Hey everybody! Degrassi is like one of my favorite television shows (and one of the best in the universe, I might add) so I'm combining to things I love. Please brace yourselves; there are no Degrassi characters in this chapter. But there will be in the next, which I'm putting up right away. And if you don't watch Degrassi, don't let that dissuade you from reading this. It's pretty much self-explanatory and I made it so anybody can read and enjoy!
"Ride, like the wind, Bullseye!" Woody Pride exclaimed to his horse after he was saddled up. Bullseye neighed and broke into a trot on the big grassy plains with Woody on his back. The sun was just peaking over the mountaintops and Woody was wide-awake.
"Hey there, Cowboy!" Woody's best friend Jessie said as she ran out of her house and onto the field, her red braid bouncing in rhythm with her steps.
"Howdy!" Woody called over his shoulder as he turned the horse around and headed towards Jessie. When they came to a stop, Jessie started to stroke Bullseye's nose. "Last chance to come with us to Japan." Jessie said, addressing Woody.
"Last chance to come to Toronto." He replied, crossing his arms. "I'm sorry Jess, but Toronto's been my home for too long. And I can't leave Andy." Andy was Woody's foster dad and the two were very close.
"And I can't leave Uncle Pete." Jessie argued, pulling a carrot out of her jeans pocket and feeding it to Bullseye. She giggled as his lips tickled her palm.
"Jess- you call him 'Stinky' Pete behind his back. He's horrible to you."
Jessie shook her head. "He may not be the best Uncle…but he is looking after me." She reminded Woody.
"Andy would look after you too, Jessie. Plus you know I would too!" Woody said. "And you know Andy would be a better person to you than Pete."
Jessie nodded her head in consideration. Woody always talked fondly of his foster dad, "That's true." She said. "But what if everyone doesn't like me?"
Woody let out a laugh. "Like you? Everybody would LOVE you, Jess. Besides, Andy's little niece is stayin' with us. It's like you'll have a little sister."
"Little sister!" exclaimed Jessie, "By garnet, I'm coming Woody!"
Woody's lips formed into a broad, toothy smile. "C'mon, cowgirl," he said, lending his hand out to Jessie. "I'll give you a lift back to the house, so you can tell "Stinky."
Grabbing his hand, Jessie pushed off the ground and put one leg over Bullseye, riding along behind Woody. "Oh, no." Jessie said, "You're not gettin' off that easy. You're tellin' him with me."
"Oh, boy." Woody grumbled.
"What a day!" Jessie mumbled, dropping her bags at the foot of her new bed and collapsing horizontally on top of it.
"I know whatcha mean." Woody sighed, walking in with another one of Jessie's boxes. "Who would've thought that Pete would fight for you like that?"
It's only 'cause the government pays him." She explained. "Otherwise, why would he care about me?"
Woody nodded in understanding, laying the box gently on the floor, though he looked fragile the way he was doing it.
"Is your arm feelin' better?" Jessie asked apologetically as she softly grazed the place under his shoulder.
He slightly flinched, the pain going up at the little fingertip's touch. "I'll be okay." He said. "But has he ever…ya know?"
Jessie shook her head furiously. "Never, not once." She said. "Well, not physically at least…" Jessie started tugging on her braid. 'It's a good thing I came.' She thought.
"Hey, guys." Andy Davis popped his head into the guest bedroom, which was now referred to as "Jessie's bedroom."
"Hey Andy." Woody smiled at his foster dad, not realizing how much he missed his home back in Toronto until that moment.
Instead of a normal hello, Jessie got off her bed and ran to give Andy a big, bear hug. Andy and Jessie weren't close, heck she met the man a few hours ago, but they were already great friends. "Thank you!" she screamed, for the third time since they arrived at her new home.
Andy hugged her back and matted down her hair. "No problems, kiddo. I'm happy to have you here."
'Uncle Andy!' a tiny, youthful voice slurred from across the hall. "Coming, Molly!" he yelled back. He and Jessie let go, but as he walked towards the door he said, "A friend of Woody's is a friend of mine. My home is your home." And with that, he was walking across the hall to his two-year-old niece.
"Yee-haw!" Jessie climbed on top of her bed and started to jump, because that is what she did when she was happy at her old house. And according to Andy this was now her house too.