Lost 'N' Found.
Twilight fanfiction.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything!
A/N: Hey guys! I thought of this idea, during English so yeah. I wrote this in school too, don't worry I payed attention, I did it a t lunch and 15 minute free time in English so I finished chapter 1 in school lol, Hope you like! R/R please!
Summary: Jasper&Bella were married during the civil war. Jasper never went off to war. Bella disappears while heartbroken,goes to her grave one night only to meet a strange woman and she changes him. 100 years later, in Forks high school, he sees a girl who looks exactly like his Bella and another girl who looks like him and Bella. What will happen?
Chapter 1;Newlyweds.
February 7th,1860
Jasper's POV
I watched as my beautiful Bella walked down the isle, her father, Charlie walking with her. I remember when we first met at 14. We became the best of friends right away but I was in love with her from the start. I finally proposed to her before that other man, Jacob, got to her.
She was shocked at first, but she said yes. That was all I needed. That was 3 years ago. We're both 17, Too young, but in love.
As we were finally declared man and wife, I held her sweet fragile face between my hands, my eyes piercing into her chocolate orbs.
She gave me that smile,the one that won my heart, I gave her a little wink before kissing her passionately. She wrapped her arms around my neck as my arms snaked around her waist pulling her in to me. I heard cheering and applause and smiled against her lips before finally pulling away.
She gave out a little whimper at the loss of my lips from her warm tender ones. I chuckled and my arms stayed around her waist. I gave her cheek a kiss and whispered into her ear.
"I love you darlin'" She giggled. "I love you too." I smiled and held her tighter as we went up to our family.
Bella's POV
I was chatting with my sister when I felt arms wrap around me. I giggled as he said "Howdy ma'am." I replied "Howdy, you should leave right away, my husband is due back in a few minutes and he wouldn't like you over here flirting and touching me." I giggled.
Jasper started kissing my neck, I let out a loud moan. "Okay, you two, don't start." My older brother, Peter, chuckled. I blushed and my beautiful blond haired husband pulled away from me and laughing.
Jasper smiled at looked at Peter. "Like I told ya ass, after you proposed to my Bella, if you hurt her, I'll be kicking ya'll's ass."
I giggled. "Now Peter, Jazzy won't hurt me, will you Jazzy?" His icy blue eyes pierced into my chocolate ones. "No ma'am, I'll be lovin and caring for ya, with all my heart, I wouldn't do such a thing, my lady." Jasper smiled.
I turned to Peter. "See? Jazzy won't, brother dear." Peter narrowed his eyes at Jasper. "Okay, I believe ya'll since you're my baby sister" He looks at me. "and ya for being my best friend." He said to Jasper.
Jasper nodded. "Hope ya two have a dandy honeymoon." He said before walking back to Charlotte, his wife.
Jasper turned to me. "May I have this dance, ma'am?" He asked holding his hand out. I nodded and took his hand. He brought it up to his perfect lips and kissed it. I blushed. He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Might I say, ya have the gosh, darn cutest blush I have ever seen." Jasper whispered in my ear. I blushed and placed my head on his shoulder. "Aww, you're so sweet!" I giggled as he chuckled.
"Well, that's how my momma raised me darlin', to be a southern gentleman." I smiled.
"I know, I'm glad she raised you like that, to become the man you are today." He smiled. "I may not sound like a gentleman when I say this but I can't wait for tonight." He whispered seductively into my ear.
I felt myself get wet. I blushed and he whispered again. "Now I really can't wait for tonight darlin" I giggled. "Same here." I said as we continued dancing.
After the reception, we went home and as we walked in, Jasper picked me up. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and whispered. "Make love to me, Jasper Whitlock."
He kissed me. 'Well, I was plannin' too darlin'." He whispered as he ran up the stairs with me in his arms to our bedroom.
I woke up the next morning on Jasper's bare chest. I smiled and breathed in his scent. I looked at his peacefully sleeping face, his curly blond bangs stuck to his forehead. I smiled and kissed him before rolling off of him, moaning as I realized he was still in me. I whimpered at the loss. Suddenly I felt the need to throw up, I got up and thank God,I found a bucket.
Jasper's POV
I woke up as my beautiful wife rolled off of on top of me. I wanted to groan as she made me pull out of her, but didn't and pretended to be still asleep. I felt her get up from bed and opened my eyes to see Bella throwing up.
My eyes widened and I sat up and went to her. I wrapped my arms around her naked, exposed waist. "Darlin', what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
She wiped off her mouth and turned to me. "Nothing hun." She turned her body around, her breasts pressing against my chest and I felt my 'Little Partner' twitch, as it was pressing against her thigh.
"Well, Well, looks like someone is naughty." She giggled. I blushed and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I moaned when I felt her rub my chest. She slowly pulled away and I groaned.
"Well now, this was a good honeymoon." She said it, like it was over, I gasped.
"Darlin' our honeymoon isn't quite over yet." I said as I pushed her down to the bed and climbed on top of her. She giggled.
"Well ready for round two, darlin'?" I asked while staring at her.
She nodded and begged. "Please Jasper, I need you now." She moaned.
"I need you too darlin'" I said as I pushed myself into her.
About a hour later, I rolled off of her, covered in sweat. I looked at her and she was yawning and breathing heavy, same goes for me. "You tired, darlin'?" I asked.
"Yes I am cowboy." She giggled slightly. I smiled at her and pulled her on top of me. She rested her head on my chest. My 'partner' twitched as her breasts were rubbing against my stomach.
She felt it at her thigh and she looked at me. "Jazzy, your 'friend' is being naughty again." She giggled. I bit my lip and nodded a little. She laughed then she got up off me. "Darlin, what's wrong?" I asked again. She looked at me as she grabbed her stomach. "Stomach flu, I guess." She said and she threw up again.
"Sweetheart, we need to go see a doctor." I told her concerned and worried. She huffed. "Jazzy, damn, calm down. I'm just a little sick, no big deal. I'm fine now."
I rolled my eyes at her stubbornness. She was always stubborn, but I'm used to it.
"No, Bella." I got dressed and helped her. "Jazzy, can we go see Peter and Char, then the doctors.' She asked, then mumbled the last part. I chuckled. "Sure darlin'"
She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Yah, so okay, we're goin to walk there." I nodded. "Okay, darlin'"
Bella's POV
While walking to my brother's house, I wonder why I've been throwing up this morning. Ahh, probably just some darn cold. No biggie. Well, Jasper thinks it is. I don't blame him, I guess. Oh I totally forgot, Charlotte's a nurse and she's thinking about becoming a nurse for a camp of confederate soldiers. Since talk about war, has sure been spreading for about an year now.
"Oh, Jasper. Charlotte's a nurse, maybe she can find out what the heck's wrong with me" I laughed. He smiled. "Oh yeah, totally forgot about that darlin'."
We reached Peter's and Charlotte's farm. I saw Adam, one of the slaves. I smiled. "Hello Adam, how ya and ya family doing today?" I asked. He looked up from doing what he was doing and smiled.
"Miss Bella, Mr. Jasper, I'm good." He replied. "Well that's great." I smiled. "Well, we're going to go visit, Charlotte and Peter, keep up the work." Jasper said as he wrapped an arm around me.
I saw Charlotte sitting on the porch. "Hey, Char!" I yelled out. She stood up and smiled at us. 'Hello Bells, Jas, Don't mind me for asking but how's the honeymoon coming along?" She asked, winking at me.
Jasper chuckled. "Good, Where's Peter?" Charlotte smiled. "Oh, he's out there, helping some of the guys." I smiled back. "Jazzy, why don't ya go find them, do some work, let me be alone with Bells." Charlotte said.
"Yes ma'am." Jasper said. He kissed my lips for a second and pulled away. "I'll see ya later ladies." He took off running towards the field. I giggled.
"So, Bells." I giggled at Charlotte. "Umm, Charlotte, since your a nurse and all, surely you can figure out what I have." I told her. Charlotte nodded her head. "Of course, now tell me what has been going on?"
"Well, the next morning after we made love, I didn't feel so good and I threw up. I threw up again after the second time too." I explained. She nodded her head then she gave me a huge smile. "Bella, you're carrying Jasper's child!" She squealed. My mouth dropped open. "What?" She hugged me. "Bella, you're having morning sickness, a sign that you are with child! Bella you're gonna be a mommy and Jasper's gonna be a daddy!"