If you've read the past on my story Battle of the Bands then you know that it contains some OCS and right now I need some urgently! So if you're a fan of Gwen/Duncan or Scott Pilgram then prepare yourselves.
If you haven't read my story Battle of the Bands DO NOT YET. It's under revision. Basically it's summed up into this:
Teal-Haired Girl meets Mowhawk Punk Boy; falls in love. Mowhawk Boy has three murderous exes. Teal-Haired Girl is in band and fighting a competition that may or may not kill her. The only OC featured in the first story belongs to-TwistedRose97 and that is Leighton Parker :) Props and Shoutout to you! :D
I need EXEs, or side characters...
Single Characters:
Trent, Courtney, Katie, Justin, Alejandro, Heather
-If you've read my prior stories you must know I love Trent/Courtney but I sacrifice for this story... unless no one takes them ;)-
ONLY 20 Characters will make it in and even then you may not show up as often plus... I reserve the right to refuse any OC if I do not like them... Sorry _
OC FILL OUT SHEET: Name: Age: Gender: Relationship to character(pick one): Backstory: History with character: Appearance- Eye Color: Shirt: Dress/Skirts (not necessary): Shoes: Any Love Interest? (Not to be filled out if you want your character to be an ex):
Ex? or Extra?:
Hair Color:
Pants(not necessary if you filled in dress/skirts):
There yah go now review if you want to be in it or just leave and not get your 15 minutes of fame... Just kidding... MAYBE (-)_(-) L|A|W|L