Oh, Those Roomates

The Sequel to 'Roomates'. I hope that you all enjoy it as much as the first!

I don't own Final Fantasy, it belongs to Square Enix

"And so since she…" Tifa gasped and nearly dropped the phone. "Cloud I gotta go!" She threw her phone down beside her without even saying goodbye and rose to her feet. Aerith was beaming all over. "Oh my god Aerith! Oooooh my god! It's so, so beautiful! Oh my god, I want to do you! That's how much I love it!" Tifa said throwing her arms around Aerith.

"This is the one isn't it!" Aerith said backing up and taking Tifa's hands in hers.

"That's the one! That IS the one!" Tifa said excitedly. She stepped back to admire this beautiful gown Aeirth was wearing. It was December 28 and Aerith and Tifa had waited until the last minute to go on this gown hunting quest. The New Year's Eve Shin-Ra Gala was three days around. It was a formal affair and it was invitation only. In fact, it was nearly restricted to SOLDIER members and one guest only. Cloud had gotten an invite because of Zack. Zack talked someone into printing one extra 'fake' invitation for Cloud…which meant he and Tifa could go to this exclusive event at one of the nicest hotels in downtown Midgar. Tifa had only tried on three gowns before she found a beautiful strapless silver dress. The beading on it was incredible and the slit in the side of it was dangerous. The entire time Tifa was being fitted and pinned for alteration Aerith had tried on at least a dozen gowns before finding this one…with a huge price tag.

"Okay! Okay! Get me my shoes! I want to try it on with the shoes!" Aerith told Tifa pointing at her shoes.

"Okay, hold on! Aerith, Zack is like 6 foot tall are you sure these heels are high enough?" Tifa asked.

"Of course they are! Those are three inch heels!" Aerith said sitting down in one of the chairs to slip her shoes on. "Tifa! What are we going to do about my breasts?"

"What do you mean?" Tifa asked texting Cloud after she had so excitedly hung up on him.

"Well, I mean this dress is cut really low and it has like no back to it at all except for what ties around my neck. How are we going to push my breasts up and in?" Aerith asked reaching a hand up to Tifa to pull her up.

"It's okay…the alterations lady here can sew cups into that gown and then trust me no one at the gala will be looking anywhere but right above that rhinestone embellishment in the V of that gown." Tifa said. "By the way, how much does this thing cost?"

"It doesn't matter! Zack's going to buy it for me." Aerith said as Tifa slipped the chiffon band over her hand that held up the flowing train on this pink, and white chiffon gown. It had rhinestones in all the right places. It was truly a showstopper. Zack wouldn't have wanted her to put another dress on. This one was too perfect.

"You know you have to put a deposit on this today, right?" Tifa asked her.

"I know! Zack gave me 200 gil to reserve whatever I wanted. Do you think he should get a white tux or a black one? Oh god, he'd look great in either! I can't wait to see what he picks out!" Aerith said. "OH MY GOD TIFA! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS GALA! IT'S GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!" Aerith could hardly contain herself.

"Okay, okay. I know. Aerith, we have so much to do today and I have to go visit my former roommate Tanzi in rehab on the 30th so we have to get everything ready for the after party we are hosting by tomorrow." Tifa said. Her former Roommate Tanzi had been in drug rehab for the past three months. Tifa talked to her often and she was completely clean and getting ready to get out. There were so many reasons to celebrate this New Year's Eve.

"I know we do, Tifa! Go get that lady so she can pin this thing and then we'll go to the liquor store so we don't have to fight the New Year's Eve crowd later this week." Aerith said. As for Zack and Cloud, they were waiting until the next day to get fitted for tuxes for this Shin-Ra gala. Though they wouldn't see Aerith and Tifa's gowns…the consultants here would pull it all together flawlessly. Soon enough the seamstress came over to pin and tuck on Aerith. Once every little pin was in place, Tifa helped Aerith carefully get out of this gown. Aerith slapped the down payment on the counter after she was dressed again. It was time to head to their next stop.

"So what are you wearing under your dress?" Aerith asked Tifa as they made their way to the closest liquor store to their house.

"I don't know for sure. I'll probably try to match the black gloves I'm wearing with the dress." Tifa said.

"I can't wait to pick out something to wear under that dress! I know it can't be much and it has to be from the waist down because of the way the top of the dress is made. Oh my god Tifa! We should whiten our teeth for the pictures! Oooooh do you think we should get spray tans!" Aerith was so excited.

"I'll do the teeth whitening thing but there is no way in hell I will ever get a spray tan." Tifa said.

"Hey, why aren't you getting the liquor from work like you normally do?" Aerith asked.

"Because New Year's Eve is the biggest night at the bar and I can't take anything because they will sell it all. That would have been a huge money making night for me, but I let them schedule someone else just for this event and our party." Tifa said. "I can't believe me and Cloud actually agreed to go through with this party, by the way."

"Why! It's going to be so fun! Everyone we like is coming! No one stupid is going to be there." Aerith said.

"I know, but you know how me and Cloud get nervous around lots of people. Of course, I'm running our own personal bar in our house so that will be great fun." Tifa said.

Tifa and Aerith made their necessary stops and boarded the 7:15 bus to go back home. They had their hands packed and it was quite cold today. In fact, it was snowing a little. There was a snow storm predicted for New Year's Eve actually and a white New Year's would certainly not be a problem. The bus was always cold and tonight wasn't an exception.

"Tifa, when we get home I'm going to put this bag on the counter and I am immediately going upstairs and putting together some flower ideas for your flowers and for my flowers!" Aerith said excitedly.

"Okay, remember I want lots of white in mine, can you do that?" Tifa asked.

"Of course I can! I can make anything you want!" Aerith said. The bus announced their stop and Aerith and Tifa joined a small crowd that was exiting the bus. They worried they would knock in to everyone with their hands so full. They were careful underfoot as to not slip on any ice left over from a previous sleet that had moved through a few days prior. Tifa clumsily opened the door and Aerith hurried inside; into the warmth of their home and immediately put her big bag down on the counter.

"Zack! Zack! I found a gown! It's so beautiful!" Aerith said running over to the couch and throwing her arms around Zack. I can't stay down here though! I have to go work on our flower designs!" Aerith said hurrying off upstairs and not even letting Zack get a work in before she ran off.

"That's great Aerith! Oh my god, I can't wait to see it! Hey, hey Tifa? Tifa, come over here! Who do you think would be a better gay guy? Me or Cloud?" Zack asked. It was one of those weird Zack questions.

"Oh god…" Cloud rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm sorry….what?" Tifa said sitting her bag down and taking her coat off.

"Here, watch Tifa, watch…I'm going to put my hand on Cloud's thigh…gayly. Watch how gay this is…" Zack said.

"No Zack! You're not doing any gay stuff to my thigh!" Cloud insisted.

"No, no, it's okay Cloud. This is just for practice, its just practice! Tifa are you watching how gay this is?" Zack asked.

"Um, no Zack. I'm not watching you be gay with my boyfriend. I'm emptying these bags." Tifa said spreading liquor out all over the counter along with a huge pack of paper plates and a few other things.

"Oh my god, Zack! No one is gay for practice! How many times must we go through this!" Cloud said.

"Yeah they are! You never know when you need to be gay, Cloud! If you don't practice how will you ever know how to put your arm around someone in a gay fashion!" Zack asked.

"You…make no fucking sense at all…when would I ever in my life need to know….oh my god never mind! I am not even going there…" Cloud said swatting at Zack.

"So Zack, if I came over there and say…flashed you. Are you saying that there wouldn't be as much as a twitch in your pants?" Tifa asked putting bottles into the cabinets above her.

"Tifa, I think you misunderstood…see this is practice. I am totally straight and I will come over there and prove it if you want." Zack winked at her.

"That's okay, honey. You keep on doing your gay practice thing. Me and Aerith were going to make out let you use that new camera to take pictures but since you're too busy being gay for practice I guess we'll let Cloud do it." Tifa said sarcastically.

"Okay, Tifa…you have my attention. Besides! Cloud wouldn't even appreciate that! So should I…" Tifa cut him off.

"Oh my god! I'm totally lying, dumbass! I just knew that would work to get you to stop trying to get me to judge your gay contest!" Tifa now had everything put away. Cloud got up from the couch and went over to her.

"Hey, wait where are you going? Our show is about to come on!" Zack asked Cloud.

"I'm going to do some majorly straight stuff with Tifa." Cloud said putting his arms around her and pressing her up against the counter. He kissed her neck.

"Hey, Aerith!" Tifa yelled loud enough for Aerith to hear.

"What!" She yelled back.

"Will you come down here and blow Zack?" Tifa asked her. There was a long pause before Aerith answered. Cloud was laughing into Tifa's back.

"Yeah! Why? Wait….is he doing that stupid gay for practice thing again?" Aerith said remembering the last time they went through this the situation was very similar.

"Yes! He is!" Tifa yelled at her.

"Oh my god! Zack that is so freaking dumb! No one practices being gay!" Aerith said coming down the stairs.

"Alright, you handle this…like Cloud said we are going upstairs and we're going to do straight stuff." Tifa said as she took Cloud by the hand and left Aerith to deal with Zack however she saw fit.