Hey guys! Sorry it took me a while! :D I went back to school! I got my first week over with! DUDE! Spanish is sooo much fun! I LOVE SPANISH CLASSSS! :D OK! Whatever! LD Me llamas Kaitlin! (That means "My name is Kaitlin") HAHAH! OMG! YEA! SO WHAA! Ok and YEAAAAAAAAAAAA! :::D:DD:D::D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

It's been a about a week, Ahsoka was looking forward to Seeing Anakin again; he has been on a mission with Obi-wan. She knew he has told her he was going to stop by the senate to see Padme before he was going to be back at the temple. He has given her multiple speeches about staying in bed and all, he had told Rex to make sure she doesn't 'overwork 'herself.

Padme's Apartment (ANAKINS POV)

"So you're saying I can't be over because of a meeting!" I said in an angry tone

"Anakin I can't have you over, I'm having dinner" She replied, I noticed she was getting angry.

"But you can have him over!" I replied pointing at the unfamiliar senator sitting at the table.

"Anakin this is government Business!" She yelled

I sighed and tried to let it go

"Ok Well how are you feeling?" I asked

"I'm fine. I have to go!" Padme snapped

"Padme..." I sighed

"Look, I promise you can come back later! But now I need to have this meeting!" Padme replied and started to become very agitated

"Ok well I guess I will see you later this week." I said, as I walked out of the apartment back into my ship to go see How Ahsoka is doing.

Anakin walked into the room a found Ahsoka sleeping

"Snips?" He called as he began to walk to her bed

She Moaned, rolled over and Opened her eyes to find Anakin Smiling at her.

"Your back!" Ahsoka mumbled happily as she sat up in the bed

"Yea, how have you been?" Anakin asked with a smile

"How is Padme?" Ahsoka asked

"She's...fine, Sorry I woke you up"

"Don't drop the subject, are you're worried about her?" Ahsoka asked as she stopped rubbing her eyes and looked at him

"I didn't, I said she's fine, she had a meeting or something...she wouldn't let me stay to even talk to her" Anakin Complained

"Ok. So, It was a meeting, she had to be there." Ahsoka replied

"Well, Yea...but I mean she could have let me talk for a little while"

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and got up out of bed

"Whoa! You're not getting out of bed." Anakin snapped

"But I can walk now...A little...see" Ahsoka said and started to stumble when she got up and walked to the water she left on the table across the room.

"Look I'm not letting you leave this room" Anakin said as he helped her back to the bed and covered her up with the sheets.

"MMM..." Ahsoka mumbled

"Hey something wrong?" Anakin asked as he ran his hand down her lekku.


"No it's something." He said

"I just have a little headache...and I felt shaky" Ahsoka replied

"Wait what!" Anakin yelled as he went and looked over at the table where the doctor had given her pills and a shot little while before he came.

He picked them up and looked over, she was frowning.

"I was hoping you wouldn't see that..." Ahsoka said as she slid down in the covers more

"How did you manage to survive without me here?" Anakin said as he rolled his eyes and scooted closer beside her and frowned

"Rex." She replied and looked away from him

"Here sit up." Anakin said with a smile

"No! Please. I hate needles!" Ahsoka squealed

"It's fine. Look it won't hurt"

"Yes it will!"

"Hey please. For me do this...I'm really worried about you. Please..." Anakin said shyly

She frowned and looked away then she took her pills then pulled her sleeve up and he gave her the shot. She winced from the pain then he put the band aid on it and smiled and rubbed it.

"Was that so bad?" He asked with a smile

"Yes...No..." She laughed

He smiled and she went back to sleep.