A/N: Sorry for the delay. Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed thus far.

Disclaimer: see chapter one

"This place is amazing," Liz said as she gazed around at her surroundings.

"You get used to it after a while," Ed told her.

Liz shook her head. "I don't think I'll ever get used to Central," she replied.

Ed smiled. Liz noticed and turned to looked at him, her dark eyes questioning the gesture.

"What's the smile for?" she asked.

Edward turned away. "Nothing. You just remind me of a young child."

"I remind you of a kid? I don't know if I should be insulted or complimented."

"Brother just finds your enthusiasm amusing, that's all," Al spoke up.

Liz turned her gaze upward at the suit of armor. "If you don't mind my asking, Alphonse...why do you wear that armor? Doesn't it get uncomfortable?"

Behind her, Ed stiffened. He had hoped that Liz would stay clear of that question, unfortunately, he wasn't that lucky. Al looked over at his brother for some guidance on how to answer. Before Ed could speak, Roy and Hawkeye walked up.

"I thought I gave you strict orders not to wander off," Mustang scolded.

Ed glared over his shoulder at the Colonel. His golden eyes darkened. "Honestly, Colonel, we're not babies. Al and I are alchemists, we can take care of ourselves and Liz if anything happened. Stop acting like our father." The eldest Elric looked at Liz. "At least, stop acting like mine and Al's father."

Roy took in a sharp breath while Liz spun around to look at Ed. Hawkeye glanced from Roy to Liz and then back to Roy. Liz narrowed her obsidian eyes, setting Ed on edge. Why did she have to look so much like Mustang when she did that? Al placed a hand on Liz's shoulder, which effectively drew her attention away from Edward. Roy cleared his throat, obviously annoyed by Ed's statement. He began walking again with Hawkeye right behind him.

"I trust you know that Ms. Taylor is no relative of mine, Fullmetal," Roy said. He looked down at Liz with smile. "Take no offense, young lady."

Liz turned her eyes to the Colonel. "None taken, sir. Of course, I've gotten used to people thinking that my last name is Mustang."

Ed and Al gave each other a sideways glance. Al could see something in his brother's eyes. His sibling knew something he didn't...or knew something he suspected. The suit of armor turned his eyes back to Liz and Mustang. They looked so much alike, how could they deny such a thing? And by the looks that other people gave them, it was apparent Ed and Al weren't the only ones who suspected something. Hawkeye walked up to Roy and was about to say something when an elderly woman approached them.

"Congratulations, Colonel Mustang," she said.

"Congratulations?" Roy repeated. "For what?"

The woman looked at Hawkeye's left hand. "But, where's your ring, dear?"

Hawkeye blinked in confusion. "Ring?"

"Ma'am, I'm afraid you're mistaken," Roy said.

"You mean, these aren't your children?" the woman asked, looking at Edward and Liz.

"Children?" Ed cried causing Liz to laugh.

Roy and Hawkeye looked at each other. Edward recovered from his shock and shook his head.

"No offense, ma'am, but I think you should have your eyes checked," Fullmetal said. "We're not related."

Thank goodness, Roy thought.

Al turned his head to one side. "No, I can see why she would think you're related."

Ed's jaw dropped. "Oh, come on, Al, not you, too."

"But, Brother, just look at yourselves," Al told him.

Roy, Hawkeye, Ed and Liz all looked at each other. Ed and the Lieutenant were standing beside each other, both with their golden blonde hair tied back out of their faces. Liz and Mustang stood side by side with their matching black hair and black eyes. Edward had to admit the four of them did look like they were related. He quickly shook his head. No way was he going to be referred to as Mustang's son. It made him queasy just thinking about it. He turned to the woman.

"I'm sure we do look like a family, but I assure you, we're worlds apart," Ed explained.

The woman turned to look at Roy and Liz. She smiled. "I'm sure not all of you are worlds apart, my dear." She walked off. "Well, enjoy the rest of your day."

She walked off. Liz blinked in confusion, Ed and Al looked at each other, Roy rubbed his eyes and Hawkeye remained stern and unreadable.

"How odd," Alphonse commented when the woman was out of earshot.

"Yeah," his brother agreed, looking back in the direction the woman had gone.

Without saying a word, Liz walked over to a nearby store and peered in through the window. The Elric brothers made their way over to her. Hawkeye kept her attention on the children. Ed looked like he asked Liz a question for she nodded and smiled. The Lieutenant's eyes drifted up to her commanding officer. He, too, had his eyes on the three kids. He sighed and looked away, as if telling himself that what he wanted would never come true. Riza turned her gaze back to the Elrics and Liz.

"If you don't mind my curiousity, Colonel...where is the girl's mother?" Hawkeye asked quietly.

Roy closed his eyes and lowered his head. "She died in childbirth," he answered.

A small gasp escaped Hawkeye's lips and her eyes widened a bit. She quickly replaced her surprise with the stern look she was famous for. "Forgive me, sir."

"You didn't know because I didn't tell you," Roy said.

"Then, how were you able to hide her for six years?" Hawkeye asked.

Roy looked up, his eyes focused on a distant memory. "Gracia Hughes took care of her while I was at work. She was the only mother figure Liz had, so when she started talking it was only natural for Liz to call Gracia 'Mommy'. And on the night I had to give her up, Liz kept asking where Gracia was." Mustang's eyes refocused and gazed longingly at his daughter. "Maybe it's a good thing she doesn't remember me. What child would want to remember a parent who gave them away to strangers?"

"Lieutenant Taylor is hardly a stranger, sir," Hawkeye pointed out. "He fought alongside you in the Eastern Rebellion."

"Maybe so, but that doesn't change the fact that I gave her away," Roy replied.

Liz glanced over Ed's shoulder at Roy and Hawkeye. Something about them gave her a funny feeling, like she knew them from somewhere. The woman's words from earlier still echoed in her mind. What did she mean by not all of them were worlds apart? It would be nice to have a family, a family she was actually related to. Liz's gaze shifted to Edward and she couldn't help but smile. Her imagination began to wander. Being related to the Fullmetal Alchemist would be interesting. Then, her mind drifted towards the Colonel.

Liz Mustang, Liz turned the name over in her head. She giggled. It has a nice ring to it. Liz Mustang, daughter of Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist. Her smile faded. For some strange reason...it sounds so...right. Liz looked at her reflection in the store window. She had to admit, she did look a lot like the Colonel. Jet black hair and onyx eyes. Liz wrapped her arms around her abdomen, suddenly feeling stomach sick.

"Hey, Liz. You okay?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Liz replied.

"Are you sick?" Alphonse wanted to know.

Liz shook her head. "No, Al, I'm fine," she insisted.

Roy and Hawkeye walked up. "It's getting late, we should probably be getting back to Central Command," Roy said.

"But, what about Liz?" Al asked.

"Yeah. She can't exactly stay at the barracks," Ed pointed out.

Roy looked at Hawkeye. "You have an extra room in your apartment, don't you, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, sir, I do," Hawkeye answered.

The Flame Alchemist nodded. "Then it's settled. Ms. Taylor will stay with Lieutenant Hawkeye until further notice," he declared.

"Yes, sir," the others replied in unison.

Within the shadows of an old warehouse, two figures waited quietly. One figure, a tall, slim woman with long black hair stood slightly away from her companion, a short, plump man. Her cold, indigeo eyes watched as he devoured the guard that had been patroling the warehouse. The man licked his lips and then his fingers.

"How many times have I told you, Gluttony, chew with your mouth closed," the woman scolded.

"Sorry, Lust."

Just then, the warehouse door opened and an elderly woman walked in. The woman, Lust, turned to face the newcomer.

"Well? Did you find out anything?"

The elderly lady smiled. "Oh, yes. Quite a bit." There was a spark and the woman began to change. In a few short seconds, where the woman once stood, a young man with long, black hair stretched.

"Don't keep us waiting, Envy," Lust said. "What did you find out?"

Envy grinned evilly. "The Flame Colonel has a little girl," he announced.

Gluttony looked up. "Can I eat her?" he asked.

"No," Lust told him. "She may be useful to us." She turned to Envy. "Keep an eye on the girl, we'll keep watching the Flame Colonel and the Fullmetal Alchemist."

Envy put a hand on his hip. "And what if the girl starts getting suspicious?" he asked. "Or if the Flame Colonel does something out of bounds?"

Lust looked over at Gluttony without moving her head. "Then, the girl will make a tasty snack for Gluttony," she replied smoothly.

Envy chuckled darkly as Gluttony clapped his hands.

"Oh, goody," Gluttony said. "I get to eat."

Let me know what you think. Reviews are welcome, flames are not.