Authors waste of space: Such a pity they've forbidden NC-17 rated fics, doncha think? Some of my favorite stories have that rating... But, of course, I kinda see why they're doing it, even though I have a few thousand better ideas myself. Fortunatly I won't have to delete anything, but I might just do it anyway, if I'm in a bad mood.

I have a question for the audience, what is the purpose of those stupid grammar sheets teachers provide us non-English kids with? Especially since we went through it last year, and the year before that, and probably the year before that too but I don't have that kind of memory-span (you know, blondes...). They're such a waste of time!

As for the story, I'm so happy you all think Harry is cute. I think so too. I even think he's adorable in those fics where Malfoy is elvish or half veela and the author spends about two and a half page describing him, and- oh, right, that would include me (read "The decision" and you'll see what I mean. Boy, I had some serious issues with my dad when I wrote that!)- I still spend the whole time thinking of Harry...

As for a little more for the story, I'm letting Harry speak a little more often now, because it's fun. Two original characters are also mentioned once in this chapter, but never mind them cuz you'll never see them again.

Chapter. 5 -Salad à la Harry Potter

To Ginny Weasley it had been quite an ordinary day. Or at least as ordinary as a day can be at a boarding school where the students are taught how to ride broomsticks and turn their fellow students into badgers (not that there's anything wrong with badgers, of course). She hadn't been feeling well lately, and had instead of going to classes spendt most of the day in the Gryffindor common room. She knew nothing of the days' events, and had no idea the love of her life had turned into a baby. Had she listened to the any of the conversations that were going on around her she might have figured it out, but she was too busy trying not to be sick all over (and let us all be happy for that).

Dinner was almost over, and second portions of potatoes and salad were starting to pop up. Suddenly, just as she was staring at an empty spot on the table, concentrating very hard on not being sick, a salad bowl appeared right before her. Something small was sitting in it. Something that might have been a doll, had it not been giggling and throwing lettuce in the air. It was a child...

Ginny blinked. She rubbed her eyes, stared at it, then blinked again. Nope, it was still there. She glanced at the others. A girl, Aggie Schmith, who was in the middle of a conversation with another girl, Hester Fryfield, turned halfway to her, still talking, and said: "Ginny, could you pass me the-" here she stopped and just stared as though she wasn't quite sure she believed what she was seing. "-salad?" she finished meekly. Hester Fryfield spotted it too and shut her mouth abruptly. Slowly, silence spread through the Gryffindor table as everyone stopped whatever they were doing and turned to stare at the child in the salad bowl.

Seamus Finnigan was the first to speak. "Er..." he said. Just as he said 'er...', Lavender Brown squealed. A glass shattered somewhere in the background (oh come on, it was bound to happen sooner or later!). A few people winced and rubbed their ears tenderly.

The adorable little doll in the salad bowl was still playing with the vegetables as though nothing had happened, or at least nothing out of the ordinary. And let's face it: the fact that there was a child in the salad bowl that popped right out of nowhere ought to be no more shocking than the fact that a salad bowl popped right out of nowhere in the first place. For some reason, the only one who came to this conclution was... well, me, actually (yeah, yeah, I know I'm smart. Can I have a cookie?)

Little Harry suddenly realised he was at the center of attention... again. Shyly he covered his face with a large, green lettuce, hoping in some kind of subconscious way that they wouldn't be able to see him as long as he couldn't see them. He clutched it firmly in his little hands even as Seamus Finnigan lifted him carefully out of the bowl.

"Hi there Harry," he said fondly, and grinned. Harry giggled. Ginny stiffened. "Where are your baby sitters, huh?" "Maybe they took him to the kitchens?" Dean Thomas suggested with a shrug. "Yeah, or maybe Malfoy put him there on purpose so we would eat him," Fred Weasley muttered darkly. "There's a possibility!" George said cheerfully.

As if on cue Malfoy chose that exact moment to stumble into the great hall, looking, altogether not too dramatic, even though his cloak was billowing slightly. 'I'm gonna have a heart attack!' he thought, as he struggled to fill his lungs with enough air, for the general purpose of preventing himself from suffocating. He was fighting a losing battle... But the only thing that mattered was Harry (this sudden concern would later cost him quite a few hours of his precious sleep... Wow! At this rate he'll be suffering from insomnia before I'm halfway through the story!)

In the mean time, Hermione was getting impatient and increasingly worried. Her current location was three floors above Malfoys current location, and her theories of how small children moved *their* current locations were beginning to sound stupid even to her...

Obviously, Harry Potter was quite able to move his location rather far away from hers, despite his short legs and the over sized clothes.

"Accio Harry," she muttered, as a half-joke to herself (yes, there is a certain sort of people who will find this amusing, however strange it may seem to others), while she stared thoughtfully at her wand. How on earth had Malfoy managed to lose him? Sure, Harry was small, even for his age, but still... And why had Malfoy volonteered to baby-sit his supposedly worst enemy anyway, if not to bring him to You-Know-Who?

However, it didn't seem like Harry minded having Malfoy around. Quite 'au contraire' really.

At this moment, we must keep in mind that Hermione was pretty much lost in her own, no doubt unbelievably fascinating little world inside her own head, and therefore had no idea she was in fact standing right behind a door. Now it will come as a surprise to none that this door opened outwards. Nor will it come as a shock that someone at the other side of the door chose that moment to slam it open and knock Hermione unconscious, without meaning to... (See girls? Now *that's* what happens to ye if ye think too much!)

"Have you seen one, or not?!" Ron was fuming. Peeves was having the time of his life (or after-life, whatever).

"Hmmm... Maybe Peeves see baby," said Peeves, pretending to be thinking hard, "is baby itty-bitty small?"

Ron nodded, "yes, yes, very small, he can't talk, at least not much. Dunno if he can walk properly though..." he added, as it dawned to him that he had no idea whether Harry actually *could* walk.

Now, something truly amazing happened. Something which had never happened before. Peeves the poltergeist, who, neither in his life nor his after life, had ever produced a single intelligent thought, understood...

He understood, and he knew who Ron was looking for! It had to be Dwaycoh Maphoy, the tiny little living-thingy with the large, green eyes and the black hair. The fascinating little creature who kept walking into doors and stumbled in his own clothes and spoke almost without drawing breath. The sweet, trusty little boy whom he had tricked into...

"Does it say 'Dwaycoh Maphoy' alot?" he asked, very slowly (still rather amazed by the fact that he had actually reached a conclution, which also, wonders upon wonders, happened to be correct).

"YES!!!" Ron clapped his hands joyfully, "that's him! That's the one I'm looking for!"

"Never heard of it!" Peeves muttered quickly, with a nervous twitching in the corner of his eyes. No sooner had he uttered the sentence before he spun around and began to float towards the door.

Ron opened and closed his mouth, looking rather much like a gold fish. "But- but you- you said..." he trailed off, then after exactly 2.5 seconds he bolted after Peeves. He reached the door, just as the poltergeist floated through it, he didn't bother fumbling with the handle like some nancy-boy, he slammed it open like a manly man!

He heard a 'thud', and then an omnious sense of foreboding, which he suddenly developed there and then, telling him he'd hit something, made him peek behind the door. And, whaddya know, he had indeed hit something. Or, to be more accurate: someone...

Ginny was in shock. Not that anybody noticed, they were all too busy marvelling over little Harry, who refused to eat. Malfoy had decided it was time for him to eat, but this was mostly because he felt an insane urge to make all the decisions for the little one himself without the other two knowing it.

Well, she most definetly needed to make a stand for what she considered an appropriate age-difference in a relationship...

Harry was smiling, looking almost unbearably cute, and spat out every piece of nourishment they manged to put in his mouth. Malfoy, who wasn't exactly the embodiedment of patience, had given up after 5 minutes and let Seamus Finnigan have a try. And then Neville had tried the old method with the airplane-spoon, which of course didn't work, because it never does.

Ginny was sitting by herself, looking rather miserable, watching them. She wondered how they could act so calm, as if nothing was wrong. She now noticed for the first time that neither Hermione, nor Ron was present.

She found it hard to believe that her brother would intentionally leave his best friend in the arms of Draco Malfoy, perhaps he'd been cursed? Maybe, she thought, he was laying in some dark cupboard somewhere, all tied up and gagged, and maybe even unconscious!

However, frightening as though this thought seemed to her, she felt no immediate urge to go look for him. She was in fact far more concerned about Harry. Colin Creevy had started taking pictures of him now, and Ginny expected Harry'd be walking around with a paper bag over his head when he, er, grew up... again. Knowing Colin, he'd probably try to make Harry sign the photos too, as if simply looking at them wouldn't embarasing enough.

Harry was starting to look a bit unhappy as well. Or rather he was starting to look sleepy, which meant that he was bored. And Harry wasn't happy when he was bored.

He didn't like all the faces staring at him either, especially not when they tried to stuff bits and pieces of... -well, whatever it was (it smelled fishy to him anyway) down his throath. He'd done all he could think of (which eventually came down to the grand total of *one* idea) to demonstrate his dislike for this, but they didn't seem to take the hint. So, obviously, he kept spitting it out.

Professor Snape always looked dramatic when he walked. He couldn't help it, no more than Dumbledore, but he rather enjoyed the effect it had on people. Of course, he could simply stop wearing long cloaks, but asking a wizard to stop wearing long cloaks that billowed when they walked would be like asking a parrot to quit wearing coloured feathers. It was part of who they were.

Anyway, my point was that Snape was walking down the hall. Or at least it was a hall. Whether it was *The* hall is a matter of discussion, I guess.

He was looking a bit sour, thinking about frogs (the happy, colourful and extremely poisonous sort). Until he saw something very bizarre. It was Ron Weasley, carrying what looked suspiciously like Hermione Granger in his arms. He looked very pale, and a bit nervous, and obviously hadn't noticed that Snape was watching him yet, or he'd probably have been beyond what one might describe as 'nervous'.

Snape was tempted to be about his business as if he'd seen nothing out of the ordinary (or so he kept telling himself anyway), but it was his duty as a teacher (not to mention his duty as the head of the rivalling house) to find out what was going on.

It was to little Potter's best too, he decided, as the two Gryffindors were supposed to be looking after him right now, not lurking aorund looking all pale and nervous and carrying each other...

Bit short this one I think. Since I didn't get *that* many reviews on chapter 4, I've answered them all:

(Fire Spirit: thank you! My first reviewer for the fourth chapter! Yay!) (Lady FoxFire: thank you! Yeah, the thing in the dark room was Fluffy, unless they have other three-headed dogs lurking around in that school. You can never be certain. And I haven't forgotten my promise about "The decision" either, but I have no idea where I'm going with it, so I'd be thrilled if you had any ideas...?) (Phoenix: thank you! *blushes* hope you liked this chapter too!) (Bucky: thank you! You have such a cute name, d'you know that? I hope you noticed that I put Ginny in this chapter, because I wrote her into it specially for you!) (Steena413: thank you! Congratulations for submitting your first review, I'm truly honored that you liked my fic!) (Prophetess of Hearts: thank you! Ah, you're right of course about the reading-thingy, my mistake... So I wrote a small piece for you about what happens to girls who think too much as an apology! It's probably dead boring anyway *yawn*) (emma: thank you! You really think so? Hope you'll keep enjoying it!) (Gia: thank you! Tee-hee, I thought of it all by myself ^_^) (Bienfoy: thank you! So glad you think Harry is cute!) (Sarelle: thank you! Yeah, I ought to make a fic about myself some day *LOL* You lost it again you say? Hmm, search for 'Pepsi' on authors and then head for the one who's written 4 fics, that's me. See ya in the next chapter then ^_^) (stormyfire: thank you! Harry will always be a sweetheart *sigh*, at least to me he is.) (Isa: thank you! Woo-hoo, another Harry worshipper! YAY! Love you 4ever girl! May you live a long happy life!)