Hey guys! And here begins the last part of the trilogy. This is a sequel to a sequel. To understand this story better, read part 1 and 2 of this trilogy. Percy's POV
"I'll always be with you. Wherever you may be. Don't forget that."
Those were the words I told Annabeth before everything went black. The last thing I saw was her face streaked with tears before all that surrounded me was black. Like literally, there's nothing else around me but black. Slowly, I started to fall. The darkness around me slowly disappeared as well.
I expected to come across Charon pretty soon. I was already picturing myself with Beckendorf and my other friends who have fallen. But things were different. I was near the entrance to a cave. Behind me, the sunset looked beautiful.
I looked at the cave again. It's looked real dark in there. It was like thousands of bats, spiders, and other nasty creatures dwelled in it. I don't know what drove me to do it but I called out to the cave. For all I know, there's actually someone there.
"Hello?", I said. My voice echoed thoughout the cave. My words repeated five times. It was creepy. You know the times when a little boy would sometimes yell in the parking lot just to hear the echo of his voice. But hearing it from a dark, gloomy cave was not cool.
I took a few steps forward. "Anyone here?", I said. My voice was cracking. I was so confused. I was supposed to be dead. Or maybe I have to go through the cave to get to the Underworld.
For a moment, the only soud that can be heard was the chirping of the crickets. Then suddenly, a voice replied. "Do not be afraid.". The voice sounded so old and ...wise.
I jumped a step back in surprise. "Woah!", I said, freaked out. "Who said that?"
"Come in the cave. You will find me, once you get through the entrance. Do not be afraid."
It was getting dark. I had an urge to go in the cave. But what if it was a trap? I've had my fair share of experience with traps.
I gathered up my voice. "No.", I said firmly. "Show yourself first."
Then someone else's voice came out. It's a voice I recognized all too well. Annabeth.
"Percy? Please help me.", the voice pleaded. I didn't know what to do. I started to panic. There's a 99% chance that that's not Annabeth. There's a 1% chance it is. I waited a few more seconds.
Before I had the chance to reply, an invisible force grabbed me and pulled me inside the cave. I was sent flying inside. I landed hard on my left wrist. It gave a small crack and I immediately knew that it's broken. Even my body was aching. The invisible force seemed like a giant head which squeezed me then threw me inside this dark cave.
Scratch that. It's not a dark cave.
I hadn't realized that now, instead of pitch black, the cave is full of light. I stood up, supporting myself with my right arm. I got up and held my wrist. It was throbbing in pain. I walked slowly forward, looking around me. Surprisingly and thankfully, there were no animals or insects of any kind. No monsters too.
But out of habit, I tapped my pocket. Sure enough Riptide was there. I let go of my wrist and used my good arm to hold on to the pen, just in case.
I kept walking. Soon, my feet started to hurt so I went looking for somewhere to sit. I looked and looked but can't find anything. Not even a boulder. Occasionally I would groan because of my wrist.
"I wish there's a sofa right in front of me, so this wouldn't be so hard.", I said, a little loudly.
Then, out of the ordinary, a sofa appeared right in front of me. As if the cave was listening to me.
I rubbed my eyes. I blinked rapidly several times. I shook my head. I even pinched myself. Nothing happened. The sofa was still there, looking as comfortable and inviting as ever.
I looked down and saw a small rock beside my feet. I picked it up and threw it gently at the sofa. I expected the sofa to explode. But no such thing happened. I cautiously sat down. Nothing happened. I relaxed my tense body. I decided to test this cave.
"Ooookay.", I said. "I wish...I have a blue cookie to eat."
Then I felt my good hand holding something. I glanced down and saw that I was holding...a blue cookie!
"Woah.", I said, before taking a bite. At first, I thought that it may be poisoned, but before I knew it, I have finished the cookie. I was still munching though. It tasted exactly like my mom's blue cookies. Exactly like them. Absolutely no comparison.
I licked my fingers clean. I tried to think of other things that I could wish for. It went from small things like food and clothes to things like sports cars.
Just I was about to wish for a brand new Camaro, I heard a snort coming from behind. I sprang up and uncapped Riptide. It was a big Cyclops. But it's definetely not Tyson. It was almost as big as Polyphemus. So I raised Riptide and charged, still munching on my cookie. It was wierd.
It just kept staring at me, making no move to counter-attack and fight. It just stood there watching me. Wierd. But I didn't care. As I brought down my sword. Another sword blocked it's way.
"Woah. Slow down boy.", the man said. Okay scratch that, he's an old man. Not just a man. Isn't he too old to be wielding a sword. Apparantly not. I took a good look at him. He had black hair and sea green eyes like me. I wondered if he was a demigod. Perhaps a son of Poseidon, considering our physical similiraties.
"Who are you?", I asked him, suspiciously.
"I'll tell you. But don't even think about making a move. I don't want to give you an unexpected wound.", he said, sheathing his sword.
Then my defenses rose. "Hey! For your information, I'm very skilled with a blade.", I retorted. I should've just kept my mouth shut but I couldn't help it. Curse this ADHD.
The old man chuckled. "That's what young heroes and swordsmen keep telling me before I kick their butt in a duel.", he said. "Trust me boy. You can't beat me."
"Reaaaally.", I said, stretching the word.
"Would you like to see?", he replied.
"Why not? A simple duel. The first to disarm his opponent wins.", I said. I didn't know why, but I felt like I could trust the old man.
"Very well.", he replied. I knew that this isn't a smart thing to do. But I didn't like the insult he gave me. I don't know why, but I felt like I needed to please and impress the old man.
"And no killing.", I said sternly.
He chuckled. "I wouldn't dream of it.". Then he drew his sword."But first.", he said. He approached me and took my damaged wrist. I was pretty sure that if some stranger just held my wrist like that, I would've yanked it out. But there was something about him that I felt like I could trust.
"It's broken", he said.
"Wow. Newsflash.", I replied sarcastically. But the edge of my blade was pointed towards him, just in case.
As if talking to someone invisible, he said "Ambrosia.". He held out his hand and a few ambrosia squares appeared on them. My eyes widened. I still haven't gotten used to the cave and its magic.
He glanced at them first before giving them to me. The way he looked at them was like he was checking whether or not they're poisoned.
I hesitated but soon gave in. The old man didn't seem so bad. After eating them, I immediately felt better. The throbbing pain in my wrist subsided.
"Uh...thanks.", I said.
We both took our fighting stances.
I decided to make the first move. To finish this quickly and to prove my skills to him. I raised Riptide and brought it down with a lot of strength. I figured that if I strengthen my blows, he'll lose his grip on his weapon.
But he just raised his weapon and parried my blow like as if it was the strike of a three year old. He spun and swung his sword at my waist. I barely had time to recover to block it. He did it too quickly. So I simply jumped back. The blade missed me by a few inches.
I just noticed that the Cyclops was still standing there, watching our duel just like teenagers watch a movie or something.
I expected him to groan and say "Ow! My back.". But he just striked again with the same force on my feet. I jumped high and it missed me again. He quickly recovered and he swung at my shoulder. I sidestepped and, once again, it missed me. I decided that it's my turn to attack. I just can't keep on dodging and let him do all the offense.
But he barely gave me opportunities to attack. He kept striking and slashing. He even made it look like it's the easiest thing in the world. It almost seemed like he was toying with me.
We kept this up for a good three minutes. Him, slashing and hacking and me, dodging and blocking. Then he took a moment to catch his breath.
I took control of this opportunity.
I swung my sword at his head but he just leaned back without any effort and Riptide missed his face. I swung again and he just parried the blow with a big amount of strength.
My arm flew back and for the moment, I was defenseless. He took this to his advantage. He kicked me in the ribs, hard. My knees buckled and I had to crouch. My breathing became raspy and with every breath I took, my ribs hurt more.
He sheathed his sword and kicked Riptide away.
"Told you so.", he said.
"Wow.", I breathed.
"How are you? Need some Ambrosia?", he asked
"I'm okay. But did you have to kick so hard? And are you sure that you're not wearing an old man mask?"
"I'm sure.", he replied, smiling.
He held out his hand to help me up. I took it without question. He wrapped my arm around his shoulder and guided me towards the sofa. He laid me down and said.
"Relax. Starting from my name, it's gonna be a long story."
"Fine. But don't try anything funny.", I said. That was a pretty stupid thing to say seeing that I don't stand a chance against him in a fight. "And are you sure there aren't any monsters in here."
"Except for him,", he said, pointing to the Cyclops.
I turned and faced the Cyclops. He didn't look so threatening. He actually looked a lot like Tyson. The Cyclops noticed that I was looking at him. He snorted and pointed behind me. I did turn and I found the old man mixing coffee. I think the Cyclops wanted me to pay attention to the old man.
He finished mixing his coffee and took a sip. Then he poured the whole content of the cup into his mouth. He finished it in six gulps. When he was done, he wiped his mouth and through the empty cup at the wall beside us. The moment the cup hit the wall, it exploded into nothing.
"First thing's first.", the old man said. "My name is Salix. But we need not worry about my last name."
"Okay. Who's he?", I asked, pointing to the Cyclops behind me.
"Ah his name is Jerry. He's my best friend.", Salix replied. "I happened to promise his parents that I'll take care of him and keep him safe. Which means that I just can't let you put a sword through his body."
"Oh. Right. Sorry about that.", I replied. "So...why are you here. And why am I not dead."
"First of all, you're not dead because I stole your body and resurrected you. And how I did so, please don't ask me.", Salix said."But you'll know soon enough."
"Oh.", I said. I mentally slapped myself. Was Oh all I can come up with.
"As for the question of why I'm here. I'm here because I have to set some things right. And I resurrected you because you're the only one in this world I need help from."
"Wha-", I said, but once again, he interrupted me by holding up his hand.
"It'd be better if I explain first then you can ask questions after."
"Uh sure."
"Now where did I come from. You'll have to believe me on this one, no matter how absurd it is.", Salix said.
I nodded. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"I'm from the future. I time traveled to this time. And like I said, I have important things to do here. Really important things."
"Wha-What?", I said, scratching the back of my head.
"I said-", he started. But I interrupted him.
"I heard what you said."
I couldn't believe my ears. I felt like I was back to the point when I was being told that Greek Mythology exists. How can someone be from the future. "You may ask questions now.", Salix said.
"Okay...isn't time travel sort of, you know, impossible?", I asked.
"Well, at least not in this time.", he replied with ease. It's like he practiced saying all this to a mirror.
"Another question."
"Uh why can't you just ask someone else to help you? Why did it have to be me?"
"It is because you are the only one I can trust."
"Why is that?", I asked, confused. I don't ever remember anyone named Salix. So why me?
He gave me a toothy grin. Like he was planning something unpleasant. He glanced at Jerry the cyclops. Jerry was looking at him with the same expression.
"That is for me to know and you to find out soon.", Salix said. "Now to the real reason why you're even here. You remember Annabeth Chase, am I correct?"
"Of course.", I replied. That question was ridiculous. How am I supposed to forget Annabeth. It seemed imposible.
"She's the reason I resurrected you in the first place."
"Wait. Back up. You brought me back to life just so I could be with her.", I said, my heart filling with hope and happiness.
"Unfortunately, no.", Salix replied with the same tone in his voice.
"Oh.", I said, clearly disappointed. "Why then?"
"First of all, my arrival in your time has not been planned by the Fates. So the world is temporarily imbalanced. Some things that aren't supposed to happen, will happen.", he said. "One of those things that are affected are the borders of Camp Half-Blood."
"Wait, does that mean-"I asked but he interrupted.
"-that the camp's borders are failing?.", Salix finished. I was worried. What's gonna happen now? Are my friends safe? Is my mom safe? Has camp been attacked yet? My mind was being flooded with questions.
"But it is only temporary", he added. I sighed in relief. I opened my mouth to ask another question but he held up his hand to stop me. "Let me explain first.", he said.
He continued, "Since monsters will be invading your camp pretty soon, I decided that you can help them and Annabeth. I chose you because I knew that no one could be more dedicated to this job than you."
It made sense. "What do I get for doing all this for you?", I asked.
"The assurance that Annabeth, your friends will be safe. The job of keeping them safe. Isn't that reward enough?"
"I guess so. Yeah, that's enough for me.", I decided.
"Now.", he said. "A few reminders. Important reminders, mind you."
"One: Do your best to keep your identity secret. For now, do not ask me why. It's just important you do so. But if ever they figure out who you are, avoid them. I have given you a power to teleport from one place to another. But it will take a lot of energy. Sometimes you would even collapse. So it's best to only use that power when they get too suspicious and try to uncover who you are.", he said. "Any questions?"
"Yeah. Even if I avoid them, if they see me, then they'll know who I am. Then they'll follow me until they get answers."
"Ah. As for that, I have slightly changed you face. No need to worry, for I actually gave it improvements. Trust me, if a random girl sees you, they'll start drooling or flirting with you. Some might even swoon. Or faint."
I was about to ask another question until he spoke again.
"Also, there is a jacket you will use to hide your face. Because like I said, I have only changed your face slightly. If you wear the hood of the jacket, shadow will cover your face. So no one can still see your face then. If you ask me, the jacket is very good looking"
"Ok. Where is it.", I asked.
He gave me another toothy grin then snapped his fingers. Then, I felt like I was wearing long sleeves. I looked at what I was wearing. A black jacket with spiralling red lines on its sides. It's zipper was made of gold. Salix was right. It, indeed, was very good looking.
"Do I get to keep this?", I asked.
"Uh sure. I have tons of those."
"Thanks.", I said. "Wait, I have another question."
"Go on."
"Won't the gods or Hades notice that I'm not dead. If they realize this, they'll send me back to the Underworld?"
"Ah, thanks for reminding me that Percy.", he said. He snapped his fingers again and a black orb appeared in front of him. He picked it up carefully like it's the most valuable thing in the world.
He gave it to me. "Put it in front of you then step on it.", he said. I did as he instructed and the moment I stepped on the orb, it exploded into black mist and the mist ciculated my body, enveloping me.
"That black mist will keep your presence hidden from the gods and children of Hades. They will not sense you. To them you are dead.", Salix said.
"Oh. Thanks for that. I didn't like the idea of being hit by Zeus' thunder bolts."
"But there is also a side effect.", he said. "One of your eyes will turn black."
"Wait, black?"
"Yes. Pure black. Absolutely no trace of greem or white. Just black."
I winced. I didn't like the idea of having a black eye. Not the one you get when you get punched in the face.
"No need to worry." Salix said. "As long as you wear the jacket the black eye will appear green to everyone else."
"Oh.", I said.
"Well then, I suggest you get ready. I shall be taking you back to your camp soon.", he said.
"Oh Percy, a few more things."
"Well, you see, when I resurrected you, your life returned but you got into a coma. You just woke up when you first saw this cave.", he said.
"What?", I asked, dumbfounded. "How long have I been in the coma."
It took a moment before he replied. He looked me in the eyes. "Two years.", he said.
"T-Two y-years?"
"Yup", he said, still looking at me. His gaze seemed to pierce me. His eyes looked so old and knowing and wise.
But this was unexpected. I thought that the battle against Kronos was just yesterday. What if Annabeth and my friends forgot about me. I shook the thought out. That's impossible.
"Don't worry.", Salix said. "Nothing big or major changed."
"Ok.", I said, relieved. "I'm ready.", I told Salix.
He took a step back. "Percy. Remember not to tell anyone about me, Jerry, and what has transpired in this cave. But do not worry, all will be explained soon."
He gave me another one of his gentle, king smiles. Then he snapped his fingers and the last thing I heard was Jerry saying, "Good luck.". And I didn't even know he could talk.
I felt myself spinning like a tornado. The next thing I knew, I was at the entrance to Camp Half-Blood.
There you go guys!
The end of the beginning.
Sorry if Percy's a little OOC.
Please review. Please. Pretty please.
Thanks in advance.
Until next time.