AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yeah I know there are a trillion and one of these out there but for my own satisfaction and to meet my monthly quota, try to read and review. I suggest you anticipate anything…I am not the top notch writer.
"Dad, um…can I catch the bus home or something…please?"
"Nonsense Danny Boy! You gotta wait till afternoon till the fun begins, this is going to be great! You just watch when the daily reports from the labs come in, then…you can pitch in a give them typing skills a spin eh?"
Danny shut his eyes and let out a deep breath, attempting to convince himself that he was happy to be at Dad's work place for the fourteenth year straight
"Alright Danny, so you want to go down with the other kids, I heard they have some clay to shape up…sound fun?"
"Dad, I think that your cubicle is a lot more fun than clay with a bunch of fifth graders, not everybody here brings their 14 year old son to 'bring your child to work day'"
"Oh nonsense Danny, I know my co-worker Jim still brings his kid here everyday"
"But that's because your co-worker's son works here!"
Jack seemed to ignore Danny's comment to stop by the small kitchenette and help himself to whatever was in the fridge. Danny sat down in one of the chairs, bored as he watched one of his Dad's co-workers arrive and begin conversing with the large man. Long ago had the charm of 'bring your child to work day' died and now it was a yearly chore. Be dragged by Dad to Axiom labs to sit in a cubicle for 8 hours and then leave. As cool as Danny's classmates thought it was that his Dad worked at the famous Axiom labs, Danny would have traded going there for anything. Well…that is if he hadn't been coming to Axiom labs for all 15 years of his life. In fact, Danny probably knew almost all of Dad's co-workers far more than he would have liked, and knew his way around his Dad's office a lot better than some of the workers at the labs. In short, Danny was tired of coming to the Labs every year, he had seen the place, done the activities, and would of rather been jamming his thumbs on a game controller than listen to his Dad talk about the newest reports to his pal
Danny might have been more interested in coming had he been tagging alone with his mother. But that was something that none of the kids who came there got to do. Axiom Labs was a massive complex, his Dad's office only dealing with the more menial tasks of the organization. The Labs were known far and wide as a developer of cutting edge technologies and researcher into strange new fields, the pride and joy of the entire city of Amity Park. However, much of what the labs did was secret and behind closed doors, such as where his mother worked; in the most secret and bizarre section of the Labs of all, the paranormal division.
Axiom Labs was the top and only large Laboratory in the nation that actively researched the paranormal. But that was the only thing that was clear, everything else was out of sight behind massive doors marked 'no admittance' and 'authorized personal only'. It had long been a subject of curiosity for the cobalt haired blue eyed Fenton, but whatever went on where his mother worked was closed to even his Dad's ears.
"Come on Danny, time to hit the keyboard! I'll be at my cubicle if you want me, you know your way right?"
Danny gave his Dad a grunt in reply. His Dad, still looking sharp in his dress shirt and tie despite his size, bounded away to his computer, leaving Danny alone, at the small cheap table, staring at the magnets on the fridge
The air conditioner roared on, rattling a vent above Danny's head. The sink dripped slowly, a quiet drip drop that began to gnaw at Danny's brain. The clock on the wall ticked, agonizingly slow. It was clear that when Danny began to her every noise in the room that he was bored. Lunch was an hour away, nothing left to do but either go over to his Dad's cubicle and watch as Dad cheerily typed away some miscellaneous report.
The summer had been fairly uneventful. The family had to Wisconsin to see some relatives, and Jazz had taken a trip to a university, but besides that, summer had consisted of fiddling with a gaming system with Tucker Foley, Danny's best friend, or hanging out with Sam Manson, which Danny felt an increasing urge to spend more time with. Even though she might…
The clatter of keys on a keyboard and the squeak of a chair whispered through the quiet office space to Danny's ears. An echo of chattering and the ring of a telephone added to the hushed cacophony of sounds that were Danny's only source of intrigue. There was nothing quite like being in an office building. Whether that was a good or bad thing was Danny's question.
With school fast approaching, these were the days that Danny cherished. Those last days of looking back on the summer and remembering the countless hours of bliss spent entertaining his self. The good and bad now replayed through Danny's half lidded eyes as he lazily sat.
Danny panted as his legs continued to pump harder, pushing the device faster.
"Danny, wait up dude, you're going to run over a kid or something!" Tucker shouted as he furiously attempted to close the distance of his bicycle with Danny's.
Good old Tucker, Danny had known him for as long as he could remember. From a different perspective, they seemed the most unlikely of friends, but Danny and Tucker's friendship was deeper than just a childhood relationship. The two boys seemed to have a part of themselves in one another. They cried together, got sick together, and even in the tough times, somehow always found a way to talk to one another.
Tucker's red beret flew off as he yelped and ducked beneath a tree branch which he narrowly missed. "DANNY" Tucker whined "Wait up my hat!"
"We won't get to electronic world on time!" Danny shouted as he slammed on the bike's brakes. "What about the new PDA that you wanted?"
The techno geek looked back at Danny with what could only be described as hungry eyes "um…oh what the heck forget the hat, keep going!"
Danny sighed as he recalled Tucker's franticness when he returned to the spot and found his hat gone. Danny always kind of liked Tucker without his hat but old habits die hard and the search for the hat lasted well into the evening. By the time the very soiled and battered red beret had been found, Danny had also found two very angry and worried parents as well. Thankfully, Tucker stayed to help pacify the situation. But still Danny had been in hot water.
Danny chuckled softly as another scene came to mind, but this time involving Samatha Manson, the secret center of Danny's admiration
"LEFT! LEFT, we can't let her beat us!" Danny shouted almost hysterically as water splashed and Tucker and Danny frantically paddled to the left.
"GUYS! We're all going to end up in the river if you keep attempting to cut me off!" Sam shouted from her black kayak. She made a hard turn as Danny and Tucker clipped the kayak with their canoe, the splash from their sloppy paddling drenching the Goth in a shower of murky river water.
"IDIOTS! Mom is going freak when she sees my pants! When I get my hands on you two!" Sam's glare, black with irritation, was enough to make both of the boys gulp.
"Faster Tucker, Faster!" Danny's frantic words were not necessary as Tucker began to paddle faster than before, churning up the water into foam. "I'm paddling as fast as I can" came Tucker's reply as the canoe rocketed downstream. Tucker looked back to see Sam still closing the lead they had just gotten, whirling her kayak paddle back and forth as she pushed herself. Both Tucker and Danny knew that she could easily outrun them both when she wanted too.
"BRIDGE!" Danny's shout brought Tucker's view ahead to a low bridge that loomed just downstream. "RiGht Danny, give it all you got" Tucker shouted back as both of them attempted to avoid one of the bridge supports. A few moments later with a terrible shriek of the canoe, Danny and Tucker were unhappily wedged between a tree branch in the river and the bridge support. Both of them looked back, their faces blossoming with alarm as they watched Sam bear down on them with an evil smile on her face.
Later that day, Tucker and Danny swore never to go canoeing with Sam again as they came back to Tucker's house, drenched from head to toe with dirty water and river mud…compliments of Sam's revenge for getting her wet.
Danny could only laugh heartly now as he recalled the comical scene. It had been totally worth it!
The clock ticked on as Danny continued to reminisce about his summer memories. Little did the fifteen year old know that his time for freedom was running out `