Yay! My first fic! I love Luke/Gil and after reading all kinds of stories about their mothers I thought I'd try my take on what could've happened. I'm not one for angst, but enough drama to drive the story is great. So I'm trying to write this in a way that's natural and humorous, like the feel I get from this game.^^

Harvest Moon belongs to Natsume Inc. and Marvelous Entertainment. Not me. Please enjoy my harmless fan written fiction. 333

Incase you can't figure it out, the story's in Gils POV. The whole story, so don't get confused.8D

Chapter One: My Actions Are Justified

I thought about the previous day with an obvious scowl. A scowl that I believed to be justified. Why shouldn't I be upset? It was only natural of a child to be this way when losing a parent. I imagined the bright smile that my mother gave me before kissing my forehead and snuggling my cheek as she prepared to set sail with that young man I'd only ever seen once before. I pouted as she walked up to my father, waiting for him to say something in protest. But his smile was as wide and ignorant as hers. Ignorant to the feelings that really mattered right now. My feeling.

"Don't look so glum, Gilly-pie! I'll send you a gift from every place I visit!" She called from the deck of Pascal's ship. She laughed loudly in the arms of the stranger, holding her long blond hair back from blowing into her face. Why is it that my parents are like that…?

I could only deepen my scowl as I sat at the bench, just before the Maple Lake District. An area shaded by the hovering cliff side that harbored the Church that I didn't want to look at right now.

"HA! Found you!" Came a loud and obnoxious voice that I almost wished I didn't recognize. "I knew I'd find you sitting in the shade!"

"Something wrong with that?" I answered, annoyed at the correct assumption and the sudden presence on my bench that only furthered my recent irritation.

"Sure there is!" He said smiling, obviously ignorant of his tactlessness. "The sun's good for ya'! Makes ya' sweat! Helps ya' stay fit!"

"Why would I want to sweat? That's just gross." I scoffed. As usual, he seemed confused.

"Why wouldn't you wanna sweat?"

"Because I'm not an animal, like you!" I retaliated in disbelief. Luke, of course, only laughed.

"Sweating is good for you! It gets out all the bad stuff!" He teasingly nudged my shoulder. "No wonder you're always such a grouch!"

"Whatever…" I scoffed, looking away. "My actions are well justified." He cocked his head to the side.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I have a reason for everything that I do!"

"Oh. Weeell, then what's your reason for sitting alone on a bench?"

"Is it so wrong to want to be by myself after something like that?" Once again confusion clouded eyes. "Of course you don't know what I'm talking about…" I said clicking my tongue.

"I would if you told me." He said stupidly.

"I shouldn't have to tell you! You were there just like everyone else!" I folded my arms and looked away, just incase. "You saw her go."

"Oh!" He exclaimed loudly, now assured of the situation. "Your mom left yesterday, huh?" He said with no sign of sympathy in his voice at all. I turned back to him in frustration at the lack of comfort that I deserved.

"Have you no compassion?" He seemed surprisingly shocked. Good! If an outburst is what it takes, then I'm glad I could wipe that annoying grin from that bandage covered face of his! "I'm obviously upset right now! Aren't you smart enough to even see that much?" I used the silence the catch my breath, my shoulders slowing movement being the only noticeable one in the area. I stared, confident in my anger, into his now mysterious amber eyes. "Well?"

"Does she love you?" I was so thrown off by his blunt question that I dropped my tensed shoulders completely.


"Your mom seemed like she loved you lots when she left. I think I'm not that smart, you know? So I'm asking you. Does she love you?" I stumbled through the emotions he gave me. Confused, at what the answer might be. Angry, that he would challenge my resolve! Sad, when I think of her leaving again. Maybe this last one was a bit off, but I was also impressed at the maturity in his question… and in his eyes.

"Of course she does…" I said averting my gaze. Of course I was a bit embarrassed. Love is a personal subject after all, no matter what kind. I pondered then, why it didn't seem so wrong to speak of it with Luke. I must've rolled my eyes at my assumption that he was just such a cheesy guy nothing could be embarrassing around him. Then all at once my attention was back on him as he spoke again.

"Then you have no reason to be upset!" He said with a smile. "If your parents both love you then how can you be mad at them?" The rhetorical question rung annoyingly through my ears like the buzzing of a wrong game-show quiz answer. The stinging sensation you get from being told loudly and proudly that whatever reason you have for saying what you said is incorrect. But that's impossible… because my actions were well justified.

"How dare you!" I said standing in my rage. "You have no right to push your opinions on me! I have every right to feel this way! How could you even understand?" I didn't give him a long enough time to answer. "You can't! So just shut up and leave me alone!" I felt bad for yelling at him. Maybe because he was right, or maybe just because I didn't want to be wrong, but it didn't matter. I had already run away. And he had already forgiven me.