Chapter 7

So much has happened with that time frame and I couldn't be any happier. I had found the person who I came to love in the short amount of time. He loved me and I loved him with everything. People say relationships are hard and needs a lot of work. I don't mind all the hard work because when you find the right person you know right away and that is the feeling I am getting from Edward, my boyfriend.

I had learned so much about him and that I was sworn to secretly no matter what. Did I forget to mention that Edward Anthony Cullen and the rest of his family were vampires?

It was summer and school was out for the semester and he was taking me to meet his parents. I had met his sisters and brothers but never his parents. This was a big step I was taking. I had gotten along with his sibling very well and to the fact that Rose ended apologizing to me and I gladly accepted it. I am not the type to hold grudges against any one. She had told me about her past. She had explained that she was raped also but she was saved and had a family to help her. She had almost everything I ever wanted. She had a family that showed her support and loved her and never judged her for anything.

It was her fiancée that had raped her just before she was suppose to get married. She was walking home coming from a friend's home. Across the street was her fiancée talking with guys from work. He had called her to come to him and she did. It was late and she wanted to go home with him. She wanted to feel safe and secure. As she got near him she had smelled alcohol. It was strong on him and had never seen him that way before. His words slurred, tripping just by taking a step, never really seeing clearly. He wasn't making any sense, everything about him was wrong and she knew it. She didn't want to believe that he can turn that way. She believed him and trusted him with everything. She couldn't believe that her future husband could be this evil. The next thing that she knew he was attacking her in the most brutal way ever. He left her on the ground in pain and bleeding.

Now I understand why she is the way she is. It all makes sense when you have all your information. It gave me a better sense of what she went through and to get to know her as a person. I knew she wanted to protect herself and her family when it came to about her life. She couldn't really trust any person expect her family; to her I was an outside and nothing more.

He had parked in front of this amazing house that made my mouth drop. He chuckled giving me an amazing smile that left me speechless. I couldn't be mad at him for making me speechless. He really knows how to dazzle me. I wonder if he would have that effect on any other girl.

Standing in front of his front door were two people. A male, who eyes were gold and blond hair, a female with gold eyes and caramel color hair that matched her very well.

"Hi, my name is Carlisle and I am Edwards father, and this is Esme my wife, Edwards mom." He said shaking my hand. From what I could tell they loved their kids very much and not that I blame them, I do love their family like my own.

I wasn't scared to meet them I was happy to meet them when I did. I didn't mind that I was going to a house full of vampires. I didn't consider them vampires; I mostly consider them more of a normal human family.

Did I forget to say that my daughter's birthday was thrown with success? Well it did, according to Alice she needed to have one. I wasn't allowed to do anything because Alice would threaten in the most ways with a glare that made my beating heart stop beating. She planned everything, from decoration to our outfits.

Before we had gone on summer vacation I was planning on doing her birthday party. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I was going to have party here, getting balloons, getting desserts, and everything else I needed to make this come true and make it memorable for my wonderful, beautiful daughter. I wanted her to be happy and to enjoy herself. I wanted this to be about her and nothing else, leaving everything behind. I was going to surprise her.

Alice came into my house scaring me to death. "Bella don't even think about doing anything for her. Let me do her birthday surprise party? Please pretty please?" She asked with a pout in her face which turned into a smile. She came running to me and giving me a hug. "Thank you Bella, you won't regret it. I won't go overboard I promise."

Stupid future seeking vampire, pixie. "Hey you grow to love me."

Hey I couldn't argue with that comment. I do love her, she knows and I wasn't that big of telling her that. She knew my decision so that means that I didn't need to get emotional about it.

Today was the day that we will be celebrating my daughter birthday. Alice came over this morning and started to get us ready. I wasn't allowed to see where the party was being held and she told me that people were coming. I was afraid that she would go overboard. She always did, and that scared me a little. She went to my daughter's room and had gotten her ready, and even cooked us breakfast. I didn't know vampires could even cook expect Emse, who's food was delicious, for a vampire she cooked amazing. She didn't even let me see what she was doing; every time I would try she would glare me. I didn't want to start an argument with her and have everything she did ruined. I wanted everyone to be happy including, my daughter. I didn't notice that it was time for us to leave to the party. Alice had rushed us out of the house into a black stretch limo. I couldn't believe she hired a limo. I was perfectly fine with driving my car to the location of the place, but she wasn't haven't any of it. We had to close our eyes and not peek and every time I would try she would tap me, "eyes close Bella", and beside me I would hear my smart, daughter giggle. "Alice your funny".

"Bella don't get mad, you can open your eyes." I opened my eyes and looked. In front of me was the Cullen house beautiful decorated balloons that had her name on it and the age, lights that lit the driveway, and so much more. The walkway that lead to their backyard were decorated with streamers that were pink and on the floor were mini stepping lights that light every time you had stepped on the, as we got closer you could hear all the murmuring going around. It sounded like a lot of people came. I was only expecting not that many people because we only knew a certain amount of people. Lizze came running to the backyard forgetting that there were people in front of her heading the same way.

"Lizze what did I tell you about running and pushing people". I looked at her with a glare that would scare any 4 yr old her age. She needed to know that I am her mother and that I wanted to protect her in any way possible.

She was jumping up and down during the whole party and she was actually happy. I totally forget about everything in our past, all I could think about was the future that I have with this amazing family, who did this party for her.

She had gotten so many gifts that night. She was totally tired from the party; I had found her on the living room floor sleeping with a new teddy bear.

I knew from this moment on that I could handle everything that came my way. I knew so much more about myself now than I ever know possible. I knew I was ready to share the rest of my life with him and the rest of his family.