A/N: I do not own anything pertaining to Joss. Well…except my firefly comics and Spike puppet doll ;)

Story: Just a random ficlet that jumped into my head and wouldn't leave until I slammed it out!

Time: Pre-Series/First episode

It was always the same question, "Why would you ever leave such a lovely place such as Shinon?" It always had the same demure answer, "I wanted to see the universe".

If only it had been that simple.

It was hard to believe that it was a simple small act of compassion that had been the cause of Inara Serra, first in her class, removal at the renowned Companion Academy.

His name was Simon Tam. Her first client scheduled by her mentor in conjunction with her favorite client, Senator Tam. His son Simon had been 'under duress' caused by his final year of medical school along with the absence of his sister. During the Welcoming Tea Ceremony Simon had spoken to her about his sister River at great length. And during the intoxicating afterglow of her work he confided that he was afraid that his sister was in danger.

As she held him, stroking his back, his head resting on her breast pouring out his concern, Inara broke the first rule of her Companion training: do not get involved in the personal affairs of your client. Something about his devotion to River caused her to pause and tell Simon of some people she knew that may be able to help. His look of gratitude and hope as he left her the following morning gave her no inclination to worry about her seemingly small lapse in judgment. Her final days of training continued , until the first uniformed Alliance official came to question her. Three brutal days later, Inara was allowed to return to the Academy, only to find that she was unwelcomed.

Many of her classmates had also been interrogated as to Inara's loyalty to the Alliance and by association, so was theirs. Shunned, Inara fled to her quarters and buried her head in her silk pillow until her mentor came with unkind eyes.

Inara's entire way of life was stripped from her. A few personal possessions and clothes were packed. Her silence on the incident, enforced by high Alliance, had allowed her to keep her practicing license. So Inara Serra, newly ousted companion, took off to become her own person and often wondered what had happened to Simon Tam. What terrible crime had he committed with her unknowing help? Did he have his life taken away too?

Simon looked through the entries of the ships in port.

Hell's Bells, Wayward Son, Brutus', yes, we all know how that worked out for Caesar, Abigail's Fury, Serenity…

Simon read further into Serenity's profile of specialties and recognized a name he had never forgotten: Inara Serra, registered Companion.

It would be nice to see a familiar face, especially since we're on our own we could use a little help getting on our feet. I wonder if she would even remember me…