OK I was on Six Billion Secrets (you need to go check it out, like right now) and I read a story on there that inspired this. So, before you go laughing this off as some silly coincidence, remember, this is based on a true story. And to the person and people going through this, just remember I still love you, and if you ever want an anonymous ear to hear you out, I'm right here.

Anyways, I don't own Kingdom Hearts, just this story.

Axel took a deep breath, and looked down at his dad's revolver in his hand, then down at the now bleeding scars on his wrist. If it weren't so un-funny he might have laughed at his situation two weeks ago, but then again, two weeks ago was before it happened. Ever since his mother had died in a car wreck when he was fourteen, and his dad turned to alcohol and domestic abuse, Axel had been a regular cutter. It wasn't like any of his "best friends" noticed. It wasn't until four years later when he met someone in the same situation as himself did he begin to recover.

Roxas truly was his light in the darkness that surrounded him. The spiky-haired blonde and his brunette twin had both lost their father due to suicide, and now their mother's boyfriend beat him on a regular basis. Not his twin, just him. According to the sneering man Sora didn't stand in his way, because Roxas was the older of the two, and therefore the "man of the house." Soon he and Axel met at school, forced into being lab partners. The two immediately hit it off, and were soon going steady. It had been a wonderful, cut-free year and a half for Axel, when he sent Roxas a letter telling him that he was the one reason he had quit cutting, and stayed alive, to which the blonde responded with: "Ya, thas gr8. Srry, we cnt b 2gether nymor. I wuz cheetin on u and now were breakin up. k by."

Axel snorted in mirthless laughter, and clicked the barrel into place, and placed in to his head. Everything was perfect. His dad was in the living room, and should he actually be sober enough to hear the gunshot, the moron would undoubtedly grab the handle of the gun, erasing Axel's fingerprints, and smearing it with his own, effectively framing himself. Axel placed his finger on the trigger, and was slowly pulling back when suddenly his phone went off. He was going to ignore it until he saw the face of a happy Demyx beaming up at him. Demyx O'Leary was the new kid at school, and was extremely clingy. He had just met Axel the other day, and already Axel knew that if he didn't answer the phone that Demyx would have an asthma attack, and could very well die.

"What is it, Dem?" Axel asked, rolling his eyes when he heard the lines connect.

"Ohmigawd, Axel, you have to get over here now!" the bubbly blonde screeched on the other end.

"Where is here?" Axel asked, knowing full well that "here" was never in the same spot twice.

"Umm… meet me at the park, kay?"

"Fine," Axel sighed. The two of them said their quick goodbyes and Axel made his way to the bathroom to wash and bandage his wrists; Demyx would have fainted at the sight of so much blood.

Ten minutes later, Axel wandered into the local park, his wrist correctly bound and sheathed in a pair of wrist bands. "Where are you," he muttered unhappily to the biting wind.

"AXEL!" a bright, happy voice called. Axel turned around just in time to see a blonde Mullhawk come barreling into him. The phone really didn't do justice for Demyx's voice, it really did sound like angels. It was smooth and soothing, the voice of a singer.

"Hey, Demyx," Axel sighed. "Now, what did you want?"

Demyx beamed up at him, I was lonely, and since you're my best friend, I decided we should hang out!"

Axel scowled. His attempt on the end of his life was interrupted because some hyper boy he wasn't even really friends with was bored. But at the sight of Demyx's tear filled eyes (how he always managed to know when he was about to be denied, and pull out that pout, Axel would never know) he gave in. "Where to?" Axel sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"YAY!" Demyx cheered. Axel felt a moment of elation that someone would be this truly happy just to spend time with him, but quickly shook it off; Demyx was just bored after all. "We should go see a movie!" Axel opened his mouth to protest, and complain that there weren't any good movies out, but Demyx grabbed him by his still tender wrist, causing him to hiss in pain. Demyx blinked and cocked his head to the side, then looked down at his hand that was still painfully clutching Axel's wrist. "What happened?"

"I fell," Axel said gruffly, ripping his arm out of Demyx's grip. He was sure that he saw disbelief shining out of the blonde's eyes before he used ADHD to his advantage. "Hey we going to go see that movie now?"

"Yup!" Demyx chirped, skipping away.

Two hours and a horrible kid's movie that Demyx adored later Axel collapsed on his bed in a tired heap. He looked up at his digital clock. 1:36 AM. Wonderful. Axel cast his eyes to the gun still on his bed side, glinting in the half-light of the moon.

"It's too damn late," he groaned, burring under his mountain of covers. Besides, it was impossible to spend the night with Demyx, and still feel the need to kill yourself.

OK, I'm kindda planning on making this a three, maybe four-shot. I know this could be taken waaaaaayy farther, but I'm hoping to get this story out before I move to a new fandom. As always, review~! Because reviews, and reviewers are freaking amazing. :3