I'm going to have alot of fun with this story. This one follows both sides of Yoruichi and Kisuke's relationship.

She was jealous. It seemed she was always jealous when it came to him. Be it his current experiment or that blonde brat. Now even her own childhood friend.

It wasn't that his attention was taken up by them. They just got to see him more. His dirty blonde hair, hanging in front of his grey-green eyes that seemed to know everything about her.

The tan woman downed another shot of whatever rotten drink was being served here. She felt eyes on her, admiring her form, but ignored them. None of the humans here could ever keep up with her. Only one man could.

And he was busy looking for a place to hide that stupid thing!

Her gold eyes snapped open and she was on her feet. Her hand grabbed the one reaching for her butt. "What do you think your doing scum?"

The man stared and she threw him away. She wasn't in the mood to humor anyone. Tonight Yoruichi Shihoin wanted to drown out her annoying feelings with cheap liquor.

A hand was casually placed on her shoulder. She snarled, dark purple hair flying over the orange clad shoulder as she raised her leg to kick whoever it was in the face. A hand caught it and the same man she'd been musing about smiled at her.

"Now now Yoruichi, what's bothering you?" He asks, his hat tilting down as she sits with her back to him.

"Get lost." She responds, leaning on her elbows. "I'm sleepy and bored."

He pulled her to her feet. "Why not come to the shoten for the night? It's the least I could do after all you've done for me."

"Yeah." She agreed, following him out. It was favors to him. Nothing more motivated him. She kept her eyes trained on the green pin striped hat. They didn't talk, simply moved.

When they arrived, he held the door open. Normal. "I need clothes."

"Of course." He smiles, "Would you like to borrow one of my robes?"

She shrugged as he walked off.

Something was wrong with his friend. She was a wild drunk, not this melencholy being. He pulled out a loose robe, tossing it over his shoulder at her. She deftly caught it and unshamefully changed. At least that was the same. If she had transformed competly he'd have to talk her into returning to their old home. And that would end badly.

"Should I make up a spare room?"

"Is Tessai not here?" He turned at her cold voice.

"No, he went to find two spiritually aware orphans." He looked at her out ofthe orner of his eyes. "We've been keeping an eye on the,. The gi-"

Yoruichi cut across him, looking over her shoulder and yawning. "Listen, I really don't care Urahara. I'll just drop by everynow and then to check in. Probably in cat form, don't want to bother you."

He smiled up at her as she walked to the room. "A pretty lady like you could never bother me."

"Will you leave me alone?" she hisses, slamming the door. He blinked, turning away. Something was getting her in a bad mood. Did it have to go with the date? No, it was the first of July. Nothing really stuck out until...November.

But that was months away. It had to be something more pressing. If she carried around stuff, he'd look through it, but the former stealth force commander was a light traveler.

Was something wrong wit hthe current second captain Soi Fon? Kisuke chuckled, sitting at a tavle. He wouldn't be surprised if that woman was causing problems. She almost turned green with envy when she 'secretly' spied while Yoruichi was here.

Thinkign of it, he leaned out the window. "Soi-san! Your welcome to come in." He listened quietly for any sounds. When none came, Kisuke assumed she had not heard yet.

"Soi-san. your welcome to come in." Yoruichi stiffened. She adored the girl like a younger sister, but if she was here...She was not in the mood to talk to her or anyone. Her sharply tuned ears didn't pick out anyone moving near the building, so she relaxed.

Damn! Did the man have an obsession with the color green? Green hat, green jacket, green sheets, green everywhere! It had been a bit endearing, but now! She'd been bored with the dull black and white of the Seireitei too. But this was too much!

Forcing it out of her mind, she curled up on the bed. Best to just accept it and forget about it. She was just stopping by. She never stayed for long.

Not because she was avoiding him. She just liked to move around. Right?

Yoruichi sighed, life had, if not simplier, was supposed to become easier. She didn't have to worry about what her family thought, what her squad thought, what anyone wanted but her!

God her head hurt now. She rolled over once again. She needed to sleep, maybe if she let all the thoughts drift off she could stop her head from hurting.

The Next day He looked up from the customer lsit he'd been at for awhile now. Quick footsteps and then the sound of a door being slammed. The upstairs bathroom it seemed.

Kisuke raised an eyebrow, calmly waiting for her to come down. When Yoruichi did, she was wiping her mouth and holding a glass of milk. "I feel like crap."

"What was the quality of the bar you were drinking at?" He responds, holding out a bowl of rice.

"Damned if I know." She says sheepishly, digging in. "And sorry 'bout last night. Something had me distracted.


They sat in silence as she shoveled down the bowl. "So, what's up with these kids?"

Urahara straightened, placing the pad to the side. "Yes, I might need your help with the girl. Ururu Tsumugiya and Jinta Hanakari."

"Not siblings then." Yoruichi leaned back. "What about her that makes her different from him?"

"He can see Hollows and fight them a bit. But Ururu, she's a shy and under confident. She can see them too and is abnormally strong. She'll need some training."

Yoruichi placed her hands on her head. "I might here for a couple of days here. Two months at most?"

"Basically. What are you going to do until they get here tomorrow?"

She smirked in reply. "I need clothes. I won't be a good teacher in robes this side." she stood then. "and food. I can only imagine the bare state your stores are in."

"Now Yoruichi." He snapped a fan over a wide smile. "Do you think that bad of me?"

"Yes. Kisuke." she answered with a disbaring grin. "I bet anything you do have is colored with mold."

At his guilty look, she snorts and walks out. Really, She thinks, laughing to herself. The man is absoulutly helpless without someone. She had had to bribe her own servants to clean his room when they had been in the Seireitei.

"Already cooked, organic rice packets." Yoruichi reads, shaking the container. "What other type of rice is there?"

"Miss," She turns at the tentative voice. A man in the store uniform stood facing her. "I'll have to ask you to stop doing that unless you plan to buy the product."

Yoruichi placed it in the cart hanging on her arm. "Hey, do you think I can get a few people to help me with carrying this stuff?" She pointed at the six already full baskets by the check out. "It's not far."

He stuttered, staring. "The man I've taken up residence with forgets he even has food. All his is rotten." She turned up her nose. "Will you?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Well let me finish up and pay."

Urahara looked up as the door opened. "Yes this is the place. Of course I'm sure! I lieve here every now and then!" He quirked an eyebrow at Yoruichi's annoyed voice. She leaned into look at him. "I used all your money."

"For?" He asked as she walked into the kitchen and placed the basket down and pulled out the bags.

She doesn't answer, returning to the door. "Go to the door on left, put bags on floor, take carriers back. Got it?" A murmuring sound of agreement was heard and she turned aside. "Okay, march!"

Yoruichi smirked at Kisuke's face, "What did you do?" He exclaimed. "Buy the whole store staff?"Three more followed the four emploees already heading to the kitchen.

"Just seven and just for a few moments of their time." She replies as they line up in front of her. "Well done! You can leave." she winks at her old friend. "As good as any new recruits."

He shook his head and stood up as the humans started filing out. He removed his hat and bowed. "Thank you for help from Urahara Shoten."
Yawning, Yoruichi walked towards the kitchen again. "I'm gonna put away what I got. We may have to settle for wonton soup though without Tessai."

"Our major flaw. No cooking skills." He answered, following her. "What brought you here in the first place? Come to see your lowly merchant friend?"

"As if." She snorts. "On both accounts. You've made plenty of human friends I'm sure. And I had planned on only stopping through but that clearly failed."

He chuckled, playing with the rim of his hat. Leaning against the doorframe, he smiled again. "Hurry up. You were away most of the day and your words made me stop from eating anything."

"Cry away." She responded, turning with severe look. "I get self-conscious while cooking."

"Don't burn the water."


July Third Three A.M

Yoruichi sat up in bed, something unnatural had been in the Shoten. She searched with her still sharp reitsu. Something, a bare ripple of power, disappeared. She shrugged, if it had been bad, she would have woken sooner. If it was important, Kisuke would have woke her up.
She yawned and closed her eyes.

July Third Twelve P.M

"Lady Shihoin!" Yoruichi sighed, then smiled at the bulky man.

"Tessai! What's changed in the last ninty years to change my name?" She didn't wait for him to answer, crouching down to look at the two kids beside him, "And who are you?"

She spoke as menacingly as she could to the red haired boy and girl with black hair. "I'm not afraid of you. Mr. Tessai said he was taking us somewhere safe and away from the monsters." the boy, Jinta growled, pushing Ururu behind him.

"Jinta, she's not going to harm us." Her purple eyes wide, she moved to the side and smiled shyly. "I'm Ururu Tsumugiya."

"Yoruichi Shihoin." She grins. "I'll be teaching you while Mr. Kisuke Urahara helps Jinta. And then the monsters won't come anymore. Or if they do they'll have no chnace!"

At that moment the man mentioned aforehand walked up and put a hand on her head. "I see you've met the two newest members of our tean." He smiles down at them. "What do you think?"

"More capable then you were when you fell under my juristiction." She answered lightly, rising. "I say we give them today and tomorrow to adjust and start the easy stuff day after."

The two trainers nod and turn to Tessai, "I bought food."

"Could you ple-"

"Neither of us-"

"Dry wonton-"

"Will you let me talk?" Yoruichi yelled, knocking the man's hat off his head. "Okay, I bought food but neither of us can cook. Will you please make a curry, maybe with celery and broccilli and creamy."

She winked to let him in on the joke on the kids for the first two. "Right away Miss Yoruichi," He answered gruffly. "I hand these two over to your capable hands."

Smirking, she getsures for them to follow. "Yeah, mine, not Urahara's. Now, let's get you some suitable clothes. Can't wear the same cloth everyday right?"

Jinta shrugs, scowling. Ururu nods, quietly looking around. "This is a store?"

"Amoung other things." Yoruichi says. "If you see any cats around, don't bother them. But you can chase off dogs."

"Why?" Jinta growls.

"Maybe I'll tell you soon. Hurry up."

So, do you like it? I did the math (bored is said class) and added it all up. six pages=three days x twenty-five=seventy-five= two months and fourteen days.
Basically, severnty-five days for this to play out.
Rate and review please.