AN: Last chapter! It has taken me so long to finish this story because I started to write the sequel! So if you like this story, please check out the sequel!

"Get her!" screams Cato. He rolls off of me, and I jump to my feet. I throw another of my remaining four knives at the girl, but she just ducks her head and continues running. "After her!" yells Cato, and he is on his feet sprinting ahead of me. He drops everything but his sword behind him, and I do the same.

The girl was now out of throwing range, and worse she was leading us into a part of the forest with dense undergrowth and closely packed trees. She had the advantage here, her small feet and body able to maneuver quickly through the forest, but we were much bigger and clumsy.

Cato drew his sword and began cutting a path in front of him, and I fell in right behind him. We gained speed, but the girl showed no signs of slowing. "Just a bit closer" Cato wheezed "You can get her with a knife." I tried to reply, but the only sound that came out were hard, sharp breaths.

The girl suddenly stopped, whipped around and threw another grenade as hard as she could at us. Cato grabbed me, and we dived to the ground again. We used his body armor as cover again. We waited a few moments, but there was no explosion. We looked up in time to see the red hair of the girl flying out of view between a tree.

"Damn it! A decoy" I cry. We continue running in the direction of the girl, and Cato kicks the decoy with his massive foot; a simple stone. Suddenly, a terrible scream echoes across the trees, and District 5 reappears, running straight at us. I smile, getting to my feet. A knife whizzes at her, but she jumps out of the way, and only then do we see what has frightened her so much.

My knife, intended for the girl's neck, embeds itself into the shoulder of one of the pack of wolf like creatures towards us. Cato and I drop our weapons and we blindly sprint away, the girl right behind us, and the mutts right behind her.

No obstacle is strong enough to hold up against Cato, whole tree branches break against his body and vines are ripped up from the ground with his feet. I follow his path of destruction, and the girl follows me. Suddenly, Cato bursts out into a clearing, and there is the cornucopia. The lake sparkles in the setting sun.

Cato dashes straight towards the cornucopia, and scrambles up the side to the top. I run and leap onto the golden surface and a moment latter the Fox Girl lands beside me. We both pull ourselves up to the top, but she stays near the edge, and I crawl to join Cato on the other side. Cato is lying down breathing heavily.

"Can they climb?" pants Cato. Just as I turn around I see one of the beasts launch itself half way up the cornucopia. It slides back down, its claws screeching. They monsters begin to circular the golden horn. Then I look at District 5. She is not looking at the beasts, but instead she is on her feet, staring right at me. Cato stands. "Well, It's over, girl," he says.

"Neither of you have any w-weapons," stammers the girl. She is standing at the very edge of the cornucopia. She glances behind her at the beasts. I can tell that she knows that she is finished. Only one push and the mutts would rip her to pieces.

Cato seems to have the same idea, because he stands and walks to her, hands out stretched. Suddenly, the trumpets blare. Everything stops, even the mutts become quiet. I strain my ears to hear, but when the announcer begins speaking, his voice would have been heard by anyone inside the arena, if anyone was left.

"Congratulations to the final three tributes of the 74th Hunger Games! After reconsideration of the rules, it has been decided that there can only be one victor! May the odds be ever in your favor!" And then the mutts start snarling and growling once more. I start breathing.

Cato turns around. Our eyes locked. For a moment, I see pleading. Then, there is only fear there. He moves towards me, and extends an arm. I grab, twist myself around and throw him from the cornucopia to the ground below.

The moment his body touches the ground, every beast lets out a terrible howl. Cato jumps to his feet and tries to run, but the pack is too quick, too numerous. He kicks one beast, but another latches itself onto his armored arm, and another attaches itself to his leg. The pack pulls him down.

That's when I feel the knife slip into my back. The small girl behind me pulls the blade out and quickly stabs it again into me. When she removes it for a second time, I turn around, but she only stabs me in the chest. I fall to my eyes, and the girl continues to stab me, in the shoulder, arm, leg, all over my body.

She doesn't know how to kill a person with a knife, so she doesn't hit anything vital. I begin to pray for some god to allow her to find something that will kill me quickly. How many times she stabs me, I cannot tell. Then, finally, she finds my throat with her knife.

As I leave life I look into Cato's eyes. The beasts are still trying to rip through his armor. Where I expect to see satisfaction in his eyes, I see only sadness. The sun has set behind the lake, the waters do not sparkle.

Neither do I.

Reporting from the capital: "Last night, 16 year old Lyssa Simons of District 5 was declared the victor of the 74th Hunger Games! After an exciting chase through the forest, the young girl got the upper hand of District 2 tribute Clove Dexitin, killing her with multiple stab wounds from a small knife. After the cannon fired, Simons continued stabbing the body for more than 2 hours. She then passed out on top of the cornucopia, holding the body of Dexitin. Cato Burrs of District 2 died the next morning from animal wounds."

AN: Thank you all for reading! The sequel will be called "In the den" and will be told from the pov of Foxface: aka Lyssa Simons. Look for it next week!