just something that my friend (Skylark Evanson) and i were doing on the bus today...
DISCLAIMER: i don't anything. i half-own this plot. Skylark owns the other half ;)
Kayla held the recorder close to her mouth and spoke into it, "It's day 5… our third day on the island…"
I fought my way to the recorder. "I'm sorry; Kayla here's been smoking pixie sticks."
"And she's hopeless," I said again to the speaker.
Juan sat next to us and somehow was able to make his voice float to the small cell-phone recorder. "Howja get ja flavor in ja pikschie schticks?"
"Juan over here's Swedish."
"You get the flavor in them the same way you get the flavor in snow cones," Kayla explained briefly.
"Howja get ja flavor in ja schow cones?" Juan asked again.
"With magic!"
"Howja use ja magic to get ja flavor?"
He gasped dramatically. "You're not?"
Kayla leaned over to the recorder that I was holding. "Yes, our friend Juan over here… he's crazy… I'll be taking him out on the fourteenth day…"
"Kayla, leave him alone," I said. "He's Swedish and he doesn't know any better."
"That's 'cause he's always neutral."
Juan sniffed. "You makesh Juan shad."
well there it is. completely random. review please!