Harry the Qwaser

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Seikon no Qwaser/ Qwaser of Stigmata

Chapter 17

It was cold outside the train, and Hermione was determined to convince herself that the reason her nipples were painfully erect was due to how cold it was. The sensitive nubs, now hidden once again behind her bra, were just reacting to the cold, and not the searing gaze that had just been upon them from her best friend. Having to hastily pull down and readjust her jumper a few scant minutes before the train arrived was also not helping.

And now Harry and her were standing on the crowded platform waiting for the their turn to hop onto a carriage back to the school. At least there are carriages this time. When they were leaving for break the two of them had been late getting down to the entrance hall and they, mainly Harry, had to carry their trunks down to the train. Tonight with the wintery night air hovering over them the carts were filled with as many students that could fit in a single one to escape the cold. Leaving plenty of carts for everyone, even if they had to bunch up with the other students.

The platform was almost fully clear as Harry, Hermione, and another first year had found themselves paired with a couple, as they climbed into the carriage. The ride went smoothly for the first little bit as everyone tried to keep warm in the cold winter air. But soon enough conversation between the five students started and went well until the other first year questioned about how the carriages were moving by themselves. Hermione instantly went into a set of spells she had read about that could be used to make things move on their own. All of which were backed up by the older students.

Harry however had a different question, "What do you mean by how their moving, I'm more curious what's pulling these things?" As the others looked at him like he had gone crazy the boy who lived turned around and made sure the deathly looking animals he had seen were in fact there.
The others passengers stared at Harry with curiosity before the girl of the couple, a fifth year, gained a thoughtful look. What followed was odd for the other passengers, especially for Hermione and the other first year, as the older girl began to talk of death, and more specifically what seeing death allowed one to also see. By the time everyone was sitting down at the great hall for dinner, Hermione had decided on a more vegetable heavy meal after Harry explained what the "thestrals" looked like.

The only real comfort for the girl came from Harry who, noticing her odd behavior, began to rub the small of her back to try and sooth her. It worked and she got through the grand welcome-back feast, made it up to the common room where she bade her friend goodnight. It was the end to a good day. Until Lavender and Parvati noticed her new bra as she began to get ready for bed.

What followed was a mad rush to keep Lavender from practicing the new spell that she had learned, that was supposed to add frills to any garment. Hermione ever the curious girl was still not about to give up one of her new bras for her roommate to practice on. Besides she still didn't even really know if Harry had liked the red lacy one she wore today, maybe he would prefer the more plain green one that reminded Hermione of his eyes. Maybe she could model both and let him decide. Of course she would need to borrow his cloak again so no one else would see. Even though it had been a rather exciting thing to do on the train, but maybe they could find someplace less daring this time.


Dinner had been fantastic Harry decided, as he helped guide his equally satisfied, if slightly less full, friend Hermione out of the great hall. And much to his embarrassment their new "friend?" Tonks had given them a wink as they left. At least "definitely a shoe-in for head girl next year" Penelope had only given them a kind wave.

He liked his new older girl friends, even if they were both on the odd side. Well one was odd the other was more confused about where her life was headed. Who knows, maybe when he's older and confused Penelope will return the favor. Not like he will have anything to be confused about as he'll probably just continue to work for the church. Even if they made his job harder with their policies.

Harry decided that he could worry about all that tomorrow after he sleeps off the large meal he had just eaten. And if the way the other boys he shared a dorm with were acting they all had similar thoughts. However something kept him from sleeping, it was almost like a whisper in the back of his mind.

Mere hours ago on the train Harry had been putting his new invisibility cloak to use by hiding Hermione as she showed off her new bra, and gave him a hands on demonstration about how to open the front clasp. But instead of thinking about Hermione, Harry's mind kept wandering towards the cloak he had gotten for Christmas.

Slowly moving himself off his bed as the soft, and not so soft, snores of his roommates resounded around the room, Harry pulled the lid of his trunk open, letting the cool night air chill the contents of the wooden box. There hastily bundled up from the end of the train ride and stuffed inside his cauldron, lay the mysterious invisibility cloak. What once was just a mysterious package that showed up at the foot of his bed on christmas morning had now become a mystery the likes of which left him baffled.

Having grown up in the church Harry knew comparatively little about the wizarding world, but he was aware of the wizards infamous cloaks of invisibility. These rare and powerful items that had hid magicals from the sight of the encroaching world of muggles. Yet for all the versatility of these cloaks they never lasted long due to how the fur of the demiguise used to make them would do, whatever the opposite of fade is, and become visible.

For the few weeks he's had the mysterious cloak, Harry has refused to wear it, once he figured out what it was. To have someone just give him the a rare magical item that appeared so "fresh" given the fact that the cloak was completely invisible showing how young the material was, confused the young wizard. Yet the note said it belonged to his father, which meant the cloak was older than even Harry, and that worried him.

Ever since he received the gift Harry had done all he could to put it out of his mind, focusing on his homework and most recently on committing the knowledge of how to open Hermione's new bra to memory. And for the most part he had been successful, but tonight something seemed to call him towards the strange cloak.

Something in the back of his mind compelled Harry to take the cloak and test it outside the dorms. After the big return feast all the teachers and prefects would be full on food and already deep asleep, his traitorous thoughts rang throughout his head. With one last look at his snoozing dorm-mates and the loudly snoring younger brother of the Weasley twins, Harry closed his trunk and with garment in hand snuck through the door before donning the cloak. A trip down the stairs with a quick glance at the portrait of the sleeping fat lady who guarded the dorm's entrance, and Harry continued his silent walk down the hall.

The dark hallways were only illuminated by a few still lit torches as shadows danced across the walls and flowed around the corners of the stone castle. Yet all was still as the soft click of Harry's slippers resounded across the empty halls. The wavering flames of the sconces the only thing to keep the young wizard company.

While underneath his cloak, Harry felt oddly free from all the trappings of the world. Even if he had yet to see if there were ways to see through his perfect disguise, the young qwaser felt less weight on his shoulders than ever in his lifetime. There were no Dursley's to please or church customs to follow, just him and a quiet walk around the darkened school. Burdened by nothing but the thoughts running through his mind and a desire to try this again another night. Possibly with a friend.

After losing track of time and wandering around for what seemed like hours, but was more likely half of one, Harry began to contemplate his options. He had given some thought towards going somewhere forbidden like the restricted section of the library. Even going so far as to open the door and walk into the massive room, but decided against testing whatever protections the off limits area most like held. Wandering around some more led the boy toward the lower floors of the castle, and eventually brought him towards the third floor. Where he began to walk just a bit faster due to the threats that lay on this particular level. However before he could leave the quick flash of a moving shadow caught his attention. His eyes turned and watched as a dark figure darted out from a corridor. The same one that hid the stone that was causing so much worry to Harry. Apparently someone else in the castle was banking on everyone being fat and happy in their beds tonight and decided to make their move on getting an item more dangerous than Harry's new cloak.

Turning around the young wizard followed on the heels of the shadowy person. Every so often the mysterious individual would stop and turn around to look around for anyone following him, the dark shadows keeping his face obscured, but at least revealed them to be a man. With his father's cloak held tight around him Harry made sure to stay just far enough behind the man that he could duck behind a corner if the need arose. Unfortunately this precaution also meant that the young qwaser was constantly rushing to keep up with the older man, and in his haste Harry would often make more noise than he would have liked. Thus causing more of the stop and start chasing.

As the minutes wore on and the chase hastened the man, now convinced that he was being followed, turned towards the stairs that headed up, and taking them two at a time began ascending towards the next floor. The large windows casting light not only on the stairs but the black cloak that he wore. And once at the top he rounded another corner and darted down the hallway forcing Harry to push his body ever faster before the other man escaped.

But luck was on the young qwaser's side as Harry took the last of the steps and rounded the same corner only to stop as within the tight corridor two men stood facing each other and talking. Snape and Quirrell stood next to each other talking in low whispers as Snape loomed over his fellow instructor. The greasy potion professor's pale skin was the only thing that stood out against his black cloak which rendered him almost as invisible as Harry's own in the darkened hallway. Cowering opposite him was the stuttering Defense teacher who had already backed into a wall with the intent of getting as far away from the other professor as he could. His purple turban having a slight shine in what little moonlight there was.

The two men spoke about loyalties, more like Snape demanding to know where Quirrell's lay, Harry ignored them to the best of his abilities. Instead the young wizard began to move slowly towards them hoping to find which of the two men had been leading him on that chase, and therefore might have the stone that was so dangerous to him and other qwasers. A stone that could change any element into another element and render his control useless.

It was only after Snape made a rather pronounced step further into Quirrell's space that Harry looked down and took notice of the blood dripping onto the floor. Blood indicating, hopefully, that the stone was still safe under whatever protections it had, and that a certain three headed dog was now pining after it's lost meal. Either way Harry gave a quiet sigh of relief and began the slow process of trying to get away from the two bickering grown men. Although one of them had yet to given even a meaningful reply to the other.

Shifting on his feet, Harry began to walk back towards the entrance of the corridor looking for any clues that might help him identify where he was in the giant castle. However before he could find much more than a strange suit of armor, Snape turned away from his stuttering captive and began to walk directly towards Harry, who quickly began to look around for anywhere to hide. Thankfully there was a door to the side that was just open enough the he could slip through without alerting anyone.

And when he had made it past the threshold and watched through the crack a the greasy potions professor marched past him Harry turned to be met with the same pair of startling green eyes that he himself had. But the woman who owned of these eyes had long vibrant red hair, and stood beside a man with the same messy set of black locks that Harry himself bore. While behind the two stood many more people all having one or two traits of the people before them, and all of them watched him with the same look of love and adoration that the young qwaser had earned for years to feel.

It was with great trepidation that Harry held up his hand to the first couple in the front that wore smiles of pride towards him. The cold mirrored surface that separated him from this idyllic world, felt like a searing pain to his heart as he could only look on in the faint hope that by some miracle he could move forward past the glassen surface and into the waiting arms of who could only be his parents.

Many hours past and only at the first rays of light crashing through the window broke Harry away from the beautiful image he had been watching. With light footsteps that seemed to reject his every move, Harry began to move away from that near perfect picture. And only the thought of his new friend and what might happen to her pulled him farther from the room. Inside this school lay the philosopher's stone and Harry could not bare to think of what might happen to his first friend, let alone the school, if someone untoward got their hands on it.

Tonight when all was quiet Harry would have to sneak out again to check upon the third floor and make sure that the dog was still their, and in theory still protecting the stone. Before stopping by this room to gaze at that reflection of paradise once more. But throughout all the excitement tonight Harry felt at ease. Not only had he gained a small modicum of freedom in the form of his cloak, but was able to view what he wanted most. Even if it wasn't what he needed right now.

-End Chapter-

Happy late St. Hermione day. Like really late. Like 25 days late.

Screw this year. It sucked for me, but things have gotten better. And I'm typing more regularly now.

Next up since Harry already knows about Flamel we should be moving onto Hagrid and his dragon, followed by the forest. So that'll be fun.

To Hipnyah who reviewed about me missing St. Hermione's feast day I want to thank you for being awesome. I'm happy someone noticed.

Also to Ash Kechum thank you for the tidbit about Hermione being a king. I didn't know that. Pretty cool stuff.

As always please leave your suggestions for what girls you want and what you want their element too be.