She and Thalia spent a long time talking and gossiping on all the years Thalia spent as a tree, lost in limbo until she was brought back by the healing powers of the golden fleece. However after spending so much time away from all her friends and family it was comforting to know that Thalia had aged along with them and still kept the same personality she always had.

"What's going on Annabeth?" Said Thalia, her soft voice breaking Annabeth out of her depressive trance.

"Nothing...Just thinking about Nothing."

Thalia's eyes widened at the answer from the normally active girl before she reached down and hoisted Annabeth up by the arm.

"Come on genius. Were going for a walk."

And without another word she dragged the surprised girl out of the sitting position and around the camp.

Annabeth smiled after she remembered how good it felt to finally be reunited with a long lost friend and they walked around the camp once more talking about the latest weapons and architecture, gossiping and laughing as two friends should.

The sky rumbled above, thundering and illuminating the dark clouds with brilliant flashes of light. As the two walked past the strawberry fields and past the giant farm house they stopped to look at the thundering sky.

As the pair looked on at the rumbling clouds Thalia looked at Annabeth.

"It's a bad omen."

She stated as the sky continued its booming assault. The two nodded and quickly continued to walk around to the gigantic pine tree that Thalia once occupied.

Annabeth gasped as they neared the tree. There was a giant black hole forming in front of the golden fleece, and the only thing they could think of was Kronos and the Titans.

A sound for the alarm ripped through the camp as all patrol units sprinted towards the disturbance in full Greek battle armour.

"Annabeth! Thalia! What's happening to the tree!" Exclaimed Chiron, his horse body allowing him to reach the disturbance first.

Annabeth and Thalia looked completely lost as they watched the centaur investigating the abnormal rift.

The patrolling campers soon arrived and took one look at the hole before getting into positions.

"We can't seem to get close to it. There seems to be gravity forcing us back!"

"Secure the perimeter!"

"Surround the tree!"

"Protect the fleece at all costs!"

Orders were being shouted left and right and soon the entire tree was surrounded by campers wielding their celestial bronze swords and shields, all anticipating nervously the enemies approach.

However, none of the Titans or their allies came through the rift. No demon or giant roaring or any sounds of attack. Suddenly the black fissure seemed to intensify in vibration, the very force of it knocking some of the frontline guards over. Before they could even figured out what was happening, the hole disappeared, leaving only a blonde boy lying near the base of the tree, barely conscious and in bloody tatters of orange cloth with giant bloody wounds spreading across his body underneath his shredded clothes.

" alive" The boy gargled out before fading away into blissful sleep in front of the astounded camp.

(line break)

So tell me what you think of this fic, the idea just popped into my head whilst drifting on the net so I thought I would give it a shot.

It would be awesome to get some feedback on this to see if you guys like the idea of it so far.

Tell me what you think of the character development and writing style please. I'm always trying to improve my writing.








