Yes, yes it's been a while. Blame my crazy work schedule and not having time.

But however, I have been working away and have another chapter wrote after this.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this!

Don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: I own this computer on which I type but I do not own Harry Potter or anything related.

Chapter 7: I Still Think

Hermione woke up with a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. She immediately remembered the night before. Sighing, she untangled herself from Malfoy and headed downstairs. Walking into the kitchen she found both of her parents, two people she wanted to avoid. Her mum was standing at the stove, cooking breakfast. And her father was sitting at the table, drinking tea, and reading the morning paper.

"Hermione!" Her mum exclaimed while rushing to hug her. "Your father and I," Hermione swore she could hear a snort coming from her father's direction, "feel absolutely terrible about last night. And to make it up how about we go shopping? Just you and me? I know that makes you feel better."

Hermione just nodded and poured herself some tea. "What about Draco?" She questioned, hoping her parents wouldn't get angry at hearing her husband's name.

She heard another snort coming from her father at the mention of Malfoy, but Hermione chose to ignore it.

Her mother, however, put on a smile and said, "He and your father will spend the day together, getting to know one another."

Nodding again, Hermione smiled at both her parents, "I guess I need to go get ready then." She said before walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

When she arrived at her room she found Draco sitting on her bed and tying his shoes.

"I see you are ready." Hermione said, not sure of what else to say.

"I see you aren't." He snapped back.

Frowning, Hermione didn't want to get into an argument. "Well today I will be going into town with my mother, and you will be spending Guy Time with my father."

Draco looked at her in surprise. "You expect me to spend the entire day with your father?"

"Yes, and if you are nice, he will probably will end up liking you." She said while gathering her clothes so she could shower and change.

"You do realize that just ten hours ago I informed your father that I married you, his only daughter. I doubt he is going to like me." Draco said in the standard Malfoy tone.

Hermione sighed and turned around, "Well I guess he is going to have to learn to like you because you and I are stuck in this together." With that, Hermione crossed the room and made her way to the bathroom.


An hour later, Hermione found herself in the middle of London with her mother. They each had a couple shopping bags on their arms, and Hermione was beginning to enjoy herself. Her mother hadn't brought up anything pertaining to Draco.

"How about we stop for some lunch?" Her mum suggested.

Hermione nodded, and followed her mother into a small café. Once they were seated and had ordered, Anne looked curiously at her daughter.

"So, you are married?" She brought up casually.

Hermione rolled her eyes, of course she had spoken to soon. Her mother was absolutely going to ask about Draco and the marriage.

"Yes, mother, I got married. It wasn't one of my brightest moments, but Draco and I are working on it." She said before taking a sip of her water.

"And Draco, is he the Draco you would talk about from school?" Anne inquired more.

Sighing, Hermione decided to get this over with fast. "Yes, this is Draco Malfoy, the same Draco Malfoy from Hogwarts. Yes, he and I have had our differences in the past." She smirked at the memory of third year when she punched him. "No, we didn't plan this, but like I said, we are dealing with it.

"In the wizarding world, marriages are final. There is no divorce, and no annulments. So even if we tried to get out of this, we can't- well unless one of us wants to die.

"I know this whole situation probably disappoints you, and I am sorry. But I am asking you to accept Draco into the family. I have accepted him, well for the most part, into my life."

Anne listed to her daughter's speech. It seemed as if Hermione wasn't aware of her true feelings. Watching as Hermione talked of her husband, Anne could see a slight flicker of emotion behind her daughter's eyes. Hermione may not know it yet, but this marriage was meant to be.

Placing her hand on top of her daughters, Anne looked Hermione in her eyes. "Am I sad that I didn't get to be there at my only child's wedding? Yes, I am. But there is nothing we can do now. As for accepting Draco, I did the moment you two told me of the marriage. I don't want to lose you, I never have, and I never will."

Hermione smiled up at her mother. She was glad that her mother was supportive; it was one less thing to worry about.


Draco watched as Hermione and her mother climbed back into the metal death trap that they had used the previous day, and drive off. He was no officially alone in the house with Hermione's father.

John was currently sitting in the den, watching the small box with moving pictures. Draco quietly entered the room and sat on the vacant couch.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" John suddenly asked.

Draco looked over at his father-in-law. "Excuse me, sir?" He questioned.

Looking over, John repeated, "What are you intentions?" He cleared his throat. "Do you love her?"

"My intentions are to remained married to Hermione. As for loving her, honestly, I don't know. I know I care for her, but love is a strong emotion. Since we got married so quick, I am still figuring out the feelings."

John snorted at the answer, it was what he expected. But it wasn't what he wanted. He wanted this man in front of him to be madly in love with Hermione that he would go to the ends of the earth. He wanted his daughter's new husband to feel the same about his daughter that he feels about his wife.

The men stared at the television more.

"So, you –er- go to school with Hermione?" John asked breaking the awkward silence.

Draco nodded, "Yes, I do."

"You are a witch or something or other."

"I am called a wizard, but yes." Draco said while mentally cursing Hermione for leaving him alone with her father.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in silence. Both men watched the television, not saying much to the other.

Draco was grateful to hear the front door open, signaling that Hermione was back. He only had to wait a couple minutes before Hermione joined them in the den.

"Did you have a good time?" She questioned while sitting on the couch next to Draco.

Looking over at his wife, Draco shrugged.

"How about we go get some ice cream, tea or something?" Hermione suggested.

Draco glanced at Hermione, and smiled. "Sounds lovely." He said before standing up from the couch.

Hermione walked over to the kitchen, where she found her mum. "Mum, Draco and I are going out for a bit."

Once they both had their coats on, she grabbed his hand and led him out of the house.

The pair walked down the street, not saying anything. Draco noticed that this was a comfortable silence, very unlike the silence between John and himself.

Hermione took Draco to the local coffee shop, where she got them both a cappuccino.

"So, how did spending the day with my father actually go?" Hermione asked as they sat at a small table.

"He asked what my intentions were towards you." Draco said with a smirk.

Hermione started laughing, not being able to contain it. Not long after, Draco joined in.


The couple quit laughing, and Hermione looked over at the new voice.

"Amber?" She questioned.

"Hermione, this is a surprise? Are you home for the holidays?" She asked in what was clearly a fake sweet voice.

Nodding, Hermione just wanted Amber to leave. "Yes, I decided to spend some time with my family."

Draco watched the scene before him. He could tell there was something off with Hermione once this Amber started talking to her. As much as he was trying to tone her voice out, Draco couldn't help but hear all of the bragging Amber was doing about herself. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, causing Amber to finally notice there was a third person in their company.

"Oh, hello, I don't think we have met. My name is Amber Hartly." She said while holding out her hand for a handshake.

"Draco Malfoy." He said in reply.

"And how do you know Draco, Hermione?" Amber questioned not taking her eyes off Draco.

Hermione could feel her face contort into an almost evil smile. "Actually Amber, Draco is my husband."

It was clear that Amber wanted Draco, and Hermione felt happy that she finally had something Amber didn't.

"Husband? You're married?" Amber asked surprised.

Hermione nodded, "I know I am young, but honestly, Draco and I are so in love we couldn't wait." She said with a smile.

"So when's the baby due?" Asked Amber, now with an evil smile of her own.

"I'm not pregnant, Amber." Hermione said with her most serious tone.

"Really, because last time I checked teenagers just don't get married unless there is a catalyst!"

Draco cleared his throat. "Hermione and I are in love, and we wanted to marry. There is not ulterior motive, or catalyst. I love her, and she me. Nothing else. Now if you could please excuse us, we were having a nice time before you got here and would love to finish."

Amber looked at the handsome blond, let out a huff, then turned around sharply and left.

Hermione was grateful that Draco got rid of the girl.

"Now, do you want to tell me who that was?" Draco asked.

Shrugging, Hermione turned back to her coffee. "It was no one." She said before taking a drink.

"Hermione, I have known you for almost seven years and have been living with you for a while. I can tell it is not no one."

"That was Amber Hartly. She and I went to school together before I got into Hogwarts. We didn't quite get along." Hermione said not wanting to go into it.

"Didn't get along?" Draco asked, not really understanding.

"She made my life hell. It was because of her I didn't really have friends. She was a bully, and one of the worst. She used verbal and mental tactics, she wasn't a normal physical bully. I hated going to school because of her." Hermione said so quietly that Draco had to lean in to hear.

Draco looked at his wife in front of him. Everything she said, he had done, or tired to do during their first years at Hogwarts. He had nothing to say.

Hermione looked at her watch, "We should probably be getting back." She said before getting up and throwing her empty cup in the garbage.

The two left the I, and started walking down the street. Draco stopped ant grabbed Hermione's wrist when they were only a couple blocks away from her parent's house.

"Hermione, I am sorry for everything I did to you during Hogwarts. I was a complete and total arse to you the entire time. It was my father's fault. I know that isn't an excuse, but because of the beliefs he drilled into me when I was younger, I thought for some reason that I was better than you. Having to be married to you has shown me how wrong I was all those years. Looking back now, I feel like such a horrible person.

"When you were telling me about Amber, I couldn't help but think that once you got to Hogwarts, it was I who took her place. And for that, I am sorry."

Hermione could feel the tears start to pool in her eyes. She wasn't sure what to say, so she didn't say anything. Standing on her tip-toes, Hermione placed a kiss on Draco's lips. She was about to pull away, when Draco wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a deeper kiss.

The two finally pulled away, and Draco placed his forehead against hers. Looking deep into those chocolate brown eyes, Draco smiled.

"I think I am falling in love with you." Draco spoke softly, so only she could hear.

He immediately regretted it when he saw her eyes widen in surprise.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He said, feeling his cheeks start to burn with embarrassment.

Hermione smiled and kissed him again. "I think I am falling in love with you too." She said before kissing him once more.

The couple walked back to Hermione's house holding hands.

Was it good? Yes? No?

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I found it really sweet!

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