Chapter 1

3 years ago

"Auggie just don't go."

"I have to. I don't have a chose."

"Of course you do. This is ridiculous; I thought you were happy with your job in D.C. and then this. Why in the in the world would you join the army? It makes no sense whatsoever. I thought you didn't want to take after your father in anyway and then you enlist." Becky was furious. Why would he give up his job? This was so out of character.

Auggie just starred at her, wishing he didn't have to lie to this woman he had known all of his life, who he had grown to love. She was beautiful when she got angry. Auggie smiled, which only got her angrier with him.

"I don't get you, August. I moved out here for you and not a week later you decided to enlist." She stormed out of the room, Auggie followed."


"Don't you Becca me, August Anderson."

Auggie pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

"I love you too and you're wrong I am not taking after my dad. He was a marine not an army man. He hates the army." Auggie smiled.

"That's not the point."

"I know."

"I don't want the man I am going to marry to…"

"Nothing is going to happen."

"You can't promise me that."

Present day…

"So I heard a rumor."

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Auggie turned to face Annie Walker.

Annie smiled "That you are going on vacation. Everyone is in a state of shock, its lies. You, my friend, are a workaholic."

Auggie laughed "unfortunately it is true."


"Shut up."

Annie sat on his desk. "How will we survive without you?"


"So where are you going?"

"Home" Auggie almost winced when he said it. He hadn't been home since he had got out of the hospital. His mother had begged him to come home after he had lost his sight but he refused.

"Wow that sucks. How long will you be gone?"

"Two weeks."

"Damn, I am going to miss you."

"I know there will be no good eye candy without me." Auggie winked.

"I know so unfair." Annie replied "I miss you already. Stay out of trouble."

"Me? You're the trouble maker."

"Whatever, just try to survive." Annie got up and placed a kiss on his check. "I really will miss you. What fun is getting into trouble without my side kick?"

"True. I will miss you too."