"Come on hurry. They are upstairs doing girl stuff." Zack said sitting on the couch with Cloud.
"Changing clothes? You think changing clothes is girl stuff? Cloud asked.
"You know what I mean!" Zack insisted.
"So, what did you want to ask me about? It's late and I really want to go to bed." Cloud said.
"You're not going to go to bed, you're going to fuck….that's not important right now. What I need to ask you is something I have been racking my brain about for…well a hell of a long time.' Zack said.
"And if you've been thinking about it so long then why are you just now asking me?" Cloud wondered.
"Because, I was hoping to figure it out on my own! Here's the problem, Cloud. You…put your tongue between Tifa's legs and she goes freaking crazy for you. I put my tongue between Aerith's legs and she…she's just like…yeah, okay when's the main attraction start. Cloud, I've been with eleven women and…" Cloud cut Zack off.
"What the! Eleven! Eleven? You told me seven!" Cloud said in a bit of a squeaky voice.
"Well, I lied! Can't you tell when I'm lying?" Zack asked him.
"No, I can't." Cloud said still shocked at hearing the real number.
"Okay, from now on…when I lie I always tilt my head this way and do this with my hand. But you know what, I'm getting sidetracked! That's not important right now! Anyway…" Cloud cut Zack off again.
"Does Aerith know that's the real number?" Cloud asked him.
"Oh god, she's known since the first time we slept together. Anyway, my point is I've been with eleven women and I can't for the life of me…figure out what I'm doing wrong!" Zack insisted.
"Why is this just now a problem for you?" Cloud wondered. It was a fair question since Zack had never asked this before.
"It's a long story but let's just say Riko asked me something tonight and I told him to ask you because I wasn't any good at that. So don't be surprised if he calls you later. You have a gift Cloud. You gotta help me. What am I doing wrong?" Zack asked.
"You're twenty-two…you told me you didn't lose your virginity until you were nineteen. That means you've had an average of three sexual partners each year until you met Aerith. Hmm, that actually sounds conservative now that I've done the math." Cloud said still thinking this through.
"Cloud, focus man! Focus!" Zack begged him.
"Okay, okay I'm sorry. Give me that piece of paper over there and that pen." Cloud said pointing to the table in front of them that was still piled up from all of their New Year's Eve festivities.
"In case, Zack, you haven't yet figured it out, a woman's body is like holding a loaded semi-automatic handgun…when it fires; the next bullet is already in the barrel." Cloud said quickly sketching on the paper.
"My god, Cloud…you're a genius." Zack said completely intrigued.
"Look at my diagram. Let's forget about number one…the obvious and let's focus on two, three and four." Cloud said.
"Wait…there are four places to consider just…there alone?" Zack asked wide-eyed.
"Yeah, do you not listen to Aerith at all when you're…down there?" Cloud asked.
"Of course I listen to her! But my god Cloud, four places! She's never…" Cloud cut him off again.
"Listen, you have to make her body work in sync instead of one pleasurable sensation fighting another. Every woman is different. Really, you of all people should know that. What Tifa likes, won't necessarily be what Aerith likes but the basic premise is the same." Cloud said.
"I cannot believe this is happening. You've been with one woman…I've been with eleven. How the hell could you possibly know more than me? I mean, I have done some stuff, Cloud." Zack said. Cloud laughed at him.
"Yes, you've been with a lot more women than I have…ten more in fact. But Zack, of all the women you've been with how many of them have you actually savored? How many of them have you actually said to yourself wow I need to memorize every curve of this woman's body; I need to learn what drives this woman wild?" Cloud asked him sincerely.
"One…and I'm obviously not as good as I would like to be with that one." Zack admitted pointing up the stairs.
"Exactly. Now me? I've been with one and I know everything about the one…everything. And when I'm done with you, you are in for one hell of a night." Cloud said.
"Oh my god, what are you going to teach me?" Zack insisted with wildly curious eyes.
"Nothing. Aerith is going to teach you. I'm just giving you the study guide." Cloud said. It didn't take Cloud ten minutes to show Zack everything he needed to know. After this crash course, he could finally go upstairs. It was late, after all and tonight's dinner had been nothing short of hilarious. Cissnei had proved a hundred times over that she never, ever cut Tseng a break not even for a minute and Cloud wondered why Zack had thought Cissnei would have ever been even a halfway decent match for him.
"Hey, where have you been?" Tifa asked as Cloud closed their door.
"Downstairs talking to Zack. What are you watching?" Cloud wondered.
"Oh, those elephants are mating. They are endangered so it's a big deal that this act is documented. It's African Savannah style porn. Oh my god, look what happens when that one is on its back!" Tifa said.
"You want to see what happens when I'm on my back? Wow, I didn't even know elephants could do that kind of freaky stuff." Cloud asked her. Tifa laughed.
"Yes, they can apparently get freaky on the Savannah and I would love to see what happens when you're on your back." Tifa said watching Cloud change his clothes.
"What are you looking at?" he asked her looking over his shoulder at Tifa.
"I'm looking at you in hopes you'll get naked a little faster." Tifa said throwing the TV remote beside her and rolling on her side. Cloud smiled.
"I had fun tonight and I could tell that complete strangers thought you looked amazing. Of course now…you look even more amazing." Cloud said as Tifa shed her oversized t-shirt to the floor revealing nothing underneath it. "We still have the camera in here. Can I take your picture
just like that?" Cloud asked. She wore only his boxers.
"Of course you can." Tifa said still waiting for Cloud to strip his clothes off.
Two doors down the hall Zack was sitting on the edge of the bed and Aerith was wrapped in pink satin reading a book. Aerith looked up from her chapter. "What's wrong, baby? You've been sitting there staring at the TV for…like ten minutes now." Aerith said.
"Huh? Oh um…yeah, yeah. Sure. I'm…I'm fine! There's…nothing wrong with me! I know how to do stuff, I'm completely open to the power of learning!" Zack said nervously.
"Huh?" Aerith said in confusion.
"Sorry it's just that…Aerith you know that…you can…tell me stuff that I'm doing wrong, right?" Zack asked her.
"Aww, is this about how I told you that you need to ask for directions more often? I'm sorry Zack, it's just that you got us so lost that one time and you are just like every other man that won't ask for directions." Aerith said putting her book aside and crawling down to the bottom of the bed where Zack was sitting. She awkwardly worked her way onto his lap put her arms around him. "I love you." She said kissing him and pushing him backwards underneath her. He let his hands get lost in soft layers of satin.
"I love you too." Zack said softly as he untied the belt on her pink robe. "Lay down." He asked of her as he pushed her robe off her shoulders. Aerith smiled and pulled her naked body up their bed until she situated herself into a mound of pillows. She reached over and turned out the lamp that she was reading by. Zack felt nervous but he didn't know why. He looked at Aerith's beautiful, flawless, naked form as if he had never seen her naked before. He fixed his eyes on hers and rubbed her thighs slowly. He pushed her thighs apart and shifted his eyes between her legs. Licking his lips, he hoped he would get a much different response from Aerith than what he typically got from her.
Back in Cloud and Tifa's room things had got pretty heated pretty quickly. Tifa's body rose off the mattress with Cloud in a heated fury. It was rough, it was hard, and it was making Tifa hungry for more. "Harder, do it harder…god…as hard as you can." Tifa panted at him.
"What…what if…I hurt you?" Cloud asked with concern in his voice but at the same time dying to honor her request.
"You won't. Come on…please…please…god get so rough with me." Tifa pleaded softly.
Zack had never heard Aerith moan like that. Well, he had heard her moan like that; just not while he was doing this. The sounds that escaped her enthralled him like never before simply because he had never gotten this kind of response from her. It was exactly what he wanted and the truth was he didn't give a shit if she did anything in return. He could feel her hands buried in a sea of black hair but there was something different about the way her fingers laid amongst the layers...they were nearly limp. He knew however, if he kept this up at the rate he was going, and he intended to do just that; he was going to have to cover Aerith's face with one of the pillows around her. There was no doubt that she was barely scraping the surface as to how loud she could really get.
"Oh, Zack...Zack...Zack..." Aerith gasped as her hands slipped out of Zack's hair and came to rest on her abdomen. He moved her hands up to her stomach and quickly shot his eyes up to the pillows that surrounded her, making a mental note as to which one was nearest to grab. He knew that he would need it quite soon. Zack wrapped his hands around Aerith's limp fingers as her body resisted marvelously against him. Beads of sweat formed on her stomach as she whimpered and cried mercilessly for him. She warned him, over and over she warned him but Zack didn't care. He knew he had her so close to coming there was no way in hell he was going stop there. Zack reached up and buried her face in the pillow beside her…of all times…now was the time she needed it.
Zack let his forehead rest on her abdomen. It was a shame no one else could see the combination of shock and awe on his face right now. He wanted to touch her, to hold her, anything! Her body trembled against him. Finally, he moved the pillow from her face. He had to see her as his body hovered over hers.
"Aerith…Aerith look at me…look at me." Zack said putting a hand on the side of her face. She had never looked so weak. Everything he needed to say right now that he couldn't was instead said in his kiss.
Tifa looked down at the sloppy, smeared mess that covered her stomach and her ribs. She slowly pulled one finger through the heavy trail and closed her eyes as she put her finger in her mouth. The sight of it nearly made Cloud faint. "Hold on, I'll clean you up." Cloud said slowly getting up to get a wet cloth to wipe Tifa down. Tifa watched as he straddled her and wiped the warm washcloth over her. "You're going to be sore tomorrow." He said.
"I'm a little sore right now…I'll be screaming tomorrow. It's so worth it." Tifa said. "You know how to rock a headboard."
"You know how to…how to fuck. My god, look at you…you're so perfect right now." Cloud said. Tifa just smiled at him. "We didn't drink at all tonight. You want something now?"
"Yeah, okay. That sounds like a good idea." Tifa said. Cloud searched the floor for the nearest thing to put on to go downstairs. "I'll light a few of our candles. Why not? You know?"
"Don't put any clothes on and I promise to take mine off again." Cloud told her.
"I promise I won't." Tifa said.
Zack was lying on top of Aerith staring at her intently. "Zack…" Aerith began.
"Hmm?" Zack responded before kissing her again. She wrapped Zack in her arms.
"That was…unlike anything…" Aerith was going to say more but she was so lost in her own calm and serenity.
"It was unlike anything…Aerith you're so…you're just…you're body is incredible. I've never seen you like that." Zack admitted.
"You were incredible." Aerith said putting a hand on Zack's face and hiding her nose in black hair. "But…I think it should be your turn now."
"No, no, no…not tonight. It's all about you." Zack insisted. That was proof he was still in a state of disbelief over tonight's lesson. Thank you, Cloud.