The Devil's Heart
Summary: Kagome gets accepted into Juno Academy, a very prestigious private school full of many gifted creatures.. her hanyou boyfriend Inuyasha also attends that school. Upon her first day she tries to surprise her boyfriend but to her dismay, she finds out that she's not his only girlfriend, in fact his new girlfriend is her cousin Kikyo. Kagome decides to confront the two together and things don't go so well. Wanting to get away from everything Kagome one day skips class and goes to the roof only to find a man laying on the floor asleep, he's known as Naraku Onigumo, or what a lot of people like to call him "The Devil Prince" well.. for one his eyes are crismon red like a devil, his ancestors during the feudal era were powerful ruthless demons, and it's also rumored that he's killed someone, though it's never been clarified. What happens when these two total opposite beings become friends and.. maybe more?
Note: I am very aware of the pairing I'm doing. I don't know why, but I just wanted to try and do a Nar/Kag story. Though I love Sess/Kag fanfics but I decided to try something different. So please try to enjoy it. Haha.. :D
Chapter One: Broken Promise and Broken Heart
Today was the day, her first day transferring to Juno Academy; Kagome worked very hard in order to transfer just to be with her boyfriend.
*6 Months Ago*
"You're... really transferring?" Lowering her head she let out a sniffle that she tried very hard not escape, "Yeah, I'm leaving today. Kagome..." Shaking her head she turned around "it's okay. It was fun while it lasted, I'm thankful for just being able to be with you. I'm sure you'll find someone at-"
"Will you shut up already! I'm trying to tell you that I still want to be with you!" His face became instantly red, "dammit that was so uncool... tsk..." Wiping his face he glanced at Kagome, she was blushing uncontrollably "bu.. but why? Koga told me you wanted to-" He silenced her lips with a deep kiss that spilled out all his feelings, taken back by his kiss Kagome stumbled; he caught her before she could fall "don't always believe what that mongrel says, don't you trust me?" His eyes were so sad that she couldn't look at his face, "I'm so sorry. I just... don't want to part from you."
"Me too." He replied with a smile, "let's make a promise." Getting her attention, Kagome tilted her head to the side not knowing that, that gesture made her look so cute he couldn't help but look away. "Inuyasha?"
"Ah," looking back at her face "since we both don't want to part from each other, why don't you transfer to Juno Academy. That way.. we can be together again, I'll wait for you." Raising his head he lightly kissed her forehead, "promise?"
"I promise!" The couple smiled and sealed their promise with a kiss.
*Present Day*
"Are you sure you don't want big brother to drop you off?" Sota asked with a caring smile, "it's okay nii-chan I'm alredy 17 years old, I think I can handle the first day of school by myself." Putting her shoes on she walked towards the door only to be stopped by her brother, "what is it?" Right in her face he was holding her bento "you say you're old enough yet you always forget your bento..." He sighed, Kagome glared at him "thank you."
Sota leaned against the wall letting out a wistful sigh "she's all grown up mom." Glancing at a family photo, it was a picture of Kagome when she was a little girl, a 10 year old Sota, and their mother. "Watch over her."
'Gah, I'm going to be late on my first day! This can't be happening!'
Parking her car quickly, she ran into the school building looking around she noticed a couple students were staring at her. Blushing a little she fixed herself up and began looking for the principal's office, "you must be the new transfer student everybody's talking about." Turning around she found herself face to face with a very pretty girl, "uh sorry. My name's Sango Hachi." Kagome smiled with a bow "I'm Kagome, Kagome Higurashi pleased to meet you." Sango stared at her for a moment, "you're really old fashioned aren't you." Letting out a short giggle, Kagome instantly turned red "ah sorry sorry, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's actually pretty cute."
Kagome's eyes widened 'cute?' Sango let out another smile "well, do you need help finding the principal's office? I'll take you to him. Come on."
The trip to the office wasn't very long but Kagome managed to have a conversation with Sango along the way, "oh! May I see you schedule, maybe we have a couple classes together." Pulling the folded up paper out of her book, Kagome handed it over to her; Sango studied the paper for a few seconds "we have 4 classes together our of 6, that's great!" Handing it back to Kagome with a smile, "if it's alright with you.. would you like to be friends?"
"That would be great, thank you." Kagome bowed, "ah I better go speak to the principal. I'll see you in class?" Sango nodded with a smile and walked away, Kagome watched as her new friend left before knocking on the door "come in," came a mans voice. Opening the door slowly Kagome found herself standing before her new principal, he was quite young.. in fact in looked really young. "Please, have a seat Kagome." Taking the seat she looked up at him as he looked at her folder, "straight A student, captain of the swimming team, and archery club. Impressive." He smiled closing the folder, Kagome just smiled in return "thank you."
"Ah, where are my manners. I'm Miroku Usagi, but you can just call me Principal." He grinned, Kagome wasn't sure how to reach to such an introduction but gave him a smile. "I hope you had enough time to get to know the area." He murmured taking a seat on his desk corner, "ah yes I did.. kind of, Sango helped me." Miroku's face lit up "Sango did? That's good, she's a very nice girl. I'm sure you two will be best friends in no time." Kagome noticed his face began to turn a light pink, "uh y-yes I hope so too." After a few minutes of talking, the principal let her go and insisted if she had any trouble with anything to come and talk with him.
'Is he really a principal? He looked so young, maybe he's one of those lucky people who don't look their age.'
Staring at her schedule, Kagome has English for her first period and managed to find it quite easily; upon opening the door all eyes were on her. "I'm sorry for interrupting." Their teacher smiled "it's quite alright, you must be the new transfer student. Please, come in." Kagome nodded and quickly slid the door shut and walked to the front of the class, "oi check it out! The new transfer student is cute.." A few students whispered "kawaii!" Kagome slightly blushed and looked at her new teacher, "class I would like to introduce Kagome Higurashi; she has transfered from St. Yuuki High School."
"Nice to meet you all!"
"Sensei!" A male student shouted while raising his hand, Kagome scanned the room and found him-only to gasp 'isn't... t-that the principal?' Miroku looked at her with a sly grin, "what is it Miroku?" Their teacher asked with an impatient tone "I would like to volunteer myself to show Kagome around the school." The whole class giggled, "I don't think that's a good idea knowing your reputation with women Miroku." Their teacher sighed crossing her arms, "but-since you volunteered I suppose I have no choice. Kagome, Miroku will show you around school is that alright with you?" Kagome slowly looked at her teacher, she glanced back at Miroku who simply winked at her "y-yes."
"Excellent, Miroku I expect the both of you back 10 minutes before class is over. I also expect you especially, to behave. Got it?" Walking down to the front of the class, he nodded with an angel's face "I understand, Sensei." She simply glared at him, "let's go Kagome." He ushered towards the door and they were gone, "Sango are you okay with that? Aren't you and Miroku dating?" One of the girls asked softly, Sango's eye twitched but she quickly recovered with a smile "yes. I'm perfectly fine with it, I trust her. I can't say the same for him.. however." She growled breaking her pencil in half, her classmate let out a short laugh before backing away.
Once outside the classroom, Miroku looked at Kagome and she was giving him the death glare "w-what's with that look?" He asked taking a step back, "who are you really?" Sending chills down his spine he gulped and straightened his posture, "I'm sorry about earlier. I just really wanted to see who the new transfer was, I'm actually a student here." He clarified with a cautious smile, Kagome cocked her eyebrow and analyzed him carefully "you're Sango's boyfriend aren't you?" Miroku's eyes widened, "h-how did you know that?" Letting out a smile she shook her head "I just know."
"If you're not the principal, then who is?" She asked as they began the tour, "he's my father. That's why I can get in his office easily. His name's not important, just call him Principal." Kagome eyed him again, "I see. I suppose you never get in trouble then?" Miroku placed his arms behind his head "eh, sometimes I do but he can't punish me or anything. He loves me too much." He says with his angel face, Kagome rolled her eyes "I'm sure. Oh, I was wondering if you could help me find someone."
"Sure, who is he?" He asked with a grin, "his name is Inuyasha Taisho; you know him?" Miroku nodded instantly "do I know him? We're friends, sure but not until after school. He didn't come to school today, he tends to skip sometimes." He pointed out, Kagome sighed 'figures... he's always like that..' Miroku noticed her sudden mood change "so... how do you know Inuyasha?" She looked at him and lightly turned pink "he's... my boyfriend." Miroku's eyes widened "boyfriend? That's impossible, well I've known him to be a flirt but.. I never knew he was the type to have two girlfriends." His face was completely serious and Kagome knew he wasn't lying, though she didn't want to believe it "that can't be, Inuyasha and I have been dating since middle school. We've been together for 4 years."
Their pace began to slow down till it came to a complete stop, "w-we promised each other. Once I transfered we would be together again," Her face began to sadden and Miroku just kept silent "how long?" Kagome asked softly, he just looked at her with a sad face "ever since he's transferred here, about 8 months now. Listen, Kagome I didn't mean to-" She raised her hand to silence him "you don't have to apologize Miroku, you didn't know." She smiled at him for a moment before looking away again, this time she was crying "do you know where he is right now?" Her face was serious yet tears were flowing down her beautiful face, "well... he texted me that he wasn't going to be here, but there's a chance he might since his girlfriend's here. He should be in PE right now... if you want to see him right now, I should warn you his girlfriend's in the same class."
Wiping her tears away, "what's her name?" Miroku gulped scratching the back of his head "well she's the most popular girl in school; she's also a very gifted miko." Kagome's eyebrow rose and her eyes slowly widened "is her name by any chance, Kikyo?" That sure caught his attention, "how did you know that?" Her face turned from being heart broken to pure anger, yet looking into her eyes he could see her sadness and the feeling of being betrayed.
"Kikyo.. is my cousin," She whispered "take me to the gym Miroku, now."
Having no choice, he led her towards the gym wherey they could both already hear the students engaged in some kind of sport. Before Kagome could reach the door handle, Miroku placed his hand over hers "we may have just met, but I strongly suggest you don't do this and just confront him later after school." He was begging her, she could see it on his face. Placing her soft hand on his cheek she smiled "the outcome would have been the same. However, in this one he might just get hurt... just a little." Confused he didn't notice that Kagome removed his hand, "hurt? You aren't by any chance a miko..?" Kagome ignored him and with strong force opened both the doors causing a loud bang surprising both the students and Miroku.
As the doors swung open, a strong force slightly pushed everyone back "what the hell?" Inuyasha mumbled getting back on his feet, "are you okay baby?" Kikyo asked helping him up though he didn't need it since he was already up. He didn't answer, "baby? What's wrong?" She followed his gaze only to meet eyes with her cousin, they were practically identical except Kagome's eyes were the color of the ocean and Kikyo's honey brown. Their hair style also set them apart, Kikyo's was quite long as was Kagome's except her hair had a slight wave at the bottom. "K-Kagome?" He stammered glancing at the two girls, "how dare you." She growled taking a step forward that sent chills down everyone's spines.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" Their instructor asked taking a step in front of her, Kagome looked up at him and smiled "I'm the new transfer student, my apologies about the door. I just wanted to see the gym, I heard in the brochure it was very spacious. I didn't know there would be a class in session, forgive me." During their whole conversation Kagome never broke eye contact with the teacher's eyes and everyone noticed her eyes glowed pink, "y-yes. It's quite alright, take a look around.." Their teacher muttered slowly and began to walk away, "sensei? Sensei!" A few students yelled, a couple tried to talk to him but it was no use, it was like he was in his own world. "What did you do to sensei?" A neko gil asked glaring at her "nothing. I just did a little compulsion, it won't hurt him. He'll just be in that state until I release him, which I will... once I'm done talking to Inuyasha." The whole class including Miroku stared at Inuyasha who was still staring at Kagome, Kikyo looked at her cousin and took a step forward.
"What do you want Kagome?" She asked standing her ground, pink electricity were sparking from both of her hands; a warning. Kagome simply smiled "why bother asking that question when you already know the answer as to why I am here." Kikyo glared at her once more, "Inuyahsa is with me now. Get over it." Kagome simply glanced at her and in an instant Kikyo was on the ground, "w-what are you?" She heard Miroku mutter behind her, "I am a miko; just like her. However, unlike her... I trained very hard to get to where I am now." Everyone backed away slowly giving the three their space, Kikyo began to wince "Inu-Inuyasha!" She stammered getting his attention, "Kagome! Stop it." He demanded staring at her, Kagome scowled at him and released her cousin allowing her to get up.
Once she was free, Kikyo attempted to strike her with an energy orb however Kagome easily avoided it with her barrier. Ignoring her attack Kagome began to approach them, Inuyasha pushed Kikyo behind his body afraid that Kikyo might do something reckless. "Stay there." He whispered to her and took a step towards the angered miko, "d-don't!" Kikyo begged but he just kept walking once they were face to face her powers disappeared and she slapped him, hard.
Inuyasha looked back at her and didn't bother to wipe his red skinned face, "okay.. I deserved that." Kagome glared at him even harder as tears began to appear at the corner of her eyes "how could you, with my cousin?" She asked keeping eye contact, Inuyasha kept a straight face "I... couldn't handle our long distant relationship. I was lonely here." He answeres truthfully, she slapped him again; this time on the other cheek "you were lonely? What gives you the right to say that? What about my feelings? Everyday I always thought about you and how I wish I could be there with you... we promised," She began to wipe her tears, Inuyasha attempted to try and wipe them for her but she whacked his hand away, glaring at him again.
"I'm sorry Kagome, but I love her."
"How dare you," Inuyasha frowned he knew he had hurt her deep he could feel it and see it. "I don't love you anymore." Those words felt like he was stabbing her in the heart, she couldn't keep her composure and ended up losing her balance, Inuyasha caught her "I meant to tell you the moment we got together, but-"
Regaining herself, Kagome pushed him off of her "but what? You didn't want to hurt me? Get over yourself Inuyasha, of course I would get hurt. You've kept this from me for 8 months!" Her anger just kept on rising, "I was going to-" Kagome flicked her hand at him and he was instantly pushed back a couple feet, he began to grow impatient and was about to approach her but he froze, the face she had at that moment he knew would never escape his mind. Her hair was in her face, her face was a bit pale as tears began to streaming down her face and sinking into her uniform. "How could you... I loved you.. but now the both of you... are dead to me." Miroku placed his hand on her shoulder, "let's go Kagome." He gave her a kind smile, "thank you... Miroku." She bowed before fainting in his arms, "Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled taking a step towards her; Miroku looked at him and shook his head "don't Inuyasha, you'll just hurt her even more. I will take care of her." With that said, he left the gym.
Inuyasha watched as they disappeared behind the gym doors, 'Kagome.. I'm sorry.'
"Good riddens." He heard Kikyo say, he instantly turned around "shut up Kikyo." He growled silencing her instantly, "w-what's going on here? Why aren't you guys running?" Their teacher yelled coming back to his senses, the students apologized and began to run but their eyes were all on the hanyou. "That was the transfer student right, Kagome was it?" He heard a couple students whispering, "I feel sorry for her." Inuyasha knew he was going to be irritated during the remaining hour of class. "Keh..."
*Nurse's Office*
Opening her eyes slowly, as her vision adjusted to the light she found herself staring at Miroku who was looking down at her. "How are you feeling?" He asked taking the wet towel from her forehead, Kagome sat up and looked around "Nurse's office?" Miroku nodded and stood up "the Nurse already informed our teacher, so it's alright if we don't show up to class." He smiled, Kagome raised her eyebrow "skipping class huh? On my first day too. Nii-chan's going to kill me. Ah.. my head." Closing her eyes from the sudden pain she sighed, "do you get these headaches all the time?" He asked worried, "unfortunately yes. I get it after using too much of my powers." Miroku sat back down "I thought Kikyo was skilled but you, you proved me wrong." Kagome smirked and let out a calm sigh "when we were younger, she was actually the powerful one. But, once we reached middle school she stopped training because of boys and well, you see how she is now."
Miroku chuckled, "I see. Hey, I'm sorry about.. well you know." Kagome shook her head "I told you not to apoloize, it's not your fault. I should be the one apologizing for the way I acted earlier, so.. I'm sorry."
"Kagome?" Came a female's voice, sliding the curtains to the side quickly "S-Sango?" Kagome questioned "what are you doing here?" Before Sango could answer Kagome raised her hand, "nevermind Miroku told you." The boy smiled "she's your first friend, I figured I'd tell her. I'll leave you two alone, I'll tell Sensei that you'll be bringing her back to class." The two girls thanked him and began to talk, "what happened to you? Miroku only told me you had a confrontation with Inuyashas and Kikyo. Why?"
*20 Minutes Later..*
"How cruel..! The first day of school Inuyasha was already with Kikyo though, they actuallly came to school together and she was the one who introduced him to all of us." Kagome looked at Sango and shook her head "he lied to me again, that idiot. So they've been together even before he transferred here, I wonder... if it's because I wouldn't do it with him." Sango frowned and rubbed her friends back, "can you believe that? The sole reason for leaving me was because I wouldn't have sex with him, everytime he tried I would say no. I wanted to wait till marriage and everytime he would say okay as if it didn't bother him at all. I guess I should have thought about his feelings too."
Sango grabbed Kagome's shoulders "don't you dare say that, if he truly loved you he would have waited for you because he loves you. He thought only of himself." Kagome smiled "thanks Sango, but... I truly did love him. I suppose his love was different from mine."
'Inuyasha... you broke your promise... I won't forgive you, the both of you.'
That is the end of my first chapter! Hope you all liked it and pease review, I would greatly appreciate it! :) Untile then, the next chapter... "The Devil" Yeeee!