Didn't You Know?

A US/Canada One Shot

Matthew placed Kumajiro on the floor and flopped onto his bed.

It had been another taxing day on the North American country. He'd sat six hours in the Allies conference, ignored by all of the Allies. Apparently, they couldn't see him.

"Hey." Kumajiro climbed onto the bed and nosed the back of his head. Matthew rolled over and gazed at the miniature polar bear. "Are you sick?"



Matthew sat up and thought. Unfortunately, his deep moment was short-lived.

There was a tremendous banging on his front door.


Matthew ran down the stairs and yanked open the door, coming face to face with Alfred, his brother.

Alfred walked in, saying, "I brought you a hamburger. Where were you today, dude? The Allies had a conference! It was something else, too! We got nothing done and Yao built a city and there was this ghost in the room!" He shivered as he handed Matthew the McDonalds bag and flopped on the couch. "It was creepy!"

"I know..." Matthew said quietly, setting the burger down.

"Huh?" Alfred leaned forward, peering over his glasses. "Did England come tell you already or something?"

"I was there, Alfred."

Alfred stared.

"No one could see me." Matthew muttered, putting his hands in his sweatshirt pocket and staring at his lap. "I'm a ghost."

Matthew could feel his brother's confused gaze on him.

He wasn't there. No one could see him because no one cared about him. No one could see him because they didn't believe in him.

Remembering Kumajiro's question, he murmured, "I'm sick...of being invisible."

"Hey, Matt?"

Matthew wasn't listening to the springs of the couch when Alfred sat beside him or feeling his arm around him.

Matthew's tears fell onto his red sweatshirt, making dark spots of crimson.

"Matt, look at me. You're not a ghost." Alfred took him by the shoulders and Matthew looked up slowly, eyes swimming with tears. Alfred's eyes shone with sincerity and affection.

"Didn't you know? Angels are always invisible."