So this one gets back on track with asshole Snape and teenager Harry. It is also down and dirty in a way I never thought I would go, but not into detail. It is at the very bottom of the chapter, so be warned and please review to let me know what you thought of it. Again, flames are not welcomed, but if you don't like something please let me know!
Usual disclaimers and warnings.
None of the HP characters are mine and this is a BDSM story with a serious Fetish theme.
In years past Harry would say the worst thing about Snape was his intense stare. It drilled into you leaving you bare and exposed. This focus upon you, when you're Harry Potter, Boy Who Lived, a Gryffindor and the Son of James Potter- Arch Enemy of Severus T. Snape, can be quite overwhelming. Students of all houses feared that stare. Some had fainted, some had pissed themselves and some had simply been frozen in fear, unable to move to save their lives. It was an unspoken agreement, even with the Slytherns, that when it did happen it was never talked about again. If some kid got the idea to tease another over one of these things happening, they soon learned to hide. The Houses may have had their differences, but they all agreed that Professor Snape was one you didn't piss off. Harry had gotten it just from existing. But now he saw the stare through a new light. Severus was watching and protecting him. Showing him in while in pubic that he cared about him in the only way he was able to. His stare meant he cared, it was when he no longer looked, no longer noticed, that was when you were in trouble.
But now that Harry knew, he loved it. Thanks to the flame he could feel how focused his Master was on him, how much he was adored and it made he so emotional… like a girl. But his Master seemed to like it, even enjoyed it, but in a good way. Tears again welled up in his eyes, but the flame told him it was welcomed. After a few more minutes of sheer cuddling, Severus cleared his throat and moved away.
"I will not punish you for running this time, but if you ever do so again I assure you that you will beg for mercy. I do not play around with you safety, so do not test me. You are mine to do with as I please, to be where I put you and behave as I decide. I will not tolerate such rashness again. When the Order and Dumbledore realize we are gone a nightmare will break loose. Plans have been made since summer for this set of circumstances, but that does not mean that we, that you are not in danger. You are to be nowhere I do not allow and outside these quarters you are to always be in my sight. Do you understand pet?"
Severus knew his words upset Harry, that part of him wanted to balk and refuse, while the other part understood and accepted, felt secure and safe; he was just going to have to wait it out to see what emotion Harry would settle upon.
Harry knew that Severus was right; he could feel that his Master wasn't saying it to be mean or cruel, but only out of worry and fear of losing him. If it were reversed he would do the same. The idea of loosing someone he loved was petrifying and Master had earned his trust, even before he knew he was cared for. He knew there were things he should ask about, facts he most likely needed to know, but a tiny voice told him that it wasn't his worry anymore. That if he needed to know then his Master would tell him, otherwise just do as he was directed. Rubbing his eyes Harry wanted nothing more than a nap and just decided to take one; after all it was not like he had a class to go to.
Feeling Harry's fatigue and acceptance Severus laid him back down and went to get some Quidditch decorated pj's. The feet and forearms held the audience and the legs and torso was the pitch while the neck hole was surrounded by clouds; two teams of purple and grey were fighting a game that would never end. Harry was simply delighted when he saw them and kept watching how they seemed to interact with the movements of the garment.
When they were finally on Severus picked his tiny bundle back up, locked the closet doors behind them and carried him to his bed. Harrys room in Malfoy Manor was somewhat different then his rooms at Hogwarts. Whereas before it was a comfortable guest room that had things added to fit Harry; this room was made for a child that was Harry. The walls were painted like a garden, a wild English Garden over flowing with flowers and trees. There was a pond on one wall with a trickling rock waterfall loaded with frogs and dragonflies that moved about. On the flowers were fairies, but the Muggles idea of them, cute shimmery, glittery, bright colored little boys and girls who were too adorable to be real. Birds flew about, some wearing vests, while in the opposite corner a little house of mice in proper Gentlemen and Ladies from the Edwardian era could be seen cooking something. The layout of the room was the same though. The bed was across from the closet and bathroom and the door leading out parallel from the bed and across from a large bay window that showed a night scene. The floor was wood and the ceiling was made to look like the night sky. All his toys were there as were their belongings. It was clear the escape had succeeded.
The bed was double and was deep varnished wood softened with white. The Drapery was white fur as was the blanket; the sheets and pillows were soft cotton that just screamed to be slept on. Pulling the thick blanket back Severus laid Harry down and was starting to back away when Harry tugged on him clearly wanting him to lay down too. Nodding Severus removed his robes and toed off his shoes before slipping in the bed. Waving his wand the lights went out thrusting the room into darkness.
Curled into his Masters arms Harry was quickly nodding off to sleep when the dildo thrust on his prostrate again, his whole body moving with the suddenness of it. His Master gripped his bottom and his neck, laying him on his back, forcing him to be still throughout the assault. Again cum was squirted out stimulating it even more, the dildo would thrust then cum, dildo, cum, dildo, cum. Six times total he was stimulated, fast and forceful. He could now feel the cream in him sliding around, the dildo slipping about, tapping against his nerves, just enough to keep him slightly stimulated, but not overdoing it. That would take hours and this thing was going to be strapped in him for days!
Severus's mind was reeling. He needed to get things back under control. He did not do well when things were not going according to plan and Harry showed that he did not do well in an environment that was without structure and control, the more the better. But it had only been a couple of hours so not a lot of damage had been done. He was going to re establish control right now.
When the plug had stopped Severus had decided what to do. Releasing a limp Harry he lit the bed side lamp illumining the room and dressed before turning back to the bed.
"In a moment Lionel will arrive with your breakfast. You are to take all the potions first and then eat. Afterwards you are to sleep and relax. Lionel will stay in the room with you at all times and when you awake he has a set of questions he is to ask you, all only requiring a yes or no. You are not allowed to do anything else but what he asks you. If you are difficult and misbehave I will punish you. It is 10 right now and I will be back at 3 to check up on you. Do not disappoint me."
Severus walked to the closet, unlocked it and disappeared for a moment before reappearing and relocking the doors again. In his hand was a thick cream leather collar with metal hoops attached. Harry wanted to run and gave into the impulse to move but found himself laying down into the bed instead. Severus sat Harry back up before latching and locking the collar up. While he hadn't put it on too tightly, there was two small bumps on the inside, just on the sides of Harrys barely there Adams apple, restricting him even more. After checking to make sure Harry wouldn't choke, Severus tapped the wall above the headboard and a thick gold chain fell down. Picking the end up, Severus locked the chain to the collar, trapping Harry to the bed till he decided otherwise. The chain had slack, but was clearly not long enough to allow him of the bed. Gently shushing Harry when he whimpered, Severus walked over to the bay window and opened Harry's school bag removing his blanket and teddy bear. Finally he returned and handed them to him. But something wasn't setting right with Severus. Somehow he needed to fully show that Harry did only what he allowed! Running over the list of questions Lionel was allowed to ask an idea struck him that would absolutely establish their roles. And it would be a powerful curb to any further disregard of rules.
"Do not forget what I said. You are to drink the potions first thing, do not argue in anyway, then eat and sleep. As you eat I want to you remember the last few days and the rules I have given you as to how you shall behave and act. They are still in place and you will be punished for not following them."
After kissing his little boy's forehead and tucking him back in bed, Severus turned on his heels and left the room, sure to lock the door behind him. After securing the apartment he called Lionel to inform him of this orders.
"Harry is chained to his bed. You are not to release him for any reason unless he is in danger of harm. Remove his pacifier; give him these potions and then breakfast. Once he has eaten his fill, put the pacifier back in. Turn off the light and find a quiet corner where you can see him. He is to sleep till he wakes up. When he does ask him if he wants a glass of water, if yes then he may have one. Ask if his collar is too tight and adjust if needed. Not too loose. Check the bed for any wet spots and if there are come and get me right away. Also he is not to bother with asking you for anything, only answering your questions. If he tries to commutate anything else, tell him that your Master has made his orders very clear and that you are to inform me of any attempt on his part. If it seems it is serious you may help him or get me. Now, did you feel the shift in our magic today?"
The old elf bowed again before answering. "Yes Master, I am aware of your new wedded status and how it is defined. I will show proper respect to him as you submissive. Also Sire, everything has been removed from Hogwarts and your personal home has been properly protected and warded from introducers. The Headmaster is aware, as your first class started two hours ago. But everything is how Lord Malfoy ordered it and I erased all traces of your movements. "
"Go get Biddy and have her gather all the items from Spinsters End, shrink them and bring them here. Then authorize her to go to the Goblins and sell the damn place. I want all this done in the hour. Use Lord Malfoys house elves however you need, but I want all done now. Also inform the Goblins of the change in status and inform them to keep everything private no matter who is asking unless they are with me, everything thing is under lockdown you may have this discussion in front of Harry, but put a silencing charm around his bed before. Understood?"
At the elf's nod Severus left the apartment and headed straight to Malfoy library.
Upon entering the Library Severus noted several new people were in attendance. Beyond himself and Lucius, there was now the Parkinson, Lady Zabini, Goyle Sr., Crabbe Sr., the Lestranges and so on. Many parents from Drumstrang and other persons who had familial ties to the Dark Lord were there. But what brought him relief was that Lord Voldemort was there, he knew now his little boy was safe and secure amongst all these people. Walking over to his Master, Severus quickly bowed before waiting to speak.
"How is your young Husband dealing with the change?"
No one questioned what Lord Voldemort was talking about, if he wanted you to know, you would. But that didn't stop everyone from wondering, through recent orders had led them to some guess.
"Quite well my Lord. As well as could be hoped, he did have a few times of panic here and there. But as he has never been one to fear speaking his mind, they have all been dealt with… If I may, the children…"
It was Lucius who answered; after all he was the one who handled the details.
"All safely in their rooms in the Lower North West Wing and the Middle North West Wing has been prepared for their classes and the Upper North West Wing is housing the teachers. The secondary offshoot wings are ready for the families and have expanded to contain them as your apartment has you. The South Wings have grown and changed to accommodate Magical creatures in need of refuge. Portals have opened in the main meeting hall for the other realms and Ambassadors have already arrived and set up in Middle West Wing with their entourage in the Lower West Wing. Our Lord has his quarters in the Upper West Wing near yours and ours."
Pausing to sip a drink, Lucius looked to his Lord before continuing.
"All objects have been cleared out from their previous locations and Malfoy Manor is set to enter in the next phase of this war. There are more wards of protection than Hogwarts and far darker. Only those of the Inner Circle are able to leave or come and even then only with Lord Voldemorts approval. We have the original copies of every piece of legislation the Ministry has ever or ever tried to pass. Wednesday all non human nations will break contact with the Magical Ministry and officially from an alliance with us."
Clapping broke out amongst everyone. It was more than they hoped for and soon all would be right in the Magical World again.
As everyone settled down, those who had questions asked and after much was settled, many left leaving only the inner circle to figure out the rest. Severus always kept part of his attention firmly on the little flame in his mind.
Dumbledore was livid. Everything was going according to plan and now his slaves were missing.
He knew that he shouldn't have handed him over to that filthy half-blood, no matter how short a time he thought it would be. After all, it's not like someone wouldn't have leaked it to Voldemort right away and he would be dead the moment he didn't hand Harry over. Did he really think he could hide from both of them? That slimy, greasy, rat owed him everything. He was the one who took care of him in his schooling years, he was the one ensured that the Marauders weren't too mean and he was the one gave him information about Lilly. Whatever little bright spots in life he had in life, Severus Snape owed it to him. And then when he gave him Harry to do with as he pleased, he ran off! Albus thought he had made himself clear enough, no scars, no permanent damage, just play with the boy to release tension and then when the time was right, hand him back over. Of course Severus thought that it was his payment for all he had sacrificed.
But now that was all to hell. And as he noticed that the two were late to breakfast Aurors showed up and informed him that all the Slythern parents and some from the other Houses were removing their children from school. And on top of that, that all objects of Slythern House were to be taken as well, by the Heirs order! Did they not know who that was or whom he was? He needed those objects! The books, artifacts, the students! People were asking questions and he didn't have the answers! He needed that boy back. Maybe his Muggle family could help.
Harry didn't quite know what to think. But he knew that his Master was a private person and he had already shown Harry so much more than he had ever shown anyone else. He knew that he had a part of Severus that no one else would ever be able to claim. So when his Master quickly got up and left he tried not to panic or worry too much. He was alone for only a couple of minutes before Lionel showed up with breakfast anyway. The elf placed the tray in front of him before removing the pacifier. Working his jaw for a minute Harry couldn't help but be embarrassed that the elf knew he had a dildo for a pacifier strapped to him mouth. Or that he was chained to the bed, not able to use the restroom without asking. He really hoped that was one of the question or else he didn't know what he was going to do. He could already tell he was going to need to before long.
"The Submissive needs to drink potions now and then eat. Master would be very upset if Submissive didn't do as told."
Harry's cheeks burned with shame as the Elf called him that. He was more than a dog. But at the sharp look in the Elf's eye he did as he was told and drank the four potions down. He knew what three of them were, potions for his health and to get his body on the right track, but he had no idea what the fourth was for. As he finished the fourth one he reached for his breakfast, eggs, bacon, pancakes, milk and OJ, the dildo started up again. He didn't want to knock the tray over so he tried to stay as still as possible but that didn't stop him from letting out cries with each thrust. He didn't the count this time, but he could feel his Masters cum filling him up. It had yet to start stretching the sides but he knew it would soon. The ring around his cock though kept him from becoming too hard though. Though being kept at half mast was just mean Harry thought.
Finally Harry regained himself enough to move around and start in on breakfast. As he looked around he was surprised to see the Elf talking to another one across the room though he couldn't hear what was being said. Annoyed at the impoliteness of it but knowing he wasn't allowed to know Harry took the time to look around his room again. He noticed that all the outdoors were of nighttime, the paintings, the window, the ceiling. If it weren't for the lamp, the only light would be from the "stars". All his toys were there and he knew his clothing was too. Harry couldn't help but wonder when he would next play with his toys when the thought of his rules was thrust into his mind by his Masters flame. His mind naturally submitted and paid attention to each rule as it was passed through his mind. Finally it stopped and prodded him to go over them again and again. Harry knew he was in trouble for that. He was given an order and he ignored it in favor of something more fun. The flame told him this and it annoyed Harry to no end. He had the right to his own thoughts damn it! Not caring how much trouble it would bring him, Harry set the try to the side with half eaten food and covered himself with his blanket, scooting down as far as the chain would allow. As soon as he settled the cover was pulled back and an angry Elf was upon him.
"You much finish your food now! Master will be very upset if you don't. The Submissive must sleep with his head upon the pillows not in the middle of the bed! You must do it now or I will tell Master!"
Harry whirled around completely fed up with the Elf and the orders and the hiding of information.
"Fine! Tell him! Do you think I care? I don't have to do anything I don't want to! Now get out of my room!"
Harry started messing with his collar trying to get it undone and screamed in frustration when it wouldn't come off. His bladder was full and he needed to go pee. As he turned around to demand to be let go he saw the Elf was gone along with the breakfast tray. All the argument fled his system knowing his Master would soon be on his way. Harry didn't know what to do, he couldn't get off the bed and he needed to hide. Now. He began to tug at the chain, putting all his weight against it and it wasn't budging and his bladder was getting worse. He didn't know how much longer he would be able to keep it in, but he was using all his muscles to hold it and he was trying figure a way out of this. The door burst open startling Harry so badly he let go of his bladder and it all came out over him and the bed.