Chapter 1

Since the day I was born, my life seemed to be changing in the blink of an eye. My parents got a divorce when I had turned 10. At the age of 12 both my parents died from a car crash. They were on their way to see me dance at a completion. I have been dancing since the age of 7. It was hard when I had started, but I practiced and became better.

Dancing was a way for me to express who I was and what mood I was in. I loved dancing because dancing was a way for me to think, for my future, how to control the unstoppable. I loved how one move would lead into another and make everything so much more meaning.

Over the years I had become better at dancing, I wasn't falling. I had become stronger physically mentally. I am able to see myself and pretty, and different. I wasn't normal because my life wasn't normal for teenage kids who were my age. Other people didn't have to raise themselves; they didn't need to get a job just to pay for the bills. Teenage kids my age had to deal with school and grades and nothing else.

I have been taking care of myself for a while now, and I knew what needed to be done for me to reach my dreams. It was hard but it was a challenge.

Dancing was a way for me to get out of the pain of losing my parents, making me feel numb only feeling the wind in my hair, and heart pounding so hard, and hearing the soft music that seemed to calm me down.

Over the years I had won so many dance compotation that my room was filled with trophies, awards and pins.

The phone ringing that I had forgotten that I was in my own home.

"Hello" I said.

"May I speak with Bella Swan"? A lady said.

"This is her, how can I help you?" I asked a little worried.

"This is Lucy from Jillard. I am calling because we have one spot open and two students who are interested in the position. So this is totally random. I am going to need you to move to Forks, and you will meet with a lady name Jessica. She will help you in everything you need. I need you their within one week. In 2 month, there will be a compotation, and whoever wins will win the spot. The only problem is that the other person is not able to travel, so we thought you would move over there."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I might be going to Jillard. That was always the school I wanted to go. I cannot believe that was given this chance to fulfill my dreams of becoming a pro dancer, and studying dance in the best school in the world.

I ran to my room, and packed my clothes, and headed to the airport heading to Forks Washington.

I went to the clerk.

"Hello, I am here to purchase a ticket to Forks, Washington. " I said looking at the clerk name, Tanya.

"Name Please" she said looking at me, trying to guess who I was.

"Isabella Swan, but prefer Bella."

She looked at her computer and had a smile on her face.

"Here are your ticked. Mrs. Swan."

"You are all set, Mrs. Swan. You want to hurry up before your plane leaves and don't worry everything has been taken care of."

Wow, the school must want me to really go to their school because it seemed that they paid for my ticket.

I left the teller and headed to my gate waiting for my life to change for the better.