I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You.

"I do not know, Russia. I honestly do not know." Germany muttered to the violet eyed Nation and then looked down at his hands.

"Everything will be alright." Russia said smoothly and he pressed a bottle of Vodka against the blue eyed Nation's right cheek. "Just drink some more Vodka and it will make you feel much better."

Russia watched as Germany quickly gulped down the Vodka, noticing the blonde's cheeks were flushed, and he smiled innocently for the blue eyed Nation looked rather helpless.

"Russia, I feel slightly better. Thank you." Germany commented to the violet eyed Nation and he noticed that Russia was smiling faintly.

"I have plenty of Vodka and I'm willing to share with you, da." Russia said cheerfully and he grabbed the German's hand. "Come with me, Germany. Trust me."

"Ja." Germany told him and he was pulled up into a hug by the .

"It is nice receiving a hug." Russia commented calmly, his arms were wrapped around the blonde's hips, and he added. "My height is 5'11.6"

"My height is 5'11'." Germany told him and he heard the Russian giggle.

"I'm .6 taller than you." Russia informed him smoothly and he let go of the blonde Nation. "Follow me, da. It is time for more Vodka and more talking."

Germany silently followed the very slightly taller Nation and wondered if it is a good idea to trust Russia.

"You and I depend on each other for energy." The violet eyed Nation said cheerfully and he decided to grab Germany's hand softly not in a vine like grip. "I wish to help you, da."

Germany's eyes went wide for Russia has led him to a room full of Vodka, but he also noticed a large bathtub.

"That is a bathtub I use when I wish to bathe in Vodka. Anyway, Let's have a contest of who can drink the most Vodka." Russia commented innocently and he sat down on the floor. "Whoever passes out first loses. Simple, da."

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A Little Information

Germany and Russia depend on each other for energy, namely in Germany's need for energy from Russia and Russia's need for heavy German investment to develop their energy infrastructure.