A/N: These are very dry, dialogue based drabbles, so I don't take like fifteen minutes explaining the surroundings or anything. They're kind of indie-movie-esque...I had Juno in mind while I was scribbling. The title is a Juno quote too. Obviously.

Disclaimer: No. Noooo. No.

Hold On, I'm On My Hamburger Phone

by Undercooked

"Hi Zuko," said Mai, waving.

"How long have you been sitting on my trampoline?"

She checked her cell phone.

"Two hours."

"You only sit on the trampoline when you're upset."

"Who says I just don't like the trampoline?"

"You bounce when you're sad."

She took a glug of cranberry juice out of the bottle and replied,

"I can go home if you want me to."

"No, you can stay - do you...want me to go back inside?"

"That's okay."

He sat on the trampoline beside her; they both stared at a tree for a moment before she said,

"Do you want cranberry juice?"

He took the bottle and drank some.

"Zuko!" screamed Azula from an open upstairs window. "Your phone was in my room, and it rang! And I'm TRYING to practice my clarinet!"

His phone flew through the window and landed in a bush.

"Hey," Katara yelled just then, riding by on her bike. "Your phone is in a bush."

"I know," Zuko replied.

"Kay. Sorry you're on the trampoline today, Mai," she called over her shoulder.

"I'm not upset, Katara!"

"Whatever!" She waved, then turned a corner and was gone.

"Hey," called the old man who lived across the street. "Your phone's in a bush."

"We should move," Zuko suggested.