Thanks to Celestial Reign's awesome idea, I decided to write this. It's basically "Because?" told in Mariku's point of view. …Think that's all I have to say, sooooo, anyway, enjoy!

I hate you.

I despise everything you do. Every bit of good or kindness that seeps from your body, I loathe with all my being. I hate you. I hate everything you do. I despise your entire self. Every part of you, I hate.

I hate you, because this is all I know how.

I loathe the way you nearly sashay down the hall, your blond hair bouncing lightly with each perfect step you take. Every time I see that beautiful smile of yours, I want to punch all those pretty little teeth in, until blood stains my entire hand. Those wide, lavender eyes of yours, I just want to slash them apart.

Of course, we share the same body. So how can I hate you so?

It is not hate, yet it is. It's my way of love. But, you, of all the people, are too stupid and naïve to see it. This is the only way I /can/ love you. Because I wasn't meant to love. I was mean to hurt, to diminish, and to destroy.

I see the way you look at me. That glint in your eyes, the one that says, "Please let today be the day. Please let him love me. Please." But no matter how much you beg, I can't. I've tried. I've tried so goddamn hard, Malik. But all I'm capable of is hurting you. Is making you sob out my name in mercy.

So, if I cannot have what I want, I'll have it another way. If I can't love you, the way normal lovers would, I'll improvise. You see, my Malik, this is why I beat you. Why I bite, claw and kick at you. I do it for your tears. Your beautiful screams. Your perfect voice, crying out my name in such agony.

You will never know the immense pleasure your horrified face gives me, when I slap you. You have no idea how my heart races when the first of your tears begin to stroke your perfectly bronzed cheeks. You can never understand how a smile cracks on my face once your velvet voice screams for me and me, alone.

This is what we are, Malik.

I know you love it, too. When I pin your shoulders down, digging my nails deep into the skin, you merely writher in pain. You never try to escape. And that's because, you simply don't want to. You want me to touch you. And the pain is the only way to get part of what you want.

You're a strong boy, you truly are. I'm amazed you could fall in love with a creature from the dark, like myself. But, you've amazed me, just as always, with your odd quirks and such.

But, you and I both know I could never love you. I could never be gentle, or a lover at that, because love isn't what I do. Hell, the word is almost foreign on my lips, nonetheless part of my vocabulary.

Don't you ever wish I wasn't here? Don't you ever dream what it would be like, to be without my horrible being, hovering over you like a dark shadow, waiting to see you fall?

I hope you remember every scar I leave on your body, Malik. Every drop of blood I've caused you. Every scream that's escaped your lips, cursing me to the deepest pits of fiery Hell. Every single tear that's stroked your warm, flawless cheeks because of this monster I am.

Because this, my light, is my love that I've given to you. And this is all it ever will be, between us.

Your pain, is my pleasure.

That last line there, is from 00RubyChan00 (Thanks for letting me use it, dear!) so, that's why it's so… perfect. XD Anyways, review if you want, I suppose. Thank you, again, Celestial Reign, for the awesome idea! ^.^