
The world meeting had arrived much too quickly for Emerald's liking. The whole week was a whirlwind of nerves and anxiety for the British teen. Luckily Haruhi had sacrificed herself grudgingly so that the Host Club would be away from her during the past week so she can try to relax her nerves.

Emerald stood still with her arms held out straight at her sides as Safaia knelt in front of her sewing a final detail to her outfit. "Do I have to wear this to the meeting?" she muttered, looking down at the formal dress. Don't get her wrong, it was a beautiful dress, a dark green hi-low dress with the back being a lace trail reaching down to the floor.

Safaia rolled her eyes. "Of course not," she replied, "This is for the formal parties that I have a feeling Kyoya would try to force us to go to. Knowing him, he's gonna do everything in his power to make sure he knows all of our secrets."

"I have your outfit that you're gonna wear to the meeting," Haruhi said, laying out a simple white button down shirt with a black skirt that resembled the clothes her mother would wear when she worked as a lawyer.

Emerald bit her bottom lip. Today was the day that Arthur and Kiku was gonna bring them to their world meeting and Haruhi was going to go with her. Safaia, on the other hand, said that she had to go to her own meeting and won't be able to go with her. "Are you sure you won't come?" she asked.

Safaia got up and put the sewing needle and remaining thread in her sewing box. "Don't worry about a thing," she said, patting her younger cousin on the head. "Haruhi will be with you and help out. Besides I have to brush up with our plan for the next year in Hogwarts."

The doorbell rang causing Emerald to drop her head down and groan. "You'll be fine," Haruhi said as she went over to open the door.

Unfortunately when the door was open, it wasn't Arthur or Kiku standing there. There was a girl who looked to be in her late teens. She has blue eyes and wavy, amber-colored hair that comes to her shoulders, with two star-shaped barrettes holding her bangs out of her face. Hanging around her neck was a thick pair of headphones with the United States flag on each end. She wore a short pale green pleated skirt and a tank top with an American flag design on it with a brown bomber jacket with a large number fifty on the back.

The three cousins glanced at the girl as she smiled like the cat who caught the canary and ate it. "Who's that?" Emerald whispered to Safaia, who responded, "Don't know." "May we help you?" Haruhi asked, getting ready to slam and lock the door.

"Awwww…you're so cute!" the girl squealed. She quickly ran into the room and grabbed Emerald off the stool and hugged her tightly to her chest. "I've been wanting to meet you since forever but Iggy's been such a pain in the ass."

"AMELIA JONES!" a voice shouted as footsteps could be heard stomping up the stairs. Arthur ran and slid to a stop at the door. "Goddamn you crazy woman, listen to people when they tell you to do something!" he shouted at the girl, who completely ignored him and just continued to hug Emerald.

"Hey, Arthur," Safaia said, waving nonchalantly at the Brit. "Who's the chick?"

Arthur smacked his forehead with his hand and dragged his hand down his face as he grumbled. "Meet Amelia Jones, she's my little sister," he said.

Amelia loosened her hold on Emerald but still kept her close to her chest. "You probably know me better as United States of America," she said, winking playfully at the other girls. "I'm here to help escort you to the meeting."

"At least it's just you here and not your boyfriend," Arthur muttered.

"What's wrong with her boyfriend?" Haruhi asked. She wondered if he's anything like Tamaki or the twins, if so then she could see why Arthur wasn't too fond of them.

Amelia placed her hands on her hip and said jokingly, "Yeah, what's wrong with my boyfriend, Iggy?"

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Oh, nothing's wrong with him if you don't mind a six foot giant with pale blonde hair that speaks in a thick Russian accent walking around the middle of Japan," he muttered. He glanced at a nearby clock mounted on a wall and cursed. "We better get a move on or we're going to be late," he announced.

Haruhi held onto the clothes as she followed Emerald to the back to help her change out of the dress. Safaia packed away her sewing utensils as she asked curiously, "So what exactly is the plan for today?"

"We're meeting with the other countries in Tokyo. There's a chance there might be some magical families that work with us in the meeting so hopefully she'll be okay," Arthur said as he quickly texted Kiku that he had just picked up Emerald and that they would soon be on their way. "If she's fine with it, I was hoping that she would give us all a straight up summary of everything that has happened since her first year in Hogwarts."

"As long as no one's judgmental or immediately calls her out as a liar and an attention seeking brat, it should be no problem," Safaia responded. She walked over to a bright orange bag on the dining room table and pulled out a piece of paper. "Here's a few things that might be handy in case Emerald starts to freak out before or after the meeting."

Amelia took the paper and folded it several times. "No worries, we'll take care of everything, right, Iggy?" Arthur just rolled his eyes in response.

"All right, we're ready to go," Haruhi said, coming out wearing one of her mother's suits with Emerald following behind her. "How will we be going there?"

"Portkey," Arthur answered. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a simple gold key.

"Huh," Emerald muttered, "Back home I've just seen them use discarded trash, like an old shoe as a portkey." Haruhi and Amelia made a disgusted face as Safaia fell on the floor and burst out laughing.

Arthur glanced at his watch. "One minute and it would be activated. Everyone grab hold of the key or someone's arm," he said.

After finally taking a break from laughing, Safaia waved her hand from her spot on the floor. "Have fun," she told them, "I'll get dinner ready for when you get home." Haruhi and Emerald waved goodbye as the portkey sent them to their destination.

Safaia jumped up to her feet and headed into the bedroom to change her clothes. From a pair of a simple blank sweatpants and an orange tank top, she changed to a white button down shirt and blue jeans. She turned to her multi-room trunk and opened the top and climbed inside.

She henged to change the color of her hair from blonde to red and sat down in front of several computer monitors. She clapped her hands together and rubbed them. "Let's get the party started," she said. She glanced behind her and said, "Ya ready, Kurama?"

A tall handsome man who looks to be about in his late twenties came out of the shadows and sat down next to her. His long bright red hair was tied up into a high ponytail. His green eyes held a glint of mischief and you could see sharp canine teeth sticking out when he smirked.

"If you mean, am I ready in scaring pathetic humans who think they know better than a thousand year old demon and making them piss themselves, then HELL YEAH!" he shouted.


As Safaia and Kurama had their meeting, Emerald and Haruhi was on their way to theirs. They had arrived in a district that looked like an ancient Japanese town but with also tall modernized buildings. There were also a mixture of people wearing muggle business attires, formal kimonos, and even some pop culture outfits. Despite the contrast of all things that looked ancient and modern, the flow was completely undisturbed. No matter how many times Emerald had came here, she was always amazed at how the district looked.

"Different from Diagon Alley, huh?" Amelia asked Emerald, who just nodded her head in awe.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "All cultures' different, Amelia," he said.

Amelia rolled her eyes at him back. "I know that," she responded, pointing to herself, "Melting pot, duh." She shrugged her shoulders and continued, "Just saying that it's cleaner and more cheery looking than you place."

As the two siblings argued, more like Arthur arguing and Amelia egging him on, Haruhi was pointing out some of the locations they had missed last time they were there to Emerald.

"Now, now, children, we shouldn't be fighting out in public like this," a blonde foreigner came up to them. He has shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes, and has a slight amount of facial hair. He wore a long blue coat and matching capelet, with red pants and brown boots. He wrapped one hand around Amelia's shoulders and another grabbed Arthur's ass.

"FROG!" Arthur bellowed, smacking him on the face, leaving a red handprint on his cheek.

"Hey, Frances," Amelia said cheerfully.

"Hello, my beautiful sunflower," Frances said, ignoring the stinging pain on his face. He leaned in, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Arthur stepped away from them as they made some small talk and caught up. He noticed the two cousins' blank stares. "That's Frances Bonnefoy, also known as France," he informed them, "Stay away from him. He's a flirt and a pervert."

As he was warning the girls, he didn't notice Frances walking behind him until he wrapped his arms around his body under his arms. "That's so mean, my dear, especially about your own boyfriend," he whined.

"SHUT UP!" Arthur shouted, his face growing bright red. "And why'd you grab my ass and not Amelia's?"

"Because I don't want her boyfriend to murder me in my sleep," he simply said, with a nonchalant smile on his face, ignoring Arthur screams of, "I'll murder YOU in your sleep!"

"Shouldn't we head inside before someone calls the authorities and arrest them?" Haruhi asked Amelia.

The young American rolled her eyes at the two older men. "And they call me immature," she muttered. She grabbed the two by the back of their collars and managed to drag them into the building without any problem.

"She's pretty strong," Emerald said in awe.

"Well, she was known to be able to lift a fully grown American Bison over her head and swing them around as a child," Kiku said, walking up to the girls.

"Ohayo, Honda-san," the girls said in unison.

"Ohayo, Potter-san, Fujioka-san," Kiku responded back. "If you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to see my representative before the meeting." He bowed his head and headed into the building.

Amelia stood by the doorway after letting go of the arguing men. "Hey, Kiku!" Amelia shouted, waving to the Japanese country, who bowed his greeting and continued on his way. "Come on, girls! I want to introduce you to everyone before we start!"

The two girls shook their heads. The more time they spend with Amelia, the more she resembled Safaia. Haruhi and Emerald followed the excited American into the building, unaware of somebody watching them from the second story window in the same building.


Waiting in one of the small conference rooms can be pretty tiring and boring, even for a national kendo champion like him. He stood up and walked over to the window to look at the wizards and witches going about their business when he noticed three blondes standing outside of the building. He recognized them as America, England, and France but what really held his attention were the two very familiar brunettes standing just inches from them.

The door to the office opened and Kiku walked in. "Sorry for the delay, Morinozuka-kun," Kiku said as the stoic third year turned around.

AN: So Mori's a wizard! Does that mean Hunny is too? Stay tuned and find out!