Five years later…

"Mommy!" Josefina Bex Goode, or Jo as she preferred to be called, shouted, running down the stairs, her blonde hair flying everywhere Cammie Goode looked up from the report she was filling out and smiled at her daughter.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Cammie asked gently.

"Drew broke my doll!" she pouted. The blonde spy fought the urge to laugh. Bex and Grant's son, Drew, was only a little big younger than Jo, but he liked to mess with the

"Why would he do that?" Cammie asked with a raised eyebrow. Her daughter was bound to lie to her. She was a Goode after all.

The little girl's face turned guilty. "Well, I did throw his action figure out the window…" she admitted. "But he still broke my doll!" she shouted.

A voice from behind said, "Go kick his butt." Jo turned and looked at her father, grinning.

"Okay, Daddy!" she stated happily, running back up the stairs. Cammie sighed before scowling at her husband.

"Don't encourage her!" she scolded.

Zach shrugged. "He broke her doll. The kid has it coming." Cammie, despite her anger, let out a laugh. She laid down on their couch, and Zach laid down next to her. He grinned, thinking of the day almost five years ago when his little girl had been born.

Zach and the guys entered the room to see a very tired-looking but happy Cammie. Zach couldn't take his eyes off his wife or the tiny buddle in her arms. Even with her hair all mused and skin sweaty, Cammie had never looked more beautiful to him. She looked up at him, beaming. "Look, sweetie," she cooed to the baby. "It's your daddy." Zach walked over to his wife's bed and looked down at his daughter, who began to reach out to him. Cammie handed her to him gently. "Careful," she warned. Zach held his daughter in his arms, rocking her gently.

"She's gorgeous," Macey stated. "I feel bad for any boys who try to take her out though. Not only does he have to deal with Zach and the guys, but she also has four Gallagher girls to watch out for." Everyone laughed.

"So what's her name?" Liz asked curiously, looking at Cammie. The blonde's expression was apprehensive.

"Well," she began. "I like Josefina." The room went silent, thoughts turning to their lost teacher.

Zach spoke up. "I think Joe would like that, Gallagher Girl," he replied gently. Cammie smiled, and Zach was once again struck by how beautiful she was.

"And what about the middle name?" Bex questioned.

Cammie smiled up at her friend. "I was thinking Bex after her godmother." the look on Bex's face was priceless. She hugged Cammie tightly, her slight baby bump getting in the way.

And so the rest of the day was spent in Cammie's hospital room, everyone cooing over Josefina and talking about her future. Zach bragged that she'd be as sneaky as him while Cammie insisted she'd be a chameleon like her. Liz promised to teach her how to calculate situations while Bex wanted to teach her how to kick butt. Macey had the most normal wish out of them all; she wanted to teach Josefina how to be a girl, a lesson that Macey felt Cammie had missed as a kid. Whatever would happen, they all knew she'd be special. After all, she was the first spy kid in their group.

Zach was snapped out of his memories by Cammie's gentle voice. "Whatcha thinking about?" she asked softly.

Zach smiled. "Just how lucky I am," he whispered. His wife kissed him softly.

"Good," she answered. Cammie stretched out and yawned loudly. Zach had noticed his wife had been tired lately, and it was starting to worry him.

"Did you go to the doctor's today?" he asked worriedly.

Cammie smirked. "Yeah, I did," she replied teasingly.

"And?" Cammie, hearing a hint of panic in her husband's voice, decided to tell him.

"Looks like Jo's going to get that sibling she's wanted," Cammie stated with a smile. Zach's eyes bugged out for a second, trying to comprehend what his wife had just told him.

"You mean…" Zach trailed off. Cammie nodded with a smile to on her face. He leaned over and kissed her hard. They made out for a couple of minutes before Cammie pulled away.

"So I guess this is a good thing?" Cammie teased lightly. Zach rolled his eyes.

"You bet, Gallagher Girl," he replied. They started to kiss again put pulled away when hearing their daughter's voice.

"Ew, kissing!" Jo shouted, making a voice. Zach gave Cammie a look before running and picking his daughter up. He spun her around, the little girl's giggles filling up the room.

"Down, Daddy, down!" Jo commanded with a pout. Zach put her down, not noticing his wife's smirk. Jo had Zach completely wrapped around her little finger. The little girl ran to her mother and set down on her lap. Cammie stroked her daughter's blonde hair gently. She looked at Zach as if to ask if it was the right time to tell her. He nodded.

"Sweetheart…" Cammie began.

Jo smiled up at her mother. "Yes, Mommy?" she asked eagerly. The little girl knew her mother only used that tone when she had news. Jo had known her mother hadn't been feeling good recently, and she was curious as to know why.

"You're going to be getting that little brother or sister you've been wanting soon," Cammie replied gently. The little girl's grin was even bigger.

"Yay! I get a baby brother or sister before Drew!" the little girl shouted gleefully. "I gotta go to tell him!" Jo dashed up the stairs, earning chuckles from both her parents. Their friends said that she was the best of both of them, but the couple disagreed. Jo was the best of all of them: she had Cammie's chameleon abilities, Zach's stubbornness, Macey's girly side, Liz's charm, Bex's strength, Grant's humor, Jonas's brains, and Preston's people skills. She also had her namesake's determination, her grandmother's kindness, and her Uncle Oliver's bluntness. Even at such a young age, there was no doubt to any of them that Jo would grow up to be an amazing spy.

Cammie looked at her husband. "You happy?" she whispered.

Zach grinned at her. "Oh yeah," was his response as he pulled him closer. And as they "celebrated" their soon-to-be new arrival in their bedroom, Zach couldn't help but think how lucky he was. His fears, his spy's fears, were gone, leaving nothing behind. And, he thought to himself as Cammie started to unbutton his shirt, he wouldn't have it any other way.