Disclaimer: I do not own the 39 Clues

Chapter 12

The next day Amy still hadn't forgotten about her dream. She kept thinking about the riddle and its answer. She was also curious why Kyle had given her the necklace. It wasn't her birthday yesterday. She planned to ask him.

Turns out, Kyle was absent. When she was walking towards class Ian blocked her path.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I want to see your necklace. Maybe there was something that you missed."Ian said.

"No way. Now please excuse me, I'm going to be late for class." Amy said trying to get past Ian.

"Not until you let me borrow the necklace Kyle gave you."Ian insisted.

"Fine. After you take a look give it back to me. Okay?" Amy said taking the necklace off her neck and handing it over to Ian's outstretched hand. Ian looked at it curiously. He looked at it closely. Finally, when he was finished he threw it on the floor. It quickly broke and the red liquid came out of the pendant. The places where the liquid landed quickly disintegrated in front of their eyes. Amy couldn't believe it. Ian purposely broke the necklace that was given to her by Kyle and the red liquid inside was acidic. What would have happened to her if the pendant broke when she was still wearing it?

"What the?" She asked disbelievingly.

"See? He was trying to harm you." Ian said matter-of-factly.

"Maybe he didn't know it was that it was acidic." Amy suggested. Even as she had said it, she still doubted it.

"Why was the Raven trademark on the necklace? That just means that their family made it. More importantly, why was there a listening device attached to it?" Ian asked Amy. Amy just glared at Ian that stalked off.

Amy just stared; when the bell rang she woke up from her reverie. She ran towards homeroom before the second bell rang.

She sat beside Jonah.

"Yo Ames, is something wrong?" Jonah asked Amy.

"Well, you know that necklace that Kyle gave me?" Amy asked not looking at Jonah in the eyes.

Jonah's eyes narrowed and replied with a cold tone, "What about it?"

"The-There was a-a li-lis-listening device at-attached to it. A-And m-most of all, the-there wa-was ac-aci-acidic liquid in-insi-inside." Amy said trying very hard to control the cracking of her voice but not really caring about her stutter.

Jonah just stared at her with wide eyes and asked, "How did you found out?"

"I-Ian was the one wh-who fo-found out ab-about it." She said. Hot tears were threatening to make its way down her now red cheeks.

"Well it's a really good thing that he found out about it. If he didn't then you might be in big trouble." Jonah responded with a worried look in his eyes.

"Yeah, it would have been disastrous. It is a good thing that he found out about it." Amy said.

Amy sighed. She thought that she would have to thank and apologize to Ian during break time.

Amy didn't see Ian throughout the day. She didn't even see him during lunch break. She asked everyone but they too didn't know where he was.

Amy knew that she shouldn't be worried, but something told her, deep down, that something was not right.

She didn't sleep well that night.

I'm so sorry if it's too short. I have a writer's block. But at least I wrote something right?

I would really appreciate some R&R's. And now that I have posted 12 chapters of this story, you'll just have to wait for a few more days- or a week maybe- before I post a new chapter again. If I have no writer's block, I could post one tomorrow.

Please review :D

Try to answer the riddle?