Hey look, I'm not dead. Told you guys I'll update the story. It only took about 3 years. Before I start this story, I think I should say why it took 3 years to update this story. I'm not going to lie to you guys, I lost interest. But, I promised that I would finish this story unless I died (which I didn't). So without further ado, I present the continuation of my story
Percy's POV
I never felt good about eating meat. It felt like murder. I always wanted to be a vegetarian but I couldn't help myself. I mean, who could resist bacon for crying out loud. So I just kept eating. After what felt like such a long class, I need to make myself happy. What could be better to do than eat good food?
I don't think I'll be happy for long though. As I looked up from my delicious burger, I spotted a group of 3 girls heading towards my direction. They were wearing high heels, heavy makeup, and what looked like designer clothes. I already knew I would not like what was going to happen. I looked down at my burger again and kept eating. If I was going to do this, I might as well do it with a good meal.
"Hey", a voice said. As I looked up, the one who was supposedly their ringleader was staring me in the face. "What's your name?" she asked.
Sighing, I said "Dylan Stone"
"Where are you from, Dylan Stone?"
"Why do you care?"
After I said this, she raised her eyebrow at me. She opened her mouth to reply, but no sound came out. She just stood there and looked at me for a solid 5 seconds. Then, she gave me a crooked (almost sinister, really) smile.
"I'll see you around, Dylan Stone." she said. She turned around and headed in the opposite direction. Her words rang in my ears as I continued to gobble on food.
In P.E. swimming class
"Listen up, you thick nuggets!" a voice bellowed. The man making the noise didn't seem like he should be doing so. He was small in stature and had what looked like a kind face. He didn't seem like the kind of guy to be yelling at students.
"If you think this is a class where you swim around throwing beach balls, allow me clear your head. Here, I will be making turning you pack of misfits into men."
We students were silent and still but I could practically hear groans coming from some of my classmates.
"Alright! Let's start with 8 laps! Those who stop before completing all 8, get an extra 2!"
At this point, I'm pretty sure some of the students want to throw the coach into the pool. Terror coach or no, I'm certain that I'm going to ace this class. Perks of being a demigod, I guess.
"You! Front and center!" The coach was pointing at someone. It didn't take me long to figure out where his gaze was directed. With some confidence, I made my way to the front of the group and stepped up on one of the diving boards. Behind me, I can hear murmurs and a couple gasps.
Even the coach himself was speechless. For about 2 seconds, that is.
"Something wrong with your back kid?" he asked, pointing at my gashes and scars.
"No sir." I replied. "I'm fine. Just some old wounds"
For a while, he just looked at me like he was trying to get inside my head and see if I'm lying. Eventually, he just shrugged.
"Oh well. Suit yourself. Get started on those laps" he ordered. "Everyone else, scatter! I want all lanes occupied and all of you in the water! Now!" he bellowed.
I could feel their stares even if I was turned around. I wondered what kind of word will spread. "Dylan Stone: The Whipped Loner"
I closed my eyes and did my best to forget them. I just focused on the water. Oh, how I've missed it. Diving into the pool, I had one thought in my head.
"It's good to be back."
Hopefully, the next update won't take 3 years :P