AN: This is the last chapter. I hope you've all enjoyed the journey with me and hope you like the ending. I'm kind of glad I forgot to mark the story as complete after the first chapter :)

Derek Morgan was pacing the lobby of the Days Inn. There were a few other people gathered in the area besides himself. The federal agent was aware of the stares he was receiving but ignored them, not being the slightest bit self-concious.

~Where is he?~ Morgan thought, glancing at his watch once again. The watch read six forty. ~He's ten minutes late. Maybe he changed his mind?~ Morgan thought, clinging to that reason, as the others that crossed his mind weren't ones that he cared to dwell on.

Morgan stopped his pacing and gazed toward the second floor balcony. There was no sign of Reid. Having had enough of the waiting, the Chicago native started toward the stairs, deciding it was time to go looking for the other agent. As he was reaching the base of the steps, he saw Reid hurrying toward them the floor above him.

"Sorry," Reid called when he saw Morgan at the bottom of the steps.

"Reid, just slow down. I don't want this outing to turn into a trip to the hospital," Morgan replied.

The young genius didn't reply to Morgan's comment but did slow to a normal pace as he came down the steps.

"You've got the address?" Morgan asked.

In reply, Reid tapped the side of his head lightly.

"Fine, that was a stupid question," Morgan said. ~Must be nice not to have to write stuff down so you don't forget it.~ "Let's go."

The two colleagues started toward the door. As they did so, Hotch and Emily came off of the elevators. The hotel had been unable to put all five of the team's rooms together and as a result Hotch and Emily both had rooms on the fourth floor while the rest of the team's rooms were spread out on the second.

The four co-workers exchanged greetings.

"Hotch and I were just going to go grab something to eat. Why don't the two of you join us?" Emily asked.

Morgan looked instantly at Reid. ~What do we tell her. I know Reid doesn't want the whole team to know about this.~ Looking at his friend, Morgan could tell Reid didn't quite know how to go about declining the invitation

"Morgan and Reid are actually leaving to do something for me. Something came up in the case that might possibly be a lead and I asked the two of them to check it out," Hotch explained, speaking up.

Emily looked at Hotch surprised that he had answered. She could tell he was covering but she had no clue what he was covering. She changed her gaze from Hotch to Reid who looked relieved and finally looked at Morgan.

"So much for our evening off," Morgan said smoothly with a shrug of his shoulders, instantly playing along with Hotch's deception. A little too smoothly for Emily's taste but before she had a chance to question it Morgan continued. "We better get going. I'll keep you updated, Hotch," Morgan said, to which Hotch nodded. "Enjoy your dinner Emily," he said, and reaching out grabbed, Reid's arm and pulled the younger agent toward the exit with him.

"She wasn't buying it," Reid commented once they were out of the building and heading for one of the black SUV's the team were driving around Fairfield.

"I know that, why do you think I didn't give her a chance to question us further," Morgan replied taking the key to the vehicle out of his pocket. Pointing it toward the vehicle, with a beep he unlocked the doors.

"What if she doesn't let it go?" Reid asked, looking across the hood of the vehicle now, at Morgan.

"Hotch can handle Emily," Morgan told him, opening the car door and climbing in behind the wheel.

Reid didn't comment as he climbed into the passenger seat and programmed the address they were going to into the vehicles GPS. Moments later, the two agents were on there way, the computerized voice of the GPS giving them directions.

As he drove toward the town of Abbington, Morgan stole a glance at his traveling companion. Reid had his head resting against the head rest of the seat, face turned toward the window. His arms were folded across himself. On his left wrist, Morgan noticed he was again wearing the watch that JJ had given him.

"I see you talked to JJ," Morgan commented, breaking the silence.

Reid jumped slightly at the comment. Morgan wasn't sure if it was the sound of his voice or the comment he had made that startled his friend.

"What makes you say that?" Reid asked looking at Morgan.

"The watch," Morgan said. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Reid glance down at the object.

"I told you I needed to apologize," Reid commented.

Morgan pondered what, if anything, he should say next. ~This really is between Reid and JJ but I want him to know I'm here if he wants to talk. I don't want him to think I'm taking sides on this.~

"Morgan, what's wrong with me?" Reid asked before Morgan could make a decision.

~You're a drug addict,~ was the reply that immediately jumped into Morgan's mind. He didn't say it however, knowing that it wasn't what Reid was meaning with the question. He had already admitted to that.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do I keep lashing out at people who are trying to help me? Prentiss, JJ and even you. I don't know why you guys even put up with me."

"Because we care about you, Reid, and we know you aren't thinking straight right now."

"That's no excuse for my behavior. No reason for me to be saying and doing the things I'm doing. I apologized to her and I still feel bad about lashing out at JJ this afternoon. She says she forgives me but that doesn't make it right."

"Well, at least you realize that much. Reid, I've seen this before. I've seen situations like this tear families apart and destroy friendships. I'm not letting that happen here. I refuse to because if I do, then I'm giving up on the bond we have and that means way to much to me. No matter what you do, your not getting rid of me."

Morgan's words were met with silence. Glancing quickly to his right, Morgan saw that Reid was looking out the window.

~What are you thinking, Kid?~ Morgan wondered, worried a bit by the silence. ~I can only hope I'm saying the right things and that what I am saying is getting through to him.~

The rest of the drive to the Y in Abbington was made in silence. Pulling into the parking lot, Morgan found a parking space and pulled the SUV into it. He took the key out of the ignition and got out of the vehicle. About to shut the door, he noticed Reid hadn't moved.

"This was your idea, Kid. If you don't want to go through with, then wait until we get back home," Morgan told him.

Reid took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I need to do this. I've just been feeling so messed up lately. I need time with people who know. I know you're trying to understand, Morgan, and talking to you helps but . . ."

"I understand."

Morgan stood there, waiting for Reid. It wasn't long before the younger man was climbing from the SUV. Together the two of them headed toward the parking lot. Other people, some still in business attire, some in jeans and t-shirts, came into the rec center, all seemingly knowing where they were going. Once inside, Reid found out where the meeting he wanted to go to was being held.

"You'll be here when its over?" Reid asked, looking toward Morgan.

"I promise," Morgan told him, knowing Reid needed that reinsurance. "Besides, what do you think Hotch would do to me if I left you stranded here," Morgan said, trying to lighten the mood a little.

The comment got a small smile out of Reid, who then turned and headed for the room the NA meeting was being held. Morgan watched him walk down the hallway. Right before he entered the room, Reid glanced back in his direction. Morgan gave his friend a nod of encouragement and then walked into the room.

~I hope this helps. I hate seeing him suffer like this. More than anything right now, he needs some peace of mine.~

~"I'm entrusting him to you and I know things are going to be okay even with me gone."~

Gideon's words from the phone message echoed in Morgan's mind. Like he had told Hotch, the team was doing okay without Gideon. Morgan could never forget what the man had taught him and done for him, but the world didn't revolve around one person. The team didn't revolve around one person.

~We'll keep going. Gideon gave up on us, we didn't give up on him. The team will be okay. Reid is going to be okay, because I'll do everything in my power to ensure that. Not because you entrusted him to me Gideon, but because he's my 'brother' and no matter what I'm not going to walk away from him. I'm stronger than that and right now he needs someone to be strong for him.~

Morgan walked down the hallway, stopping outside the door of the room Reid had entered. Positioning himself across from the door, Morgan sat down on the floor, back to the wall, to wait.

~I'll be here, Kid. I'll be here when you walk out of this meeting and everyday you need me from here on out.~