This is my first story so if you have any thing to say PLEASE don't hesitate. It will help me decide if I should go ahead with the next chapter or not.

Hope you like it! xx

As I sat in the same place. In front of all the fangbangers and vampires in Fangtasia, I thought back to the day when I met that damn witch.

Melissa Manoir was cruel and sinister. If she was a vampire I would have staked her.

I was only a young vampire when I first met her and she secretly detested vampires. She pretended to like me and got into my emotions, unlocked things that should stay locked. I believed that she was my friend and so I told her everything and then, before I know it, she's turned on me.

She taunted me by saying things like "You should be dead" and "Your existence isn't natural". She told me that she was going to hunt down my family and show them what I had become. My children would see the beast that I became.

I didn't see her for about 5 months and then she returned with my daughter, Herkja, who I was very fond of.

Herkja hugged me, asked me where I had been, she cried against my chest and then Melissa pulled her away from me by her hair.

She put a curse on my Herkja.

She slit her wrists and squeezed the blood into a flame and mumbled something incoherent. Then there was a bang and Melissa was gone and my daughter lay on the floor, dead. There was no trace of fire on the ground. No trace that the witch had ever been there. I buried my daughter and then left that place.

I never heard from Melissa again.

Pam walked up to me and whispered in my ear "Eric are you okay? You're not your cruel, mean self. Can I get a Snivelling Banger?"

I sighed and said "No. I would like something fresher. Do you know if Miss Stackhouse is free tonight?"

Pam thought for a second and said "I don't think Compton will appreciate you draining his human. He might call the authority."

"I suppose you are right Pamela." I sighed "We don't want Compton up our assess any more than he already is."

"Are you sure I can't get you anything? That blonde over there is divine." Pam nodded towards a skinny blonde woman sitting at a table on her own.

"No thank you Pam. I am fine for now." I went back to looking around the room.

"Fine I will have her myself." Pam finalised and stropped off towards the blonde. My progeny can be such a little brat sometimes.

I watched as my progeny approached the blonde and immediatly froze.

I glanced over at a table where the blonde girl sat.

Herkja looked up at my progeny.

She appeared to be deep in thought but was quickly snapped out of it when she spotted the attractive vampire now approaching her.

She was 15 when she died and she looked a couple of days short of that in this hallucination.

I didn't know what to do so I hastily went into my office and sat on my black, leather sofa on the left hand side of my office.

After a minute I called my child.

"Better make this quick, I told the babe it would only take a second." Pam said as she jostled through my office door.

"I need you to bring that human to me. Preferably unharmed." I said to my brat of a child.

"I thought you said you weren't interested?" She smirked.

"You know me Pam, always changing my mind." I replied lamely.

"Whatever just don't be greedy, I saw her first." She said as she left my room.

She soon returned with the child and eyed her greedily where she stood.

"You may go Pamela."

Pam scowled at me, said "Yes Master" and huffed out the room.

I looked at the young female infront of me.

"What's your name?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Oh come on Eric. Like you don't know." She had a thick British accent and her tone half mocked me.

"My name is Herkja?" She said when I looked blankly at her.

"Oh my... child." I couldn't think of another way to finish the sentence.

"Father." She replied. I tear trickled down her face. Her tear was very human. If she knows who I am then how is this possible?

"What are you? You look and smell human but it can't be possible." I couldn't believe it for a second.

"I am human father. It was Melissa Manoir. She cursed me that night in the woods." She paused to see my reaction.

"Please take a seat." I patted the leather cushion on the sofa next to me.

She confidently sat next to me, closer than I would have expected for a human. She turned her body sideways and grinned at me.

"Tell me about this curse my child?" I said. She looked incredibly like my true daughter.

"The curse means that I am constantly reborn as Herkja Northman and I have all the memories and all the feelings. I am basically Herkja just reborn. I am technically your descendant. The curse was put on the whole family. When Herkja had children they were two boys and one girl. Then when she died the eldest son had two boys and one Herkja and and the eldest boy of them had two boys and one girl and it went on like that." She explained to me in a very relaxed manner.

"So in theory, you are still Herkja, my Herkja? How old are you? Now I mean." I asked.

"Yes. I am, theoretically, your daughter. And I'm 15 almost 16."

I didn't know what to do but I knew that we had a lot of catching up to do.

"How did you get in to my bar? My security is very tight."

"Fake ID. For such a heavily guarded bar they don't notice much about the ID." She said it so cautiously.

"I guess I better look into that then" and she nodded. "So I'm guessing that makes you very aware of history with all that reincarnation." I smiled.

"Some Swedish history and some English. I can remember both world wars and I died of Svartedauen. We moved to England in 1827 but I don't know why. My Father and Mother at the time didn't tell me anything."

"What were there names?"

"My father was called Asvald. He wasn't like you. None of my past parents have been anything like you. My mothers name was Grunnhild. She was sweet and caring." She was good at hiding her emotions because I think there are a few things she wasn't telling me.

It dawned on me then that she was alone tonight and she was a British teenager in America. "So what brought you here tonight?"

"I was hoping to find you. That was the point of the curse. That someday I would find you when you are at your weakest and you would watch me die. Over and over and over again. Melissa told me so." She said.

"But what about your parents?"

"Oh. They're dead. I don't know how though. I came home from school one day and they were dead on the floor. Catherine and Ian were good parents but they just didn't have the right kind of rules to suit me."

I was shocked at how coolly she said this.

"So where are you staying?" I asked after a moments thought.

"Temporarily, at a hotel close by. I heard you were a sheriff from a few bangers but they didn't specify where to find you."

"Come and stay at my home. You are my daughter after all. And we need to keep you secure in your feeble human form."

She did not agree with that. "I am not feeble. I am strong as an ox and as fast as a cat. Just call me a ninja."

I laughed. She hasn't changed much over the years.

"How's your Swedish?" I asked her.

She smiled at me "Det är bra far. Lite rostig på grund av bristande användning. Vad sägs om din?"

"Det är fantastiskt. Jag använder det ofta med Pam, min vampyr barn. Ditt uttal är lite dåligt men det kommer fixa sig i tid." I smiled back.

She grabbed me in a huge bear hug. When I pulled away I looked at her clothes.

"Now these won't do. We need you to attract good attention not look like a tramp."

"Excuse me?" She looked shocked and glanced at her clothes. "Well I have been wearing them for weeks."

I called Pam through the bond.

"Oh if you're feeding I want first bite of this one." She glanced at how close Herkja and I were.

"No Pam. Can you fetch her some clothes please. Nothing too cheap." I said.

Pam glanced at Herkja and nodded then she left the room at vampire speed. I could tell she was going quite far through the bond. She was heading in the direction of New Orleans.

"You, young lady, are going for a shower." I said, stepping closer to her and putting my arms around her.

"Yes. I do need it. Are you going to take me back to my hotel room then?" She asked, placing her hands on my chest.

"No. We have one on the premises in case of any..." I thought hard for a word to use. "Accidents."

"Okay. Tell me where and I can go." She tried escaping my grip but I picked her up in my arms and went at vampire speed to the little store room.

"I could have done that myself." She said with a hint of annoyance.

I walked past her and turned on the shower and then turned and started lifting her cloths. She slapped at my hands comically and said "I will do that myself, thank you very much."

I grinned down at her.

She took off her clothes and walked towards the shower. She half turned. "Care to join me?"

I smiled and said "Go for it." and with my vampire speed I removed my clothing and grabbed Herkja and flung her gently under the water with me.

She let out a very loud, booming laugh like when I was human.

"I remember when you did that in the springs. You would pick me up and throw me in the water and then you would help me wash. I was lucky to have a father like you. I stopped bathing when you were gone because I had no one to do it with. Over the years I have learned to do it myself but now I have you back I don't want to lose you again." She sighed and another tear fell from her face.

"You don't ever have to lose me." I thought for a second. "Have you ever thought about becoming a vampire? I don't want to lose you and that's the only way I can think of to keep you close by for eternity."

"No I haven't. I'm practically immortal anyway but I fear that if I die again I won't be able to find you again for another millennia if you are still alive. I also don't want you to have to protect me all the time. Your world seems dangerous. I think Melissa proved that." She said whilst deep in thought and her brow deeply furrowed.

I washed her hair for her and made sure she was okay with the heat of the water.

"For a British person you seem very open about your body." I said.

"Father you forget that I may not be directly related to you in body but I am still Herkja in mind. I am still your Swedish princess. I'm done."

I reached over her and turned off the shower and at vampire speed fetched the towel that was sitting on one of the metal shelves just for her.

"Have you been a virgin in all lives?" I asked.

She blushed a deep shade of red and said "Yes father. Never in my 39 lives have I had sex."

Well that's a shock. She was beautiful yet a man had never tried taking her essence.

Once she had dried herself off she handed me the towel so I could dry myself.

I had been so wrapped up in talking to Herkja and remembering things from our past that I hadn't noticed Pam returning. She was feeling excited. That's never good.

"Master I have the clothes you asked for and I bought matching shoes." Pam said as she came flying into the room.

She froze and stared at Herkja. "Mmmm..."

"Thank you for that input Pam. May you please dress my child while I go sort out some business. Herkja, can you think about my preposition please?" They both nodded to me and with that I was dressed and out the room in seconds.

I went to my office and searched "ancient jewellry". When I was still human I gave Herkja a necklace that I found in the woods when I was on a trek. It was heavy and made of silver. After Herkja died I didn't remove it from her neck. I buried it along with her body.

I didn't want to exhume her body in respect to her spirit although her spirit is no longer in that body. I would have to find it and make a replica if it hasn't already been dug up. This is just a check.

I found nothing on the internet so I looked at satellite photos of that area and it seemed untouched. I will send someone over there as soon as possible. Who better for the job than my dear friend (cough cough) Bill Compton.

I called up Compton immediatly.


"Bill Compton? This is Eric Northman. I have a job for you. It's very important and I am trusting you with it."

"What is it?"

"I want you to go to Sweden and retrieve an ancient necklace that is buried on a corpse in some woods. Its made of silver so you will need gloves. Come by Fangtasia and I will give you all the information you need."

"What if I don't want to?"

"You are in my area Mr Compton so you will do as I fucking say."

"Does the queen know about this?"

"The queen doesn't need to know about this. Just get your ass over here NOW before I hunt you down and call Lorena."

"I'm on my way."

The line went dead. The basterd hung up on me.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

Bill Compton, a weedy little shit who was about a foot shorter than me with short dark hair, came into my office.

"Here is the map of where the grave is and here are some gloves and a box to put the necklace in."

Bill nodded and went to turn away.

"Remember Compton, if you fuck up I will make you wear the necklace."

He nodded and hastily left.

Now to find someone who specialises in replicating jewellry.

Det är bra far. Lite rostig på grund av bristande användning. Vad sägs om din? - It is a great father. A little rusty due to lack of use. How about yours?

Det är fantastiskt. Jag använder det ofta med Pam, min vampyr barn. Ditt uttal är lite dåligt men det kommer fixa sig i tid. - It's amazing. I use it often with Pam, my vampire child. Your pronunciation is a bit bad but it will fix itself in time.