A/N: Here is yet another fanfic of mine! Based on Grand Bazaar! I got exited on writing this. So yeah. I hope ya'll like it! So yeah the love triangle is between Dirk, Anita and Ivan and also Antoinette, Dirk and Anita as well as Anita, Ivan and Freya. (Hope you didn't get confused there xD) The title is understood to be "Trapped in Triangles" because Anita is pretty much stuck in every love triangle up there. Haha. So I hope you *points at reader* will read and hopefully review my first Grand Bazaar fic! Btw, free Ice Cream for reviewers! Teehee. :3

"Ahhh. I made a good choice moving into this place!" I exclaimed stretching my hands. It was only my second day today and I'm all full of energy to explore the town! I can't wait!

"Alrighty then! I finished up watering the turnips that Felix gave me. Now to meet my new neighbors!" I chirped as I walked to the path of the village. The place was so beautiful! The scenery and whatnot. I passed by a really beautiful waterfall. I walked to the path of the village and crossed a small bridge. Then unexpectedly my stomach growled.

"Oooh. I guess I was too exited earlier and didn't eat breakfast. Oh well." I shrugged and walked on. I glanced back and forth. Nobody was out. Huh. Felix did say something about the population of this place to be low in number.

"Hey! You!" somebody called. I glanced and saw a blue haired girl. Her outfit was out of the ordinary, and really expensive looking. I pointed to myself confused.

"Yeah you! Are you new here?" she asked walking to my direction.

"Um. Yeah. I'm Anita! Just moved into the farm near the waterfall." I introduced cheerfully. She just smirked.

"Really? That's tough for a girl to hold a farm alone. I'm impressed. My name is Antoinette, a future fashion designer! How do you like my outfit?" she positioned herself in front of me.

"It's so pretty! Where did you get it?" I asked mesmerized. She chuckled.

"My mother made it just for me! She's a current fashion designer! A great one at that! And I wanna be just like her!" she raised her chin up proudly. I smirked a bit.

"Yeah. Hehe" I laughed awkwardly. Um, well it's nice meeting you Antoinette! I hope that we could be good friends in the near future!" I exclaimed happily.

"Huh. Well there's nothing wrong with becoming friends, so yeah sure. Nice meeting you too." she shook my hand.

"I better be off now, lot's of fashion designing to do you now! Maybe one day, I can make you try my outfits!" she winked and skipped back to a blue roofed house. She seems pretty nice. I smirked as she left. My stomach growled again. Oh man, I'm getting pretty hungry.

"Hehehe. You sound pretty hungry lady!" somebody chuckled. I turned my head. A boy was leaning on the bridge now, he was wearing a purple hat and matching jacket and wearing a loose yellow tie around his neck.

"Um..hehe yeah. But I think I'm alright." I said rubbing my empty belly.

"No way! Everybody has to eat! Especially when they're hungry! Come on to the cafe! There's a lot of food there!" he waved his hand, ordering to follow him to a small cafe just nearby. It would be rude not to follow, so I shrugged and followed the boy.

"Hey, Marian! Can this young lady have a treat?" the boy leaned on the counter.

"Oh, you do look quite hungry, here have some tea and here's a treat for you." the lady, Marian as the boy called her passed him a tray.

"Here ya go!" he grinned broadly and placed the tray on a table.

"B-but I don't have any money just yet." I waved my hands back and forth. He chuckled.

"Don't worry! Your new here aren't you? It's all on me! I'll pay for it, besides I have a discount here. Hehe" he chuckled.

"What? No no! I can't do that! We just met..and.." I declined, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No really! It's okay, your so hungry I heard it when I was in the bridge, and you were all the way on Antoinette's house!" he chuckled again. "Seriously it's alright! This snack isn't very expensive anyway, hey at least you have something to eat right?" he smiled leaned his head on his arms when he sat down and asked me. This guy is pretty childish and funny.

"Yeah, I guess so. Thanks so much. I'll find a way to repay you someday!" I exclaimed. He chuckled a little louder.

"That's sounds nice! But it's okay. Hehe, though I really like some good ol' beetles. Haha! I know it's pretty gross for a girl like you, so it's not worth giving me a beetle. Hehe" he chuckled. I smirked.

"No it's alright! I really don't mind beetles or any kind of insects." I said munching on my rice ball.

"Really? Awesome! But beetles only come out in the summer! Haha, so yeah it's hard to get them" he said grinning. This guy smiles a lot, doesn't his cheeks hurt? I chuckled quietly.

"What?" he asked smiling confused.

"Nothing! Your pretty funny you know?" I said giggling a bit. He looked a little embarrassed and looked away.

"R-really? Hehe, that's nice to hear from you." he said stuttering a bit.

"Oh yeah! I'm Anita by the way!" I stretched my hand.

"The name's Dirk! Remember that okay? Haha!" he shook it going back to becoming cheerful.

"Alright!" I giggled.

"Looks like your all full! That's great!" he exclaimed when I sipped the last drops of my tea.

"Mmmhhhmmm!" I agreed nodding. He grinned.

"Well it's really great meeting you Dirk! I hope we can be great friends!" I exclaimed waving my hand. He smirked.

"Yeah, nice too meet ya too Anita!" he waved back grinning broadly. I rubbed my tummy again. Ahhh, I'm full. That Dirk guy, is pretty funny and sweet. I grinned absentmindedly and then bumped into someone.

"O-oop. S-sorry.." I apologized rubbing my head. The guy turned around. I blinked.

"That's alright. Oh, I presume this is the first time we've met? My name is Ivan." he stretched his hand and smiled kindly.

"H-hello. I'm Anita!" I shook it. Gosh, he's so handsome!

"Pleasure to meet you Anita. Are you traveling?" he asked still smiling.

"Um, no. I just moved into the farm." I answered feeling uncomfortable.

"That's nice. Try not to overwork yourself. Oh, I've got to go now, to the city. I'm actually a tutor." he chuckled. "I like teaching and taking care of children, even if sometimes some of them can get quite stubborn." he chuckled again.

"Cool." was all I said.

"Well then, hope to see you soon, Anita." he waved and left for the city I guess. Wow that's a long way to travel, he's pretty hardworking, and cute. Teehee. Okay, where should I go next? Hmm. Why not go to the forest? That seems like a nice idea. Better relax a bit, for living in a farm means little time for relaxation. As to what I've heard.

I walked up the stairs of the town and saw a cliff. Hmm. My aerobics are getting pretty good these days, why don't I try it now? I stepped a few paces back and jumped, then double jumped. I then landed carefully at the near edge of the cliff.

"Whew! That was a nice jump." I exclaimed standing up. Then I walked on, and stopped on another cliff. I jumped down and here I am. The forest. I have been here before of course, Felix and I passed by here to my house. I like this place, so serene and calm. I sat in front of the river and plumped on the flower field. I'm so glad I moved here. Ahhh. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Is she dead?" a faint voice asked. I opened my eyes slowly.

"H-huh?" I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"She's not! Dead people don't mumble!" another voice said. I blinked a few times, my vision was clearer now. There were two little girls in front of me, I rubbed my eyes again. But there's still two of them. Twins perhaps?

"Hello, Lady! I haven't seen you before?" the little girl in red exclaimed grinning. The other one in green was standing still shyly behind her.

"Hi! I'm actually new here. I'm Anita!" I introduced giving my hand to the two girls. They're so adorable!

"Huh cool! I'm Cindy! This is my sister, Lauren. I'm actually older than her by a minute! Which makes me the big sister!" she giggled. Lauren just stayed quiet behind. I smiled at the giggling girl, she's so hyper, and her sister's not. They're quite the opposites for twins.

"Hello there, Lauren. Is it true she's older than you?" I asked her gently. She seemed to hesitate at first but replied quietly.

"Um..yeah. But Mommy said we're still the same age, so nobody's a big sister." she mumbled.

"But I wanna be a big sister!" Cindy grumbled. Lauren shrugged as I chuckled.

"BOO!" a boyish voice screamed, which made the two girls shriek. A small boy about their age laughed out.

"Hahaha! You guys are so easy to surprise! Haha!" he laughed sitting down.

"Kevin! Don't do that!" Cindy yelled. Lauren hid behind me trembling.

"Hahaha! Sorry! It's not my fault you girls are such scaredy cats!" he laughed.

"Hey, kid. It's pretty mean to do such things! Apologize to the girls!" I said standing up and cradling Lauren, staring seriously at the boy.

"Hmph. Fine. Sorry Cindy. Sorry Lauren. I won't do it again. But geez, it's only a small teeny tiny prank! You guys do it sometimes too right?" he shrugged and folded his hands.

"Yeah! But yours scared Lauren a lot! You know she's sensitive!" Cindy yelled again.

"Well, I'm sorry already!" he apologized getting a bit annoyed.

"Well, Lauren, do you forgive him?" I asked her. She was still trembling a bit, clutching hard at me.

"Um...I guess so..." she mumbled. Cindy snorted.

"Huff. You forgive him so fast, Lauren!" Cindy retorted. Kevin smirked and I smiled as I put Lauren back down.

"You kids play nice alright then?" I said patting the girls heads.

"Okay, Anita! See you later!" Cindy said as she and Lauren skipped off. Lauren waved at me as they left, and I waved back smiling. Such adorable kids.

"Hmph!" the boy, Kevin, snorted. I shook my head at him, smiling.

"I'm Anita by the way" I said crouching down to his height. He folded his hands.

"My name is Kevin. I don't think I've seen you before, Lady." he exclaimed acting all cool. I giggled.

"I'm the new farmer. So, Kevin, do you like playing games?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled.

"What kind?" I asked.

"LOTS!" he jumped "I like, Tag, Hide and Seek and most especially being superheroes! And I like playing with bugs! You know what, you can be my side kick Anita! Your lucky that I'm giving you that opportunity ya know!" he blabbed. I chuckled.

"Okay, but I'm a bit busy right now, let's play some other time 'kay?" I ruffled his hair.

"Okay! Let's play sometime okay? I'll be waiting!" he waved and trotted away. I shook my head. Kids.

"Looks like you met the kids!" a familiar voice exclaimed. I turned around and saw Dirk, he was near the uphill road.

"Hey there, Anita! We keep bumping into each other don't we? Haha!" he chuckled.

"Yeah, whatcha doin' here?" I asked walking to where he is.

"Well, hehe. I like bugs and stuff so, I went here to catch some. Pretty weird huh?" he chuckled "I'm going to give some to Kevin if he wants, he's a nice boy." he said a little uncomfortably. I giggled.

"There's nothing wrong with liking bugs, Dirk." I said giggling. He grinned.

"Cool..and one more thing, it's this upward hill. I'd love to try and skateboard here. It's really neat! But unfortunately I don't have a skateboard just yet! But Ivan said he's gonna give me one on my birthday! I can't wait!" he chuckled. Ivan? The handsome guy I met earlier? He probably noticed my confused look because he then said:

"Oh yeah! Have you met my brother Ivan? He's a tutor! He's the best big brother ever! He can be a little boring sometimes though. Haha!" he chuckled again. I giggled with him.

"Yes, I've met him. He's quite formal, I didn't know you two were brothers." I said. Now that he mentions it, he and Ivan seemed to look alike. But they we're a lot different, I think. Ivan seems to sound pretty formal and all. Even his clothing. Dirk's outfit is bit dirty and not worn right. His jacket is unbuttoned, his tie loose, and his hair is all ruffled. Well, he is pretty hyper.

"Oh we are. But we don't usually see each other often anymore. He's very busy. But it's alright, he's doing it for me as well so..yeah." he grinned. I smiled as well.

"It must be nice to have a brother like him, huh?" I asked, thinking about Ivan. He sounds so..kind. It would be nice to talk to him more.

"Yeah, he's the best!" he exclaimed.

"Dirk! Oh Dirk!" somebody then called. We both glanced and saw Antoinette running to our direction.

"Hey Dirk!" Antoinette greeted and hugged Dirk when she reached us.

"H-hey..Antoinette.." he greeted back, uncomfortably. "C-can't breathe..." he continued.

"Oh! Sorry!" she giggled and let go. Then she saw me. "Well well, if it isn't the new farmer. Hello again, Anita!" she greeted.

"Hi, Antoinette." I greeted as well, smiling.

What are you doing here?" she asked eyeing me and Dirk.

"Oh just wandering about.." I mumbled. Dirk was silent for once, I glanced at him, he looked well, I don't know. His eyes were moving everywhere. Probably seeing a bug. I smirked a bit.

"Well, it seems you and Dirk have already met! We've been friends ever since we were kids!" she exclaimed. "Right Dirk?" she then asked

"Yeah. So Antoinette, what brings you here?" He asked distracted.

"Nothing much. I got bored and came to see you! I knew you'd go here looking for bugs!" she said smiling. It's pretty obvious that Antoinette likes Dirk, but I don't think Dirk is aware of it.

"Oh..really? Cool." he mumbled. Awkward silence succumbed. Dirk glanced in different directions for a bit, searching for a bug I presume. Antoinette just watched him smiling cheerfully. I was there standing awkwardly.

"Well...I guess I'll go now, I'll see you guys later!" I waved and patted Dirk's shoulder.

"Bye!" Antoinette waved formally.

"See you later, Anita." Dirk waved as well, grinning. Well that was a bit..weird. Ah never mind, I walked back to my farm now, it's getting late and I have a lot of work to do before the bazaar opens on Saturday. I hope I won't mess it up. I usually do. When I reached my new humble home I flopped on my bed.

"What a nice day. The people seem nice and the place is so clean and beautiful. I'm going to get used to living here. Oh and that Ivan guy, I hope I can meet and talk to him more tomorrow. He sounds so nice and he's handsome too. And Dirk seems like a pretty nice guy. I'd love to make friends with him and Antoinette. I smiled and finally I went to dreamland.

The romance hasn't begun yet people so watch out for that! There will be romance! I'm positive of it! So just be patient until my next update!I don't think it's very good but I hope you liked it! I'm not very good at updating quickly, so yeah. Wait once in a while. Since I also have some other stories to make and grades to maintain. Understood? If you review, you can wait while eating some ice cream! Hahaha xD

So yeah..review and see you in the next chapter! :D