Special thanks to Lostlyra for editing my story!

"Aik'ide get up." I blearily opened my eyes; seeing Rex, and he looked relieved to see me awake as he rushed to my bedside.

"Rex?" I whispered, as I slowly sat up blinking, as my eyes adjusted to the light. Rex quickly grabbed the clothing I had set aside for tomorrow, tossing them to me.

"Get dressed." He demanded. As I got out of bed I noticed that Rex had abandoned his white armour, and was dressed in his civilized clothing instead. "What's going on?"

Rex looked tense, his eyes wide with fear. "We need to leave now little one." Rex passed me my lightsabers, as an alarm began to sounds out, the ringing sound was too loud, causing me to grab on to my montrals in pain. I crouched down attempting to block out the piercing sound.

"Something bad, ad'ike, you need to trust us." Rex whispered, as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "We need to get you out of the temple. Now"

"But the temple is the safest place." I closed my eyes as a painful wave hit me causing me to fall. It felt as if the force had suddenly begin screaming in pain, I could feel a group of people cry out as they entered the force in a violent manner. I was able to move out of the way before throwing up on to the floor gasping for breath.

"Here, I am going to put a binder on your wrist - cut out the force for a while," Rex whispered as he slapped the offending metal bracelets on both my wrist. "I need you to stay quiet and trust me."

I looked in to Rex's eyes as they pleaded with me, I felt myself nod as I looked up to him, then I glanced down at my wrist looking at the offensive mental, as I felt the force leave me it cleared my mind of the screaming, fear and pain that had taken over. Once my mind was clean I smiled up to him, as I attempted to stand.

"I do trust you." I whispered as I placed my hand on his cheek. Rex had always come through for me, never letting me down. Rex nodded placing his forehead against mine affectionately.

"I found a ship. Bring the package." I heard the captain to my fleet call over Rex's radio.

"Alright Echo, keep the engine on- we're heading there now." Rex told him wiping the tears from my eyes.

"What's going on, Rex?" I whispered, as Rex checked the corner before we ran down it.

"Orders from Palpatine - Order 66 - we have to get you out of the temple before the others find you." Rex shook his head sadly, as we moved along rather quickly.

"What's Order 66, what others?" I asked as I ran down the hallway beside Rex, the red lights flashing above us, as we attempted to stay out of sight.

"Not now," Rex spoke firmly. I nodded trying to understand what was going on, as we streaked down the hallways.

"Is that smoke?" I whispered tasting the bitterness of a fire nearby; disturbingly I could smell the bitterness of burning flesh.

"More than likely." Rex shook his head, pulling me behind him as we turned down another long hallway.

"We need to help them!" I stopped as I looked down the one hallway, where I could see a firing burning.

"They are already dead." Rex told me pulling me along as the hallway as I tried to break from his hold.

"But the younglings!" I felt myself yell out, as I broke free from his grip, running down the hallway.

"'Soka, no!"

I ignored Rex, as I sprinted down the hallway, the smell of fire growing more intense. I stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed a group of clone troopers standing close to a group of dead padawan's. I watched in horror as they shot down the last one, crying out as the child slumped to the ground.


As the men turned to me I noticed the colours on their uniforms - blue and orange; the colours my men wore! I shook my head as the men walked to words me.

"Rex?" I whispered, and I drew a deep breath as my boys came closer.

"Captain Rex, you are under arrest for helping a fugitive."

I shook my head in denial hearing Axe talk like this stunned me. I watched as Rex held out his twin blasters.

"I was born to protect the Jedi - not murder them in cold blood." Rex told them. Before they could react Rex had taken down the small group. I felt the tears rolling down my face as Rex pulled me in his arms.

"We need to move - they will have reported us." Rex advanced foreword leading the way out. The more we walked the more I could smell the stench of blood that filled the air.

We had come down the final hallway where Echo was standing waiting for us, Echo stood in full uniform looking around watching as we joined up with him.

"Took a detour?" Echo joked, trying to lighten the mood, as we joined up with him.

"Not now." Rex shook his head, holding my back (arm would probably be better, or a protective hand on the small of my back) protectively as he looked around the corridor. "You got our ship?"

Echo nodded, "This way."

I guarded in between Rex and Echo as they stood on each side of me, watching the corridors are we past.

As we neared the landing bay, both Rex and Echo seemed tense. I noticed them move closer to me as we entered the docking bay, walking over to the small carrier ship, I saw that Echo had warmed the engines to and it was ready to make its escape.

"It can't be this easy." Echo whispered, almost to himself, as we neared the unmarked ship, sitting in wait.

"Stop - or we'll shoot."

A group of men came out from around the ship, guns raised.

"I wish you, didn't say that." Rex glowered at Echo and shook his head. He pulled out his gun checking the charge.

"Go. I'll keep them distracted." Echo told Rex, as he began to head off in front of us, giving the men a few warming shots.

"We need to leave aki'ide ." Rex explained gently and he picked me up, dragging me along with him.

"But Echo!" I screamed as I fought off Rex's hold, wanting to help Echo.

Around me I could hear the echoing of shots and the sounds bouncing off the walls around us, as Rex pulled me in to the ship. I watched helplessly from the cargo bay, as Echo was shot in the chest.

I felt myself scream as I watched him hit the floor dead. I attempted to run out and help him, but Rex was quicker and grabbed my arm forcefully, slamming the door control on and shutting the door. He pulled me in to the cockpit, sitting me down and quickly sitting at the controls activating the ships engins to take off.

Before long we were out of the planets atmosphere, the stars flew by quickly coming and going. Blinking the tears from my eyes, I found myself curled in to my chair holding my legs close to me, crying, looking to the stars for comfort. I could feel Rex move around the cockpit, talking to the R3 unit that had been sitting in wait, but I refused to look at him - angry that he had forced me in to the ship.

"Fly to these co-ordinates." I faintly heard Rex tell the unit.

I turned away as Rex moved to my side, spinning my chair around, so I would be forced to face him.

I didn't realize I slapped him.

- Until my hand hit his cheek causing me to recoil, holding the offending hand over my mouth. Rex said nothing as he looked at me, taking my hand softly in his own he rubbed it gently, before long I found myself being pulled in to his lap.

"'Soka'" He whispered, wiping the tears off my cheeks. "I am sorry, Soka."

"I don't understand," I whispered, as he held me close and I cried in to his chest. "What's going on?"

"Order 66 is -" he paused and corrected himself. "Was to exterminate Jedi." Rex whispered. "Palpatine ordered it."

"Why?" I hissed, replaying the advents in my head. "Why would they attack us? The Jedi have done nothing wrong?"

"I don't know," Rex held me close as I cried. "I'm sorry 'Soka, but I don't understand either."

"We need to help Rex," I clung onto him, listening to his heart beat in his chest. "We have to help."

"There is nothing we can do." Rex whispered softly petting my hind lekku. "If we go back – we will both be murdered."

I nodded trying to understand, overwhelmed by everything that was going on.

"I so sorry, I slapped you." I murmured; ashamed - running my hand over the bright red print on his check.

Rex smiled softly shaking his head. "I was expecting you to throw a bigger fit."

"I am not Anakin." I smiled although it was small, thinking of a better time.

"You're definitely not him." Rex whispered softly, I could feel there was more to what was being said, but I didn't want to push Rex.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, touching his cheek again.

"You're safe." Rex replied nodding. "And that's all that matters,"

"No, Rex. Are you okay?" I asked again moving in his lap so I could face him better, my hand never leaving his face.

Rex looked so confused and frightened as he looked up to me unsure. I had never seen this look on Rex before, and found it reassuring that Rex felt safe enough with me to express his feelings. He closed his eyes shaking his head and I pulled him to my chest. I hugged him close to me as his tears soaked my shirt and he started crying out in anger. I blinked away my own tears as I ran my hand over Rex's head, attempting to help calm him. I gently rocked Rex as he buried his head into my chest, and kissing him softly on the crown of his head as he attempted to calm himself.

"Rex?" I whispered softly, rubbing his neck as he pulled away from my chest.

"I am supposed to be comforting you, not you comforting me." Rex murmured jokingly, as he pulled me in to his arms kissing my lips tenderly, wiping my tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

"We'll just comfort each other." I whispered, wrapping my arms around him.

Rex smiled sadly, and he nodded.

"What's going to happen?" I asked, as he kissed me softly between my words. "Where will we go?"

Rex kissed my head gently. "I know a place."

I nodded, leaning in to his arms shaking as the shock of what had just happened ran though my head.

"Will we be safe there?" I whispered, as I felt Rex pick me up easily and carry me out of the cockpit to a small corner of a bedroom.

Rex nodded, and he lay down beside me, I shuffled over to him and we clung to each other.

"I need your help."

I stood at Rex's side in front of a farm house; Rex was speaking to whoever had answered the door. I couldn't tell what time of day it was, as the sky had a twilight hue to it - it could have been morning or night. All that I knew that I was on a farm, I could almost taste the freshly turned earth and I could sense animals nearby with the predatory sense I had forgotten I had been born with. I looked around and tried to see the small animals I knew were close by - only to see a nuna pen; I could also see a barn in the nearby field, probably housing larger farm animals such as eopie . I turned my head when the other man spoke.

"I left the offer open." heard a voice that sounded much like all the other men I had worked with for years.

Rex lead me into the house, introducing me to the man, similar looking to him. "Ahsoka- Cut Lawquane. Cut, Ahsoka Tano."

I smiled gently taking the man's hand and shaking it in Mando style. Grinned, and then nodded in greeting.

"What the hell is going on out there?" Cut asked, as he closed the door and I followed both cloned copies of Jango Fett, as Cut led us into the. "The radio's been lighting up." Cut asked unsurely, "Something about an Empire taking control over the Senate?"

"Order 66 was called out." Rex told him coolly, sitting me sat me down at the table. "Orders are to kill all Jedi - I thought you out of all people would understand why I can't."

Cut shook his head, joining us at the kitchen table. "Why would you risk your life to save hers?"

I watched unsure, feeling there was more going on then what I was seeing.

"You where right, Cut." Rex bowed his head in submission. "Two years ago you where right... I- I was just to stubborn to see it."

Cut grinned as he nodded knowingly, drinking from his beer can that had been left on the table. "I told you, one day you would understand."

Rex nodded silently in agreement , "I do understand,"

Confusedly I looked across to Rex, he smiled at me and reached over, taking my hand in his squeezing it softly as I looked up to him. I found myself wishing I could use the Force to find out what they where talking about, and search their emotions, but I still felt that I was missing a large part of this conversation.

"So the chancellor took over the senate?" Cut asked, getting up and passing myself and Rex a beer.

"I heard Order 66 being called out I grabbed Ahsoka and left - I can't be part is this war any longer if we all killing innocent people." Rex explained, as his hold on my hand tightened.

I attempted to keep up with Rex and Cut as they talked about what was going on, but I was finding it hard to keep up. My eyes wandered and I found myself looking around the the small kitchen a joined living area. It was simple, but used the space affectively; I saw a flight of stairs in the side of the room leading to the second floor. I noticed several hand drawn pictures on the walls done by children. By the look of the drawings the children were quite young. It was beautiful to see the drawings...

But the images of the dead youngling flashed though my mind, and I attempted to push them away...

I noticed a framed photo sitting on the fire place. "You have children?" I asked softly, getting up to look at a framed picture of what I was guessing to be the family?.

"Two - adopted." Cut smiled, as he turned from his conversation with Rex. "A boy and girl,"

I watched as Cut got up bring me a photo from the fire place. "Jekk and Shaeeah and my wife, Suu." The brightly coloured peach and purple Twi'lek children stood in the photo in front of a woman (I guessed to be their mother), waiting semi patently for the photo to be taken.

I felt myself smile as I look the photo looking around the house at the others pictures that lay on the walls. "Where are they now?"

"They're at a birthday party." Cut explained putting the photo back to its spot on the fire place. "They'll be home around dinner time." He glanced at the photograph before turning to re-join Rex at the table, I sat down with him.

I attempted to stop myself from yawning; It had been almost 48 hours since I had been dragged out of bed by Rex, and I had been unable to relax enough to sleep.

Cut watched me shaking his head with a smile and he turned to Rex. "Why don't you take Ahsoka up to Jekk's room, and rest until I have dinner made? I'll take you both up to get some shut eye, before the rest of the family gets home."

Rex turned me to me as he nodded; picking me up in his strong arms he carried me out of the room. I was too tired and relaxed to argue about being carried. I watched the house around me as Rex carried me up the staircase, looking at more photos of the family when we passed them; Rex brought me in to the first room along the small corridor.

I had never seen what a child's bedroom looked like before. Back at the temple our rooms held little personal items, even as children we were allowed one toy outside of the play room. Most of us had dolls from our own planets. Even as a Jedi Knight I still kept mine, even after all these years it was nice to see the stuff animal after a hard day on the battle field.

"So this is what a child's room looks like?" Rex asked, as he sat down on the bed pulling me in to his arms. I nodded looking around, yawning again.

"I guess so." I murmured as he held me close.

"Neither of us really had a childhood." Rex whispered, a suggestive grin slipping onto his face, I could feel him tighten his hold as he rolled me on to the bed, putting me between him and the wall.

"I did start my training rather young." Rex hummed, low in his throat, as I ran my hand over his head feeling the little stubble of hair under my fingers.

"We both did." I whispered, curling up against him, as I ran my hand over his chest feeling his muscles move under my fingers.

"But we're both still young." I smiled reminding him, as I moved up kissing his lips softly.

"We are?" Rex replied, as he kissed me back, nipping on my lip.

"You're only 15." Rex rolled on top of me his leg slipping in between mine as he kissed me.

"And your 25." Rex growled protectively, kissing my neck. "You know I love you right?"

"Always and Forever." I whispered, kissing him and sealing the promise before rolled my back against his chest.

Rex nodded in to my shoulder, wrapping his arm around me, holding me close. This was my favourite way to sleep. I learned this by accident, I had been injured – stabbed in the stomach - and Rex refused to leave my side, so I told had stubbornly told him to either crawl into bed with me and keep me warm, or leave me alone.

I think he attempted to keep me warm.

I was trying to help Cut with dinner when the kids came running in the house calling out for Cut. The two over energized twi'lek children tackled their father, and both started telling him about the party. In their excitement, the two children had yet to notice me or Rex. I watched the children who Cut had told me about earlier as Jekk ran over tackling Rex, and hugging him tightly asking him when he came to visit and how long he was staying. Shaeeah shyly stayed at her father's side, as he walked over to great Rex.

"Who's dat?" Jekk asked, pointing to me from here he sat on Rex's lap.

Rex smiled over at me softly, as he hugged Jekk back, before leaning down whispering. "That's Ahsoka, my girlfriend." I smiled when I watched Jekk shake his head. I could sense Shaeeah as watched us from where she stood beside her father.

"Girls are gross!" He said aloud looking at me.

"I am a girl," Shaeeah pushed him slightly, as she frowned.

"But your my sister, you don't count." the youngest one told her, as he got off Rex's lap and walked over to inspect me.

"Your short." Jekk stated, and I knelt down to see him.

"Jekk!" Cut spoke up, shocked by his son's statement.

"I am short." I agreed watching as Jekk turned from shy to bold and he reached out to touching my montrals.

"They're my montrals," I explained allowing him to touch the hollow horns on top of my head. "They are sensitive like our lekku."

Jekk nodded, as he touched my horns, which had grown since I was a child, although they were nowhere near as beautiful oras tall as Master Shaak Ti's there were still quite beautiful. They had grown to be about six inches in total, making it easier to spot things when I was blind by the force. Jekk seemed quite curious about me, and looked as if he had a question.

"What is it?" I asked the young child.

"Lekku too, like me?" He asked touching his then touching mine.

"Yeah, just like yours." I told him, touching his gently, "But mine have stripes."

Jekk laughed softly in delight as he inspected me.

"You have three though." I turned, hearing Shaeeah's first words to me since I'd met them.

"I do." I nodded, as she came out from hiding behind her father.

"I'm almost taller then you!" Sheasha remarked as she moved closer. I still had a few inchs before she would be taller than me.

"You're a twi'lek - you will be taller than me." I grinned at her playfully, causing her to smile.

"You're the first togruta, my children have seen." I noticed the pink twi'lek standing in the door frame.

"My wife, Suu." Cut spoke up, as the pink twi'lek came in to the room.

Smilingly shyly at her, I watched as she looked me up and down trying to figure me out before speaking.

"Let's go for a walk." Suu suggested, grabbing some drinks out of the fridge before leading me out of the kitchen door.

I turned to Rex unsure, but once he nodded following her out, I could hear the kids begin their questing once I left the room. They both must have been quite shy, but they seemed more relaxed once I had left.

I followed Suu as she lead me out of the house, and into the barn. I looked around the barn noticing the Eopie as they stood inside their pens. I reached out to touch one, as Suu lit a lap bring light in to the barn before speaking.

"Cut called me." Suu explained. "And filled me in on the situation- Rex is always welcome here," she paused, and I looked at her for an explanation. "Several years ago when we first met him, Rex saved my family from a droid attack, and I'm eternally grateful. I am extending the welcome to you as well, since I trust Rex and have been filled in what's going on."

"What is going on?" I whispered confused, looking for a place to sit, and choosing the hay bin to sit down on. "Rex and I have been on radio silence- I don't know anything besides Order 66."

Suu shook her head sadly and joining me on the hay. "Order 66, as Cut told me was to exterminate all Jedi. Just as Palpatine was voted senator, he turned around and he ordered your death. He's in charge of the empire now, as he calls it. There is no republic anymore."

I shook my head feeling ill, and sunk into the soft hay, clenching my fists in my lap and unsure what to think.

"All the Jedi are dead?" I whispered softly, as I looked at the binder on my wrist, thinking of my class mates and teachers. Blinking the tears out of my eyes as I thought about my without Master Kanobi, or SkyGuy around.

"I'm not sure about that- some must have escaped. You're safe here. This is a smugglers planet after all, perhaps some made it here. The planet is not exactly rich with the force, it will make it hard to find anyone with the force as long as they don't use it." Suu spoke as I calmed down, placing her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "We'll have to change you're clothing though, you stand out to much dressed like that." her mother-like tone was soothing and understanding, calming me as it would calm either of her children or her husband.

I nodded, taking breath, as Suu knelt down in front of me attempting to give me support.

"Your to short for my clothing, but I am sure I can come up with something." Suu smiled comfortingly, as I turned to look at her.

"I have credits." I explained. "It should be enough for both me and Rex to get new clothing." (Having Echo teach me to play poker helped expanded my small allowance given to me by the temple. Since I was hardly anywhere worth spending my money it had grown nicely).

Suu nodded, "I have to go to the market tomorrow, I'll help you pick out clothing and other supplies."

I nodded, wiping my eyes clearing the tears from my view, I felt Suu take my free hand. "You are safe." She whispered, as if begging me to believe it.

"I'm more worried about Rex." I whispered softly, "I was taught early to adapt to new situations, but Rex. He's a soldier though and though."

"Cut had a few problems adapting to farm life, I am sure he'll help Rex though." Suu smiled to me.

"Rex is used to being in control." I explained "He's a commander now, and I'm just worried."

Suu nodded, "They both look like adults but they are only children- children stuck in adult bodies. Forced to grow faster in order to fight."

"That idea alone makes me sick." I whispered sadly, digging the heels of my palms into my eyes, desperately trying to stop the onslaught of the tears. "I attempted to allow my men enough time each day to remember they were just children, instead of flesh-like droids. I hated using them," I took in a shakey breath, and continued. "I had one man, who was so frightened by the idea of fighting that he killed himself." I closed my eyes remembering poor Jimmy. He was far too young to be placed in the military, to nervous... He had accidentally gotten his brother killed. Rex, Rex doesn't know this, but I watched him do it." I stopped, taking another deep breath, "I left my post to check on Jimmy, just in time to watch him eat a laser." Suu squeezed my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me as she came and once again joined me on the hay. "I still see him; some nights, how scared and confused he was...I tried to send him back for further training, but they told he was fine. Just a little green..." I shook as I spoke, "I almost left the Jedi order. Nothing made any sense anymore, how were we, the good guys, any better than the separatist? Most of my men where 10 years old. Children. We were sending children out to fight a war!"

Suu pulled me in to her arms as I began to sob. "At least the separatist and the siths were using robots- brain dead killers, with no feeling and souls." Suu hushed me as she ran her fingers over my lekku attempting to comfort me as I my crying turned to furious screaming out anger.

"Who gives a two year old a gun?" I wailed pathetically, desperately trying to stop the unexpected torrent of tears, I pulled away, gasping for breath. "Rex shot his first gun when he was two! TWO!"

Suu nodded, stroking my lekku gently. "As did Cut."

"He was four, when his gun backfired, shooting him in the stomach." I shook my head, and once again pressed my face into Suu's chest, trying to find some type of motherly contact that I had always secretly yearned for.

"How old is Rex now?" Suu asked, changing the subject, her hands soothing down my lekku gently.

"Fifteen," I felt myself smile, as I thought of Rex, and my sobs died down to quiet sniffles.

"Fifteen your in for some fun then." she grinned leaning back against the barn and I pulled myself up out of her lap, wiping the dried tears off my face.

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning to her.

"Rex is a fifteen year old male, don't you re-call how the boys around the temple where around that age?" Suu smiled brighten up, and her eyes sparkled with untold secretes.

"Not really, the other Padawan's tended to stay away from me, I was different then them. Padawan of the 'chosen one'." I replied sarcastically, remembering my days at the Temple. "Besides, I always away on one mission or another with Master anyway. So when I was home it was more retreat and medication then having free time. I spent that at the GAR, with Rex and the boys. I was more welcome there, then I was at my own home."

"You've lived all these years with mando boys?"

I nodded, and grinned as the happy memories resurfaced. "I was given my own room- Echo. My captain gave me his own room and slept with the rest of the boys, so I would be allowed to live at the GAR."

"You made great an impression them." Suu smiled softy, reaching over and squeezed my hand.

"Rex helped teach me." I replied, poking the nuna nestled in the hay next to me. "Rex has been one of my best teachers."

The nuna grunted, as I poked it, and turned its head towards me - if any animal looked unimpressed, it was now.

"How did you get out?" Suu asked the creature as I picked it up, petting its head softly.

"I will be nice to have you both around." Suu smiled, as she looked around the barn. "Cut and I can use the extra help in the fields; we have a crop that is due to be harvested."

"Sounds fair." I smiled.

Suu nodded as she tried to read me, her yellow eyes searching mine. "How are you holding up with everything?"

I shook my head watching as the Nuna attempted to peck at my arm guards, neither of us wanted to referee back to the sobbing that had occurred earlier.

"Holding on." I smiled, not looking away from the bird -ike creature. "Rex gave me a force binders before we left the temple- I am a scared to take them off."

"Give it time," Suu whispered, as she touched the bracelets. "I own a cottage on the other side of my land. You and Rex should take it."

"I don't want to put you out." I replied, turning down the kind offer.

"No. We don't use it anyway. You can help look after the kids whilst Cut, Rex and I work." Suu told me, as she stood up, helping me off the hay. "We'll get more work done, if they kids are kept busy back here at the house."

"What will I do with them?" I asked unsure of how to care for non-force sensitive children.

"We'll find things." Suu smiled, "The kids have lots of games, they would enjoy teaching you."

I nodded, and the barn door opened, Cut's head poking through the large wooden doors.

"Dinners ready." He smiled to both Suu and I. "Your both hungry, right? I fed the kids earlier, and sent them to bed while you girls talked. Rex is giving them a bed time story, he'll be down shortly." Cut explained.

"I really appreciate the help you both have given us," I told them, repeating myself.

Cut nodded, wrapping his arm around me as he walked me out of the barn. "Rex and I are brothers; there is no need to thank us. Brothers take care of each other, besides I've always wanted a little sister."

"I am older then you." I laughed, knowing it would win the agreement.

"Not by much, I was one of the first batches of clones made- I'm almost eighteen."

I shook my head smiling, "I am twenty-five, and you don't look that old."

Cut laughed as he walked us in to the house.

"It's just a one room cottage, but it's pretty spacious.." Suu lead me into the small cottage, and I sensed Rex pull up infront of the house in a second land scooter.

"I am sure its fine." I told her, watching as she turned on the lights, before tossing a few logs in to the fireplace in attempts to warm out the place up. I noticed the large amount of logs beside the fireplace, more than enough wood stood beside to last for the rest of the week.

I smiled smelling the sweet smell of the burning logs, (a scent I could remember from my childhood), and I looked around the cottage. It was a one roomed house, a large bed with a flower embroidered blanket was placed in the area to the left of me, and there was a kitchen opposite with a large window above the sink. A dining room table in the middle of the room, with the fireplace opposite it on the main wall, meaning that it would quickly and easily heat the whole house.

"Nights tend to get pretty cold," Suu explained, as she walked over to a cupboard. "All the blankets, towels, extra pillows all the fun stuff is in here." winking at my blush as I joined her side passing me a arm full of things.

"The bathroom is that door on your left." I turned to the door See pointed out, walking in to the nice sized bathroom.

A deep bathtub sat on little golden legs, it seemed deeper than the ones I had used at the temple, there was a separate shower in the corner, a thin see though curtain to hold the water from splashing all over the place. The toilet stood beside the sink, I brought in the peach towels Suu had handed me early, as I placed them on the rack on the wall.

"I love that bathtub." Suu smiled, coming in to the room; bringing with her a bag of items. "Here are all the Basics, soap, tooth brushes, toothpaste, some female products. As well razors, and shaving cream for Rex." Suu passed me the bag and I set the things up in the bathroom.

"Thank you for doing this," I whispered softly, humbled by their kindness.

Suu turned to me as we walked me out of the bathroom. "There is no way I could ever repay Rex for saving my family." Suu smiled to me, as she placed her hand on my shoulder. "We've all needed help once or twice. Besides, I could use Rex in the fields."

I laughed softly, the image of Rex trying to feed eopie running in my head.

"What will I do?" I asked, unsure of my own position.

"I'll teach you how to do things around the house, and garden." Suu suggested, as she pulled out a few more things from the basket she brought with her. "Can you cook?"

I shook my head, embarrassed. "I can try to learn." I replied determinedly

Suu laughed, and she pulled out some bread and jam from the basket placing it on the table. "I'll try to teach you. How about children? How are you with caring for them?"

"I am okay with babies." I thought of Rotta the Hutt, whom seemed to like me, as well as the young force sensitive children I had saved. "I've worked with a few younglings."

Suu nodded, "We'll find out things for you to do, the children are pretty good with the animals. You just have to watch them, remind them to be careful. I'll help teach you how to work with them as well, just in case."

I nodded, as I noticed Rex coming in to the cottage. He must have walked around to make the place was safe, before joining us.

"We'll then," Suu smiled, looking over to Rex. "I am sure you both have had a long day, and would prefer to go to bed. I'll be back in the morning."

I thanked Suu again as I walked her to the door, before watching her take off in to the night, back in the direction of her house. Biting my lip I closed the door, locking it before looking around to see that Rex had made himself comfortable on the bed, laying down with his hands behind his head.

"Alright, Rex how did you meet these people?" I asked, as I walked over to his side.

"The mission here a few years ago, I was shot well doing some recon. Suu reluctantly gave me the barn for the night so I could recover and join up with my men in the morning." Rex rolled on to his side facing me. "During the night, Cut a

nd I had a talk about duty. Cut left the army, no longer able to watch his brothers die in a war he could no longer understand. Cut taught me that belong to a family gave him something to live for." I smiled as Rex reached out to me, pulling me into bed beside him where he held me close. "He helped me realize how much you truly mean to me."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him tightly as he pressed his lips against mine softly.

"I am glad he did." I whispered to Rex, as we broke apart.

I could still remember the night, Rex and I became lovers. Master Skywalker and I and been invited to a ceremony on Naboo, Rex came has my suitor for the night, Master Skywalker was with Senator Amidala. It had been a beautiful night, in the candle-lit gardens, were I had been walking around trying to get away from the party. Rex had been just as uncomfortable as I - feeling out of place as he took my hand. We walked into the bush-like maze were we wondered around in peace. Stopping suddenly Rex shyly told me I looked beautiful in the dress; I had begun to blush as Rex pulled me closer to him kissing me softly. We ended up spending the night in the maze, and spending the night in each other's arms. Master had never even noticed I was gone that night, and never asked me about where I had gone off to during the party.

I found myself smiling as I remembered that night, feeling our fingers interweave with each others. I cushioned my head against Rex's chest and fell into a fitful sleep.