A/N: Well, hello there! It's been a while. Like 7 months while. Sorry about that-I've been caught up with things that are not this muse, including the Dean/Castiel fandom in Supernatural. It's quite hard to bounce between the two fandoms, mainly because this fandom is so lighthearted while Supernatural is so emotionally intense. But, all rambling aside, I've been having writer's block here. Also, I'm in college now and I have gracefully forgotten my planning sheet at home which is 3000 miles across the country. This is an update to mainly appease those of you who want an update, and it's vaguely important for the plot. Hope you all enjoy!

Lassiter drops Shawn off with a kiss goodnight on the landing outside his apartment door.

"Sure you don't want to stay for the night?" Shawn asks saucily, waggling his eyebrows. Carlton sighs.

"Normally, I'd take you up on the offer but right now we're trying to sort through yet another serial killer."

Shawn sighs, slumping a bit. Trust Yang to mess everything up in his life.

"Mmkay." He presses a kiss to Carlton's cheek. "G'night."


At some point during the night, Shawn's brain decides to take him on an action replay of the crime scene. Miscellaneous facts drift through his head as he analyzes every detail, every piece of visible information. He twitches awake when he remembers the name that he saw in the open phonebook.

Alga Dethrone. Professional photographer.

Shawn dials Carlton's number faster than he should be able to. The older man picks up on the second ring.

"Shawn, do you know what time it is?"

Shawn ignores his boyfriend's it's-late-don't-even-try-any-funny-business voice and cuts straight to the chase.

"Does the name Alga Dethrone mean anything to you?"

He can hear the Carlton's gears working.

"Um… she's another photographer, isn't she?"

Shawn snaps his fingers.

"That gives her motive. Maybe she wants to weed out the competition!"

"What? Shawn, what are you talking about?"

The fake psychic looks at his phone with a perplexed expression before remembering that he operates far better at obscene hours of the day. Obscene hours of the day when other more normal human beings (like Carlton) are not as operational.

"I saw a phonebook open in the apartment on my way out," he explains, fumbling over his words as they tumble out of his mouth. "Alga Dethrone was the entry it was open to."

He hears some shuffling in the background.


"Shawn, I'll meet you at your place in five."

"Ooh, a late night date?"

Shawn can just hear Carlton roll his eyes.

"No, we're going to go down to the station and look up this Alga Dethrone character. And then we're going to find out where the hell she is."

"Awesome! See you then," Shawn chirps, rolling out of bed and throwing on his jeans and a pair of Roos.

True to his word, Carlton shows up in five minutes. Shawn dashes out from the apartment complex and hops into the passenger seat unceremoniously.

"Miss me?" he asks, a small vague smirk on his face. Carlton snorts before driving out of the parking lot.