Dussel and Moulder

Hey all I hope your all doing great. I haven't uploaded one of these in awhile, but I'm back with a new one. This one was kind of inspired by a similar support from the first game between Isadora and Renault. Dussel joins up with your army as a high ranking general he's served Grado for years and then in an instant is forced to abandon her. He also is forced to fight against his own men I can't imagine that would be easy. He could use some spiritual guidance and assistance.

Support: C

DUSSEL: Ha that last fight took a lot out of me. Ohh I've been injured, is there a healer nearby?

MOULDER: I am here are you okay?

DUSSEL: I just need to be healed please can you help me?

MOULDER: Just stay still for a minute...There you go. You are all better.

DUSSEL: Thank you. Oh you are a priest.

MOULDER: Yes I serve house Frelia my name is Moulder.

DUSSEL: I am Dussel, I was once a general in Grado's army but now I fight in the Frelian Army. Thank you for your assistance.

MOULDER: It is my duty to help those in need...Can I ask you something?

DUSSEL: Yes of course.

MOULDER: You are from Grado, did you know a priest there named Father McGregor?

DUSSEL: Yes he was a priest in service to the royal house. He was the one who educated the siblings from Renais as well as instructing Prince Lyon.

MOULDER: He and I studied in the seminary in our younger days we were friends. Even after we became priests we stayed in touch...I heard he was executed...is it true?

DUSSEL:...I am sorry, but yes that is true. I do not know all the details but I believe he found out about the emperor's plan to destroy the Sacred Stones and tried to send word to the other nations to warn them. His Majesty found out and declared him a traitor, he was executed without a trial.

MOULDER: I hope his soul is at peace.

DUSSEL: Are you angry at Grado for stealing your friend from you?

MOULDER: As a priest it is important that I not let emotions cloud my reason. I am sad that he is gone, but I do not blame your nation.

DUSSEL: You have more fortitude than I my friend. When i think of what this war has done to me, my countrymen, and my beloved homeland I cannot help but be angry and look for some cause to turn my anger towards.

MOULDER: The way of the cloth is a hard path to follow, all the teachings of peace, tolerance, and forgiveness are easy concepts to put in practice, until something happens that personally affects you. I feel however that in those circumstances, when your faith is most tested, is when you must prove how strongly your convictions hold.

DUSSEL:...Father McGregor said something similar. I wonder if he still felt that way when they killed him?

MOULDER: I'd like to hope he did.

Support: B

DUSSEL: Father Moulder I'm glad I found you.

MOULDER: Dussel what is it?

DUSSEL: I wanted to give you something. This was the ring Fr. McGregor wore. I believe it is given to priests when they take their vows of priesthood.

MOULDER:...How did you get this?

DUSSEL: I was there at the execution. After the invasion of Renais I was ordered to stay in the capital. There is an old Grado Tradition that one of its generals be present at any major functions of state. As I was the only one present at the time I attended.

MOULDER:...Why didn't you tell me this earlier?

DUSSEL:...I...I was ashamed. I did not want to admit that I had a hand in his death. Having served Grado for so many years I was familiar with the royal priest. I remember how I couldn't believe it when I heard he was declared a traitor, but I still believed in my Emperor and did not doubt his judgment. So I did not listen to McGregor's protests when he proclaimed his innocence or that Vigarde was not himself.

MOULDER: Please tell me more...

DUSSEL: I watched as he was lead to the gallows. He did not resist at all, he held his head high with as much pride as he could possibly have. The executioner read the charge of treason against him. He asked him if he had any last words. He replied, "I will say one last time to anyone who will listen, Emporer Vigarde is not himself. He must not be allowed to destroy the Sacred Stones." Those were his last words.

MOULDER:...How did you get the ring?

DUSSEL: After his death. The executioner was taking his body away. I saw him messing with one of his fingers trying to get his ring off. I think he wanted to sell it. I walked over to him and demanded that he not desecrate the dead. I made him hand the ring over to me, I didn't know what I would do with it at the time, maybe hold onto it and try to give it to a family member or friend.

MOULDER:...Why did you keep it?

DUSSEK: It was him that made me start to question the actions of our Emporer. I learned afterwards that in all of Grado's history we had never executed a priest. This fact and his words made me begin to question that what we were doing was wrong

MOULDER:...Thank you for giving this to me. I am glad that his words had a strong affect on you. I am also glad that you were able to give this memento to me. Please do not blame yourself for this I hold no animosity towards you for this.

DUSSEL: But I stood there I did nothing...There were no other officials there. If I had used my status as an Imperial General I could have stopped his execution.

MOULDER: Do not let these thoughts weigh on your mind. Please believe me when I tell you this. If you allow it, guilt will weigh heavily on your mind and your heart. They will occupy your emotions so much that you will not be capable of emotions like happiness, or joy.


MOULDER: This may be hard to accept now, but think about what I have said. If you would like to talk more I will be here. I can provide help or guidance if you wish. Please do not hesitate to talk to me whenever you want.

Support: A

DUSSEL: Father Moulder may I speak to you for a moment?

MOULDER: Of course what is it?

DUSSEL: I am wondering if you will hear confession from me?

MOULDER:...We are in the middle of a battle. Would you not rather wait until we are in a more appropriate setting?

DUSSEL: No I need to get something off my chest. I feel I must do it now.

MOULDER: Very well then. You may begin when you are ready.

DUSSEL: As long as I have been a soldier I have accepted that I would have to use my lance to bring death to others. After so many battles and so many years it has become second nature to me, it is something that never brought me discomfort until now.

MOULDER: Why has this changed for you?

DUSSEL: Ever since I joined this army I have been forced to fight my own countrymen. This began to unnerve me, and in one of our recent battles I...I...

MOULDER: Please go on.

DUSSEL: I had to kill one of my students

MOULDER:...This is obviously causing you great distress, please tell me more if you think it will help you to recover.

DUSSEL: His name was Kaiden. He started as a commoner but joined the army to bring glory and honor to his family. He was a good kid and had a good affinity for the lance, he came to me for training and I did my best to teach him all I knew. He was a quick study and advanced quickly through the ranks. I never had a son of my own, and I began to think of him as a sort of son. He once told me how he looked up to me admired me

MOULDER: It sounds as though you really cared for him.

DUSSEL: I did. Then I met him on the battlefield, he told me he had heard rumors of my betrayal and hoped it wasn't true. I tried to talk to him. Tried to explain to him how Grado was not acting justly and I had to do what I thought was right by standing against her. I told him we didn't have to fight, I told him to flee, run away back to his family, gather them up and escape from Grado. He told me he could not, that he had worked all his life to try and be the best. If he retreated now then it would undo all he had striven towards.

MOULDER: You could say nothing to dissuade him from attacking you?

DUSSEL: No, nothing. I begged him not to force this fight as I had no desire to kill him, but he would not listen and we traded blows. Before long it was over, I had killed my best and brightest student. It was at that moment that I truly understood what this war was going to cost me. I have not been able to sleep or eat since that incident. And that is why I need you, I need to know that I can receive some sort of forgiveness for what I have done.

MOULDER:...We are taught that Saint Latona can forgive sins only if you feel truly sorry for them and strive to amends. We are also taught that guilt can be a terrible burden to bear as it will stay in your heart and consume you from the inside if you let it. This is why forgiveness is necessary so that guilt will not fester inside you. I will pray to St. Latona for your forgiveness and I want you to pray as well. Can you do this?


MOULDER: The life of a soldier is hard. You must live by the sword and possibly die by the sword. It may be too much to ask that you feel sorry for every life you take, but no matter how many enemies you slay never become so cold that you feel nothing at all. The scriptures say that war may never leave the hearts of men, but neither should compassion.

DUSSEL: What if I still feel guilt about the life I took?

MOULDER: You must let go of that guilt, accept that this is war and you are a soldier, it will be required of you to take lives to end the war. Now that you are fighting against Grado it will be required of you to take lives of those you may know. I understand how this isn't something I can ask you to accept easily, but consider this; you ended up fighting for the right cause Dussel, take solace in that. I know it may not seem like much comfort, but it is worth remembering.

DUSSEL: Thank you father, I hope I can put what you have said into practice.

MOULDER: You are welcome...I know I have tried to give you some comfort, but I may need to return to you with the same guilt later.

DUSSEL: What are you talking about?

MOULDER: You have been a solder all your life and until recently was able to deal with the fact that you must take lives in fighting a war. I have never fought, and I have never taken a life, but I may be asked to.

DUSSEL: What do you mean?

MOULDER: I trained to be a priest. To use staves to help heal allies, but I know that inevitably I will be expected to fight. Once I am able to learn to use magic I will surely be put in more combat and asked to use that magic to fight our enemies. I do not know if I am ready to do that.

DUSSEL: Are you scared?

MOULDER: Yes in all honesty I am. Your confession just now reminded me of what I will inevitably have to face. I have used my skills as a priest all my life to help allies, but once I am skilled enough to use magic I too will have to begin living with the burden of knowing that I am taking life.

DUSSEL: I will be there to help you when that day comes. We will help each other to deal with these issues. Perhaps when that time comes you may ride near me, I will do my best to slay enemies so you don't have too, then you may continue to heal me.

MOULDER: There is no reason we can't start now, let us rejoin the battle together I will stay by your side and heal you, spiritually as well as physically.

End of Game

Nothing happens at the end of the game if they have an A support