Hi guys! I am back with a rather dark little story for you all. It's based on the Spanish film El Orfanato (The Orphanage), hence the title; but with a CSI twist. I hope you all enjoy it, let me know your thoughts
Disclaimer: I do not own CSI or El Orfanato, I can't even speak Spanish (or Italian for that matter; all the foreign words are translated via the internet!)
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"Uno, due, tre; colpi sul muro ... uno, due, tre; colpi sul muro ... uno, due, tre ... colpi sul muro ... uno, due..." Uninhibited childish laughter filled the air.
The sea glistened in the distance, as she watched the little children play and frolic, in their grey pinafores, or shorts. She looked down at the folder in her hand and sighed wistfully, a sad smile on her aged face.
"Your friends are going to miss you, Bella."
"Catturato voi!"
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"Interesting..." He hummed gleefully, a vicious smirk creeping onto his face.
From the moment he noticed the dark brown file sat inoffensively on the edge of his desk he knew it was going to be a good day.
And what a good day indeed.
He picked up the phone and keyed in the number that was to become very familiar to him in the coming days and weeks. He waited patiently for that deep voice on the other end.
"It's Conrad Ecklie. And the answer is yes."